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Thread: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    Hmmmm some great points...
    I buy a new white cotton t shirt for stays in its package, when setting up the tent I throw the new white sleep shirt in.
    No food no candies, dont even brush your teeth in your tent.cook and wash away from your sleeping.
    When you go to your tent,,, knife flashlight rifle accompany you..if a bear visits you at night treat it as PREDATORY..if the door of the tent is occupied by said bear, or he flopps down on the tent..use the knife to make a exit..until out rifle is useless..flashlight is to see what to shoot. .
    This brings us to the gleaming white new t shirt. .at 3am tired anxious terrified things happen really fast the white helps in the confusion to identify the good partner..
    Not eveyone who gets attacked dies..actually deaths are not the norm..however most shot by said partner by accident confusion do die.
    If bear grabs your partner aim for bears ass end direction AWAY from bears mouth thats holding your partner..shoot in the hip..KEEP YOUR RIFLE ON THAT SAME EXACT SPOT...the bear will drop partner do a 180 and where his hip was his head will be..shoot in head.
    Once down ensure bear is deal with your injued partner.
    Aiming anywhere along a bear towards the head the bullet may travel along the spine towards the mouth holding the bears tent taco dinner..usually fatal at close range for both bear and victim.
    tents are for sleeping..not eating.nothing in there to attract bears dinner attraction.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    Quote Originally Posted by srupp View Post
    Hmmmm some great points...
    I buy a new white cotton t shirt for stays in its package, when setting up the tent I throw the new white sleep shirt in.
    No food no candies, dont even brush your teeth in your tent.cook and wash away from your sleeping.
    When you go to your tent,,, knife flashlight rifle accompany you..if a bear visits you at night treat it as PREDATORY..if the door of the tent is occupied by said bear, or he flopps down on the tent..use the knife to make a exit..until out rifle is useless..flashlight is to see what to shoot. .
    This brings us to the gleaming white new t shirt. .at 3am tired anxious terrified things happen really fast the white helps in the confusion to identify the good partner..
    Not eveyone who gets attacked dies..actually deaths are not the norm..however most shot by said partner by accident confusion do die.
    If bear grabs your partner aim for bears ass end direction AWAY from bears mouth thats holding your partner..shoot in the hip..KEEP YOUR RIFLE ON THAT SAME EXACT SPOT...the bear will drop partner do a 180 and where his hip was his head will be..shoot in head.
    Once down ensure bear is deal with your injued partner.
    Aiming anywhere along a bear towards the head the bullet may travel along the spine towards the mouth holding the bears tent taco dinner..usually fatal at close range for both bear and victim.
    tents are for sleeping..not eating.nothing in there to attract bears dinner attraction.
    I’ll have to add this to the crew protocol on how to deal with a bear issue.
    Theres gonna be a real run on the sale of new white cotton T shirts!
    All those camo coloured merino shirts had better get thrown in the garbage burn fire....they’re much to dangerous to be wearing around camp.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    The white shirt is a new one to me but definitely can see the logic behind

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    Put your big boy pants on and go hunting.
    The more you spend time in the field the more you will become comfortable.

    Fear of the unknown vs loving being there

    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

    Try and be kind to everyone but fear no one. - Ourea

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    Quote Originally Posted by Ourea View Post
    Put your big boy pants on and go hunting.
    Don’t seem like much of that going on!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    I heard a good one that is simple and makes sense to me. Pitch your tent on the low side of known game trails if game trails are present. Simply due to thermals at night. Obviously far from full proof but also pretty simple.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    I've had one really good bear scare in 2016 (even posted a thread about it) and to be honest my own tiredness still makes me less than cautious.

    I've slept in the open, under a tarp with 55lbs of deboned meat 50 yards away, because there was nowhere else good to hang it.

    I've slept with all my food above my head, because I was tired and lazy to go hang it far away.

    One thing I do, and this could just be placebo, but it makes me feel MUCH better .... is to back my tent or set up tarp into some bushes so that a potential bear attack can really only come from the one open side. Makes me sleep better at night.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    Hmmm make a plan prethink what to do with the game animal...where to store your food..what about sleeping..having camped in bear country..or feeling comfortable has nothing to do with what is can I be prepared..what is the best plan.?
    so your relaxed comfortable in your tent eating your chocolat bar...If something happens being comfortable is your best plan.? Hmmmmmmm
    know of at least 3 examples of shit hitting the fan with 20 year plus experienced hunters..and guides...
    Do what you least think of what might work and why..if relax be comfortable is goodfor you..its good for the bear..
    Terries brand new tent..first day up...shredded..all due to location..and some candy bars left under the ya that will fool a bears nose.
    Giving thought through advice..and wonder folks dont want to post photos..or anything..sheeeeeesh..

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    I think your biggest threat will be when you have an animal down and are in the process of field dressing it.
    There's a pretty good post on here from a while back when Rattler and Brambles were attacked in their tent...
    Here it is:
    Last edited by huntingfamily; 08-09-2019 at 01:23 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central Kootenays, Creston BC

    Re: Hunting alone in Grizzly country

    I live in the central Kootenays so everywhere I go, whether it be hiking, backpacking, hunting, fishing etc it is all grizzly country. Cougar, black bear, and wolf as well. I mainly hunt solo, day hunts and multi-day backpack trips. First off in on pack trips I keep a tidy camp, food hung as high as possible down wind of camp, no food or toiletries in the tent, tent is not pitched near cooking area. I carry bear spray and my rifle(270win, 7mm-08, or 25-06 no magnums here). I'm very aware of the fact that I'm in bear country, but actually don't let it worry me too much. You have to put it in perspective(not counting if you've killed something) think of how many thousands of people spend how many thousands of hours in the bush recreating and how many bear attacks are there? Admittedly hunters put themselves in somewhat more danger just by the nature of what we are doing. Once you have an animal on the ground the risk does ramp up. While I'm dealing with the carcass(also solo usually) I always reload the magazine and have the rifle loaded with safety on and within reach). I find I have to remind myself to stop and look around once in a while as I get kind of singleminded when I'm dealing with an animal.

    I see bears, even right in camp(a black bear sauntered through one time) but so far have never had an issue. I'm 50 and have been fooling around in the bush alone since I was ten on our farm in n. Alberta. So that's 40 years. You have to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings but there really isn't a crazed grizzly behind every tree.
    Last edited by jtred; 08-09-2019 at 01:36 PM.

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