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Thread: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Whitetails taking over Blacktail spots in Region 2: The Video

    I put together a little video to show what is happening around Chilliwack / Hope and probably other parts of Region 2.

    We have been watching this slowly unfold over the last 5 years. At first it was getting the occasional trailcam video (which was fun because I got to break up heated arguments when people were getting grilled / attacked / insulted / etc for claiming to have seen one) to common sightings and now to the point we are seeing more whitetails (in person and on cam) than blacktails.

    I am convinced this is having a negative impact on the BT populations in the area. Is it time for a Fraser Valley WT season?

    Last edited by caddisguy; 05-18-2019 at 09:46 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktail spots in Region 2: The Video

    Quote Originally Posted by caddisguy View Post
    I put together a little video to show what is happening around Chilliwack / Hope and probably other parts of Region 2.

    We have been watching this slowly unfold over the last 5 years. At first it was getting the occasional trailcam video (which was fun because I got to break up heated arguments when people were getting grilled / attacked / insulted / etc for claiming to have seen one) to common sightings and now to the point we are seeing more whitetails (in person and on cam) than blacktails.

    I am convinced this is having a negative impact on the BT populations in the area. Is it time for a Fraser Valley WT season?

    I'm in a completely different area, this is my third season hunting so I don't have as many years of observation but my first year here I was lucky enough to find a nice little pocket of whitetail which I harvested a buck out of, at the maximum id see 3-4 does at any given time, Id guess there was 4-6 does, whatever fawns they had and any transient bucks.. last year we harvested 5 WT out of the same pocket as a group and at any one time the maximum we saw was 8-9.

    Fast forward to this year, I popped through there when I was passing by bear hunting to check things out late one evening, move up onto a little "land bridge" between two bodies of water, and could see upwards of 30 white tail.. quit counting at 20 in the chaos. First I noticed the dozen I spooked tails up running. Then slowly noticed more bedded in the treeline, grazing around the water etc..

    I will also note that year one 3-4 mule deer came out of that general area, but not that specific pocket. Year two, only one. And there were more hunting days year two and this year ive yet to see a mule deer within a couple KMs.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    It would seem there is some "White"tail privilege going on here, better inform the SJW's...
    Quote Originally Posted by wetcoastwillie View Post
    In general.... sometimes I may come across as being a prick.... but I'm human.... and cant always express my views as best as I should

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Van isle

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    Nice vid man. Thanks for sharing.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    WTD have been seen in Pemberton and Squamish. I personally believe that BC should have "deer tags" that can be used on either species and there should be a whitetail season in Reg 2.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    My observation is this.

    Blacktail deer inhabit a TINY SLIVER of coastal region in ALL of North America. It's about the tiniest sliver of habitat for ANY mammal on the continent, PERIOD.

    We are clear cutting the **** out of their habitat and the more we do so, the more WHITETAILS and WOLVES (we haven't seen or heard any wolves in this valley in 25 years and now we hear them howling are are finding tracks, wolf poop and fawn hooves)

    In this area making up multiple MU's there is NO SEASON for WOLVES or WHITETAILS (like they don't even EXIST)

    I think the future of blacktails is grim. Nobody on the entire planet cares about them or the sliver of land they exist on except maybe a few hundred people on this entire continent.

    I want a wolf season in ALL of region 2 and a WT season and perhaps even a spring WT season is warranted. I'm not a biologist... just a hunter, but I am starting to think I am qualified?

    It is my belief that opening up WT's and wolves in ALL of Region 2 is necessary and urgent.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 05-18-2019 at 11:05 PM.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    I'm getting tons of feedback off this around social media too.

    "I saw WT's near the popkum exit, nobody believes me"
    "I saw WT's at the Coq summit, but nobody believes me"
    "I saw WT's up behind Chilliwack Lake but nobody believes me"
    "I saw some up East Harrison last year"

    It's done. My video is going to the bios and I am going to reach out to everyone else with sightings but no camera... from Chilliwack, Hope, Harrison, Pemberton to report their sightings as well. The silly bit in the regs about "There's a small population around Herling Island" is more than SLIGHTLY outdated and almost insulting.

    It's time to open up wolves and WT in these areas.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 05-18-2019 at 11:39 PM.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    Geist is a Prophet.

    Read his book Mule Deer Country.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    BT are negatively effected by MD through being bred out slowly and now competition from WT( don’t know if they cross). BT on the mainland have been loosing ground slowly for a long time and no one gives a sh!t. Hate to say it but they are a species that in my opinion will one day be restricted to the island populations because of both MD and WT will have a negative impact as well.

    Bt are one of my favourite hunts but hate to say it mainland populations will be lost one day

    Even if you kill every WT they will still be slowly bred out by MD. BCs attitude towards WT you might see support to try and knock them back(not happening with thick coastal bush) but you will see no support knocking back MD in region 2

    Caddisguy you are worried about WT showing up but not a peep about the areas that are now MD or hybrids that were once 100% BT.

    Either way the future of deer populations will be different in region 2

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Whitetails taking over Blacktial spots in Region 2: The Video

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    BT are negatively effected by MD through being bred out slowly and now competition from WT( don’t know if they cross). BT on the mainland have been loosing ground slowly for a long time and no one gives a sh!t. Hate to say it but they are a species that in my opinion will one day be restricted to the island populations because of both MD and WT will have a negative impact as well.

    Bt are one of my favourite hunts but hate to say it mainland populations will be lost one day

    Even if you kill every WT they will still be slowly bred out by MD. BCs attitude towards WT you might see support to try and knock them back(not happening with thick coastal bush) but you will see no support knocking back MD in region 2

    Caddisguy you are worried about WT showing up but not a peep about the areas that are now MD or hybrids that were once 100% BT.

    Either way the future of deer populations will be different in region 2
    You make a lot of good points here. I think a doe spring season (maybe March to April when they out down in the valley bottoms and more open areas) could effectively knock back WT's, but outside of that you are completely right that nobody is going to put a dent in the populations in thick / steep Region 2 terrain. There would still be a lot of opposition from some hunters who want to see the WT population explode, as well as the general public when they hear about pregnant does being harvested.

    And you are bang on about bring bread out by mule deer too. From a wildlife management perspective, they are already considered the same species. Considering the already heavily mixed / overlapping genetics, I can't really think how they could be separated. Needs to have more than 6 inches of dark color on its tail and no bag limit for the white bums with the black ball on the ropy tail? lol

    I also wonder if BT's and WT's will commonly cross. My understanding is that is where mule deer came from but my question would be if that is just one hybrid from a rare / fluke occurrence. I can't say that I have seen a ton of WT's in my life. I simply have no been around them or even looked at enough pictures, but some of the deer in these videos (I think I have 8 hours from this spring alone) look a little suspicious to my untrained eye.

    I think you've pretty much told it like it is. Things are going to change on Region 2 and it's pretty much impossible to stop. I'd go out on a limb to say this will eventually start happening in Region 1 as well, but that is a much longer timeline.

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