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Thread: Wake the f@#k up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    East Kootenay

    Wake the f@#k up

    When is the federal and provincial governments going to wake up! It’s 2018 and there is still a two tier system for Canadians. We are all Canadians some born here some not. Yet , OUR resources are split up for those you believe they are more entitled than others. WTF , we are one nation , there should be no ethnic group MORE entitled than another. It’s a joke and I’m getting sick of it. Billions directed to one ethnic group. Fisheries determined upon what one ethnic group wants. Hunting closed to everyone EXCEPT those in a particular ethnic group.
    Our constitution basically causes racism because we are all not treated the same.
    This will prob be my last post on here but stand up for yourselves ffs.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    Nothing is going to change !

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    East Kootenay

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    That’s the problem , we all say that. When we ( not of a particular ethnic group) have our hunting and fishing rights taken away , i guarantee you the other group will be huntin and fishin . I watched a chief say the other day “ it’s ‘their’ fish”. Really !!!
    I’m not just squealing about a segregation of sorts , I haven’t mentioned we have to give the whales something to eat because they apparently are starving to death , lol right. Maybe the thousands of seals and sea lions lining the coast may have something to do with the decline in salmon stocks as well . And does the DFO have any idea how many salmon are caught in the nets crossing the rivers...not a chance in hell..The real shitty part is when all the men/ women in their 60’s , 70’s , 80’s are gone , that’s when our rights will really be stripped. Our governments management of fish and game is a joke . Good luck fellow hunters and fishermen. Enjoy it while you can cause your days are numbered. At least legally.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    Not just our rights are being stripped but our politician are changing the very fabric of our society .
    just look at our immigration policies , you won't recognize Canada in 20 years .
    Look how the left has brainwashed our society about same sex marriage , now it's gender fluidity tomorrow
    it will be something else it never ends until they have totally destroyed this country .
    Yeah , we are losing more rights all the time . Even the law about taking the meat off the ribs which is a small thing
    they just can't leave us alone , it piss's me of it's more time consuming especially when it's getting dark and who cares
    if some meat is left on the bones .
    It should be so that certain number of animals can be taken in a given area and what I do with that animal is my business if I have
    all my papers in order , but no they keep making things
    more complicated .
    Next, the authoritys will check my freezer to make sure I consume all my meat before I can hunt again , you get my drift !
    enough of my rant .

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    Its not racism its resentment caused by the GOV which is sold as racism.....

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    IMO With the Confederation of Canada and the addition of provinces over the following years the FN were a conquered people aswell as the French and any other peoples opposing the confederation and Canada.

    What other conquered people get so get so much stuff their way?


  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Southern West Kootenays

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    Quote Originally Posted by Spy View Post
    Its not racism its resentment caused by the GOV which is sold as racism.....
    Unfortunately, the governments are making decisions that are making a lot of people resent certain groups. The resentment should be directed at the governments. If the govt told me I had rights to hunt, fish and pretty much have ownership rights to the province at the detriment to the rest of the population, I'd probably say "Well, its not really fair, but what the hell,...Thanks a lot!"
    "Target archery is seeing how far away you can get and still hit the bull's eye;
    Bowhunting is seeing how close you can get and never miss your mark."

    "A man's got to know his limitations"

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    Hey look on the bright side in 20 years us whiteys should get preferentil treatment over all the east Indians.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    Our nation and other western nations need to realize, none of this is going to stop, its going to get much much worse in the future taking the route we are on. A change in political party, or leader will not change this. We have to get to the root of what's driving these policies and that is far left philosophy, way of thinking, the identity politics that's being taught in our schools and higher education. The BC government has overhauled the entire education system recently, the biggest change to the education system in its history, and its all filled with far left activism and identity politics ideology, white privilege, gender fluid theory, all of it. These ideas are instilling a world view in our youth, describing the world as nothing but systems oppressor and oppressed groups and its their job to overcome it with far left activism and policy. These world views strip people of their individuality and label them under their group identity membership, and push for actions based on those groups.

    The west was founded on the importance of the individual, and this is why we are a successful culture.

    These ideologies destroy this cultural foundation and push people into group identities and tribes. Humanity has a very strong natural push towards tribalism, which can and has lead us to some very dark places and its something we have to work at to avoid. These ideologies are laying the groundwork and pushing society at large to indulge in this tribalism.

    We need to take a serious look at whats being pushed in education and media these days because it has some serious potential to uproot this good thing we got going on over here.
    It's not going away with just a change in political party.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Wake the f@#k up

    And does the DFO have any idea how many salmon are caught in the nets crossing the rivers
    I don't know if it has anything to do with the netting in rivers, but the sockeye run in Raft River in the Clearwater area was dismal. There might have been a hundred sockeye when there should have been several hundred. Smallest run we've seen in the 30+ years we've been watching the run.

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