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Thread: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    I don't recall ever being injured other than minor cuts, burns, a few minor tumbles and a falling rock that bruised me up. I smashed my shin and think (I never got it checked out) broke a toe fishing but that's about it. My wife has had a few fairly minor ones... broke her nose while hunting, took a lengthy tumble off a bench down to the next one that needed a few months of physio, crushed her whole foot and busted her big toe on Friday.

    It got me thinking though... there must be some insane stories right here on this forum... stories of injuries and resulting predicaments, getting back to camp / safety.

    Let's hear some stories... the trip you were on, your mission, terrain, how you messed up, mitigation actions and the limp back to safety...

    *puts another log on the fire* ... this one should be a gooder.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 04-09-2019 at 09:40 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    North Van - North Rockies

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    Shattered my humeral head (ball of the shoulder) in a horse wreck 54km from the nearest road 5 years ago. Road 2hrs back to camp after the wreck, and another 7hrs of shitty trail back to a lake to get flown out of 3 days later. 7 months of physio 3 days a week before I could lift my right arm above my head. Learned a lot about horses since then, and it seems like most folks that work with them have broken a thing or two. Still beats the hell out of hiking when it comes to covering big distances.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The Cariboo

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    No serious injury, other than bleeding shins (seamed to hit the same spot every time) while goat hunting at Chilco Lake.
    However once on Yalakom Mountain got myself trapped on a rock face like a spider on the wall and nowhere to go.
    I thought this is it, but somehow managed to extricate myself out of that rather shitty situation.
    I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it. - Clint Eastwood
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  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    Quote Originally Posted by NMO View Post
    Shattered my humeral head (ball of the shoulder) in a horse wreck 54km from the nearest road 5 years ago. Road 2hrs back to camp after the wreck, and another 7hrs of shitty trail back to a lake to get flown out of 3 days later. 7 months of physio 3 days a week before I could lift my right arm above my head. Learned a lot about horses since then, and it seems like most folks that work with them have broken a thing or two. Still beats the hell out of hiking when it comes to covering big distances.
    Holy crap that sounds like agony. Can't imagine the ride back or the walk out, let alone the recovery. Horses are worth it though

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    Shot a buck just before dark a few years back, got it skinned out and cut in half, while carrying the first half out I had to come down a bit of a hill, part way down a planted my left foot and instead of bending forward my knee bent backwards and I could feel somethignlet go in my knee that felt like an elastic band snapping. Made it to the truck and got back for the second half and then drove the few hours home, when I got out of the truck I basically collapsed, ended up having surgery last arch and it seems to be good now.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    Quote Originally Posted by NMO View Post
    Shattered my humeral head (ball of the shoulder) in a horse wreck 54km from the nearest road 5 years ago. Road 2hrs back to camp after the wreck, and another 7hrs of shitty trail back to a lake to get flown out of 3 days later. 7 months of physio 3 days a week before I could lift my right arm above my head. Learned a lot about horses since then, and it seems like most folks that work with them have broken a thing or two. Still beats the hell out of hiking when it comes to covering big distances.
    Ouch man! Tough riding with one arm down I bet!

  8. #7
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    Aug 2010

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    Quote Originally Posted by wildcatter View Post
    No serious injury, other than bleeding shins (seamed to hit the same spot every time) while goat hunting at Chilco Lake.
    However once on Yalakom Mountain got myself trapped on a rock face like a spider on the wall and nowhere to go.
    I thought this is it, but somehow managed to extricate myself out of that rather shitty situation.
    Bleeding is a thing worth keeping an eye on I really felt that bit about the rock face and about getting stuck on steep things... never a full on rock face, but some mossy benches where I went down one bench to the next a few times, ledged up trying to creep along some ledge that gets more and more narrow, gets steep and starts rounding out, all of a sudden I'm pretty much just hugging ground scared to move. Similar feeling when I made some mistakes wading around in rivers... sometimes you get stuck there to trying to chose between 1 or 2 very unfavorable options.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    A few years back, I learnt the sharpness of the havalon. While breaking down a goat on day 5 of a 10 day goat/moose fly in hunt, I stuck it in one side of my shin, it bounced off my shin bone and poked through a few inches over from the entry. Funny thing is, I thought it was just a poke, until my foot started feeling wet. By the time day 10 came, and a lot of miles moose hunting, my leg got infected and swelled nearly double in size. 5 days of IV antibiotics took care of it.

    On day 2 of the hunt, my back arthritis and spasms flared up. The cut infection was minor, to the 3 weeks of bedridden backpain I suffered afterwards. But hey, we got a goat!

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    Quote Originally Posted by decker9 View Post
    A few years back, I learnt the sharpness of the havalon. While breaking down a goat on day 5 of a 10 day goat/moose fly in hunt, I stuck it in one side of my shin, it bounced off my shin bone and poked through a few inches over from the entry. Funny thing is, I thought it was just a poke, until my foot started feeling wet. By the time day 10 came, and a lot of miles moose hunting, my leg got infected and swelled nearly double in size. 5 days of IV antibiotics took care of it.

    On day 2 of the hunt, my back arthritis and spasms flared up. The cut infection was minor, to the 3 weeks of bedridden backpain I suffered afterwards. But hey, we got a goat!
    Now that doesn't sound fun.

    Few years back a friend of mine planted an axe into his right foot while chopping wood for camp. He was a good 80km off the nearest paved road and another hour past that to William's lake. Thank God his cousin who is a firefighter was there. Tourniquet, a few towels and a speedy drive to the hospital probably saved his foot or worse.

    I was not there but that's how I remember hearing it at least.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Losing something, somewhere!

    Re: Injuries while out hunting or fishing! What's your story?

    I dislocated my shoulder 2 hours from the truck.
    What an awful walk that was, and at least an hour drive to a closed hospital to beg for some morphine.

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