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Thread: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    Quote Originally Posted by Foxton Gundogs View Post
    catch the dog (usually pretty easy) then tie a spent cartrage to it's collar and draw a target on its side. VERY effective, you usually dont see the dog running loose again.
    OH! That is good.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Lake Country (kelowna)

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    my close bud has a wolf malamute and she is a runner cant have her off the leash for 5seconds till she bolts i have 2 Alasken Malamutes and there relaxed well behaved. after seeing his i would never think of getting one

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    Quote Originally Posted by aj1493 View Post
    my close bud has a wolf malamute and she is a runner cant have her off the leash for 5seconds till she bolts i have 2 Alasken Malamutes and there relaxed well behaved. after seeing his i would never think of getting one
    Again, this is usually the result of insufficient training when they are Right Young! Any dog can be a "runner". Mine certainly are not. I demand that they stay close and relaxed, and they listen. Of course it helps to start them off at 5 weeks into training, and work a LOT with them over the following year.


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    It is illegal in Alaska to possess a wolf without a special permit granted for research or education purposes, and illegal under all circumstances to own a wolf hybrid.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    two of my friends have wolf hybrids, one's a female wolf/husky...she's an awesome-ish dog. ZERO aggression, unless you're a big ass log on a beach, then you're in huge trouble. She's awful vocal though...the other one, is a wolf/shepherd/malamute...and he's not so awesome...he was a rescued dog off a rez up north, and he's a great dog with people. Not so much with dogs until he's been introduced. Once John (his owner), shows affection to another dog, and he has about an hour's supervized, muzzled play time, he's good forever with that dog. But without a proper introduction, he wants to kill any other dog, which is a bit awkward. They've also got a coyote/shepherd cross, who's the best dog I've ever met.
    The only thing I like as much as trucks, is guns.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    i have 2 of them. i live in the interior and yeah they sure need room to run. i run mine behind quads for 40-50km at a time and if they get tired i put them in the trailer i drag behind me.
    mine r 10 yrs old now, most loyal animal i have owned, great with kids of all sizes, but they have the hunters instincts..they go after grouse, rabbits etc while running, and they are not the best when it comes to small dogs, or cats. i keep mine in the house most of the time and if they are left outside i uses a good heavy chain 40 feet long so they can move around. i used to have a chain link kennel but they would always find a way out.
    great dogs for camping and hiking etc, mine dont bike or howl at night, only when they get axcited when they see me loading up the truck geting ready to take them out. unlike those small yappy lapdogs that never seem to stop yappin!!
    great animals if you have the time to run them well and train them. i wouldnt know what to do without mine now..i just got a purebred black lad 2 months ago as well and they are both great with him to...but like i said watch out around small yappy things, they dnt like them much.

  7. #27
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    Jan 2007

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    oh and by the way i always have mine wearing blaze orange jackets while in the bush so as to not get shot, as they are both black and grey. and if they go off chasing deer i bring them back and tie them up so they dont do it again. as i dont condone that. big food bills as well as mine are both over 130lbs and like to eat. and because i run them so much i do not feed them cheap crap either they need the right feed, so u have to pony up the dough and do it right. no i dont feed them raw meat, bones i cook first.
    if i can figure how to post pics i will put some on here, as they r twins it is hard to tell them apart.
    and lots of brushing off the winter coats in the spring, and summer when it gets hot out, but they love the snow!! cant get enough of it, great pack dogs, and good at pullin sleds if you can keep their concentration in check.
    like i said before..very loving, loyal, gentle, quiet, but from my experience most dont like dogs or cats..tizz their nature after all.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    IronNoggin and I generally agree on all things wolf dog.
    Man, the stories about the dog ripping boards off the fences brought back some memories.
    So my opinion is:

    1) Don't get one unless you want a giant, headstrong cat in a canine body.

    2) If you must get a Wolf Hybrid, get two. One will be bored out of his skull and a destructive/wanderlust beast.

    Here's my boy, 75% Wolf, 25% Malamute.

    A day at the beach (GREAT for attracting curious she-bitches)

    After a successful Moose hunt:

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    where ever Im hunting that week

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    i have been watching this thread , interested to see what people's thoughts are . i have seen some good points , bad points and useless points of view. if u find common breeds of dogs taxing, in any way ,this is not the dog for u .they must be a part of the family . very social animals . they need this .. want to have an aggressive wolfX , easy chain it up in the back yard and pay it little attn .they need as much or more attn than your own children . i have been lucky having a professional trainer and and wildlife biologist at my disposal .

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    where ever Im hunting that week

    Re: thoughts on wolfdogs/wolfhybrids

    with good training , lots of attn , they can be great for the right person/ family

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