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Thread: Elk not calling.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    East Kootenays

    Re: Elk not calling.

    I am not sure i agree with you guys about them being quiet due to predators.. with the new easy to use calls on the narket, i think they are getting over called..

    Maybe? I dunno
    "It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase" - Deep Purple

    "Lord knows I'm a Voodoo chile" - SRV (RIP 8-27-90)

    "Know your Land, Know your Prey" Man Tracker

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    best part of region 8

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Sep 1st heard bulls bugling in a remote basin got a video of a 6 by 5 rubbing didn't seem too hot fast forward to sep 10th without calling heard bugles all morning...went down in there that evening km of brutal hiking rocks and thick vegetation..glassed up a couple bulls that morning watched them bed..couple cow calls had him coming in fast screaming wind swirled game over did a loop went back to his day didn't hear a peep...the adapt to pressure very well...back driving my logging truck today 730 am seen a 6 by pushing his cows yo from the river no gun fackkkk

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: Elk not calling.

    If the cows are coming into estrous later due to a lower body fat level that will push back rut activity a little. Could be a reason, was it a dry spring/summer up there that effected vegetation growth?
    "If you ever go into the bush, there are grizzly bears lurking behind just about every bush, waiting to pounce, so you need a powerful gun, with huge bullets" - Gatehouse ~ 2004

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Pulled a smaller bull to 50 yards on the 10th, soft quiet bugles seemed to be the key. Came straight to me on a string from the timber.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Quote Originally Posted by rocksteady View Post
    I am not sure i agree with you guys about them being quiet due to predators.. with the new easy to use calls on the narket, i think they are getting over called..

    Maybe? I dunno
    well that goes without say as well.
    I am sure there are a ton of areas, that get hit Sept 1 hard by hunters and their calls.
    And I suspect once one of the hunters gets winded, the gigs up, and they know what time it is.
    Then again, how many folks are also out there "pre season", scouting, and using their calls as well????
    Might be why even Sept 1st is quiet for some.

    Low impact areas, will always have more calling replies I suspect.
    I do get the impression preds have made elk go into some "odd spots" they rarely used before.
    But, when the "heat is on", they still communicate with each other, and if you are lucky enough to be in the right spot at
    the right time, you will experiences their calls and replies.

    Lets face it, you can have all the knowledge, skill, and physical ability in the world when hunting elk, but.....
    You still need "LUCK"!....period, for it to happen.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Buddy said he had bulls screaming in the peace. Heard a bugle out in vanderhoof on Monday but never seen it

    I am a rookie when it comes to elk and this is my first year putting in an effort so take what I say with a grain of salt

    All I know after my seven day set I am going to take my bad calling to the bush to try my luck lol

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    Buddy said he had bulls screaming in the peace. Heard a bugle out in vanderhoof on Monday but never seen it

    I am a rookie when it comes to elk and this is my first year putting in an effort so take what I say with a grain of salt

    All I know after my seven day set I am going to take my bad calling to the bush to try my luck lol
    My dad bugles (even after way too many years at it), and sounds like an elephant with a bad cold!
    He still brings them in!!!!!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    My dad bugles (even after way too many years at it), and sounds like an elephant with a bad cold!
    He still brings them in!!!!!
    Then I have hope lol

    Looking for my first elk so targeting the dumb ones anyway

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Elk not calling.

    I watched an elk party go down for two hours on September 9 with my boy and his rifle. Reg 8. The cows were noisy but the bull’s bugles were muted.

    The next day they were nowhere to be seen or heard.

    Make like a baby and head out!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A desk, truck, stand and blind in BC

    Re: Elk not calling.

    Quote Originally Posted by todbartell View Post
    If the cows are coming into estrous later due to a lower body fat level that will push back rut activity a little. Could be a reason, was it a dry spring/summer up there that effected vegetation growth?
    We had an average spring/summer with the usually rain, crops are really good. Bull I killed has lots of fat!

    Three bulls down so far this year: one came in silent but determined (4x5), one was screaming and being aggressive (7x2) and one bugled a few times but held up and finally showed when some branches were broke (5x5). It has been a mixed year and they are answering, but it seems you need to get close to them.

    Good luck to all!



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