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Thread: Motorized vehicle restrictions

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    I would support human population control before I would ever support a 5 year ban on ungulate hunting. ( how it that for hard core radical?)

    -reduce destruction of forests and winter range.

    -aerial control and target poison control of wolves

    -reinstatement of grizzly hunting.

    -increased black bear hunting.

    -habitat enhancement

    -get the cattle off of crown land. all the fences criss crossing in the middle of nowhere is ridiculous.

    -close down every guide outfitter business in bc They pay peanuts, are often foreign owned, and serve no truly useful viable economic function to the citizens or to wildlife.

    -somehow get the indians on side to not slaughter family units of ungulates

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    A ban on hunting would not accomplish a desired outcome.

    A ban on motorized vehicle use for hunting will not accomlish a desired outcome.

    This is primarly a predator problem.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by SemperAurum View Post
    A ban on hunting would not accomplish a desired outcome.

    A ban on motorized vehicle use for hunting will not accomlish a desired outcome.

    This is primarly a predator problem.
    You have some good thoughts and some strange thoughts. You do realize that hunters are predators to right?

    And in one hand you are wanting road access into new areas and on the other you are wanting to stop logging and mining exploration which creates these roads. And in the same phrase you want to kick out guide outfitters which without them we would have little to no access in the northern half of our province.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by SemperAurum View Post
    A ban on hunting would not accomplish a desired outcome.

    A ban on motorized vehicle use for hunting will not accomlish a desired outcome.

    This is primarly a predator problem.
    As mentioned hunters/humans are predators as well and probable the worst they have wiped out or had a hand in causing the decline of many species.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by SemperAurum View Post
    A ban on hunting would not accomplish a desired outcome.

    A ban on motorized vehicle use for hunting will not accomlish a desired outcome.

    This is primarly a predator problem.
    We sure do have a predator problem. BC is in a "PREDATOR PIT". Listen to Valerius Geist explain it in this podcast, very very good listen. He speaks directly about BC's historically and current conditions with predators.

    We have a wolf population boom problem clearing out the adult breeding stocks of ungulates.

    + we have the bears clearing out the fawns and keeping the populations from rebounding = predator pit.


    "On this week’s show we’re joined by Dr. Valerius Geist, by many estimations the most important conservationist in the last 50 years. Dr. Geist is the original author of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and a lifelong devotee to studying wildlife. He is a specialist in zoology, biology, and has studied elk, moose, bighorn sheep, and other wild ungulates intensely over the years. We covered predator pits, riding moose into battle, why wolves don’t eat us, and his upbringing. Enjoy."

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by REMINGTON JIM View Post
    Shut down the Ungulate hunting for 5 Years - and Kill as many Predators as Possible ! Black Bears & Wolves Especially ! Thin out the Cougars ! jmo RJ
    Regulated hunting has a very minimal impact on the overall populations... its inconsequential compared to habitat, winter conditions, and most of all predators.
    Doe and cow tags are the only thing worth limiting.

    Give up hunting totally for any reason, and it ain't coming back. Anything you give up now, AIN'T COMING BACK. Politics has changed, the country has changed. This isn't basic left vs right politics anymore. This is globalism vs nationalism, authoritarianism vs liberty. Did you notice how far Scheer and the conservatives pandered to the left this year? They are moving to the left to get the city goers and newcomers, and will continue to move this direction because with the gates open, the right is totally outnumbered. Trust me the plans the globalists and leftists have for us, do NOT include free unfettered access to land with public ownership of firearms. No more hunting for meat? no reason to allow general public to own a firearm, less reason to allow free access on crown land, the leftists would love this.

    Predators are out there polishing off ungulate populations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Ungulate populations are also suffering in the most remote areas were hunters aren't going.
    As Valerius Geist says, wolves are polishing off adult breeding stocks and bears and devouring new fawns and keeping populations from rebounding, we are in a predator pit.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by backcountry99 View Post
    You have some good thoughts and some strange thoughts. You do realize that hunters are predators to right?

    And in one hand you are wanting road access into new areas and on the other you are wanting to stop logging and mining exploration which creates these roads. And in the same phrase you want to kick out guide outfitters which without them we would have little to no access in the northern half of our province.
    You really should read and process written information a wee bit better. I have never said I want road access into new areas. But I sure as heck would like to not be banned from hunting with a motorized vehicle on any existing road, future road or current road closure. Read again. EXISTING ROAD, FUTURE ROAD OR CURRENT ROAD CLOSURE.

    We have destroyed enough forest in this province for the time being. Have you ever flown over in an airplane and taken a good hard look?

    And to be clear, I am not at all in favour of allowing access for motorized vehicle off of roads. No trail construction or trail cutting for motorized vehicle use.

    Most guide outfitter businesses are now dilapidated, non-viable businesses, much like most of the cattle ranches that are allowed to set cattle free to eat on crown land.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Thank you Sirloin

    A voice of facts and reality.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by SemperAurum View Post
    You really should read and process written information a wee bit better. I have never said I want road access into new areas. But I sure as heck would like to not be banned from hunting with a motorized vehicle on any existing road, future road or current road closure. Read again. EXISTING ROAD, FUTURE ROAD OR CURRENT ROAD CLOSURE.

    We have destroyed enough forest in this province for the time being. Have you ever flown over in an airplane and taken a good hard look?

    And to be clear, I am not at all in favour of allowing access for motorized vehicle off of roads. No trail construction or trail cutting for motorized vehicle use.

    Most guide outfitter businesses are now dilapidated, non-viable businesses, much like most of the cattle ranches that are allowed to set cattle free to eat on crown land.

    Yup can read it loud and clear “Future Roads” you just emphasized it again!

    Future roads and new roads are road access into new areas! The only one struggling to process this info is you! Hence why if we cannot stop the logging and mineral exploration and creation of new roads expanding our ease of backcountry access to all time highs. Vehicle access restrictions can be an effective means of limiting the human effect on sensitive areas!

    i feel your like talking to a brick wall and just can’t get over your grudges! Not sure what your hate is for the guide outfitters group but you claim hunters have zero effect on ungulate populations and yet want guide outfitters pushed out? How much sense does that make if there not hurting numbers why do they need to leave? And if they are making money or not what do you care?
    Clearly there is some real resentment for the horsey group, the backpacker group and outfitter group as you call them........well that outfitter group for many many years has been responsible for your ever so needed and wanted predator management! Much of the quality hunting that all of us have enjoyed has been because these outfitters have poisoned wolves, killed predators from planes on winter grounds, trapped predators and basically used the most effective means possible to control there numbers as to increase ungulate numbers in there areas. Now because of strict laws and recourse they can no longer risk loosing there territory’s over this so the predators are rampant!

    Give up the grudge bud start killing predators, start trying to stop logging and mining exploration, start trying to promote habitat creation, start trying to promote wildlife management.

    Your dreamed up conspiracy theories are out to lunch!!!!!

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Motorized vehicle restrictions

    If hunting pressure has no effect on ungulate populations, our whitetail population is as high as ever inspite of the liberal doe season over the last few years. The apparent reduction in the elk herd, likewise. I've heard it's because of all the wolves but here's the thing; I walk around here every day all year around. I'll cover a five mile radius pretty thoroughly all the time. I don't see wolves. I don't see wolf tracks. I do see hordes of ATV's in the spring, summer and fall. I see herds of forty or fifty elk where I saw 300 twenty-five years ago. I walk five miles and see two or three whitetails where I would have seen 30. There have been a lot of changes in the last 25 years but the increase in human activity is, by far, the most noticeable. GD

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