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Thread: Mule Deer Restrictions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Cranbrook BC Where The Elk Are..

    Mule Deer Restrictions

    I have not been on this site much over the past year or so I can't keep up with the thread if this has been posted on this site if so then the mods can it..
    Last edited by hunter1947; 01-11-2018 at 06:09 AM.
    Hunting Elk Is All About Finding Them ,If You Can't Find Them Keep Trying ..

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    I think that would be a great idea, at least for the 5 years or so.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    region 3

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by notyalc View Post
    I think that would be a great idea, at least for the 5 years or so.
    Did you listen to the article in its entirety? or just read the article.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by notyalc View Post
    I think that would be a great idea, at least for the 5 years or so.
    And so it begins...again....

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by limit time View Post
    And so it begins...again....

    No kidding I just don't get it.
    its gonna take a life time to hunt and fish all this

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    Was driving through the Okanagan yesterday and the topic of Mule Deer reg changes came on CBC radio. Some guy calls in almost in tears about eh poor deer, and we should close it for 5 years because high powered rifles and scopes are killing too many. But it should be kept open for bow hunting. How do we end up with so many idiots as "hunters".

    Oh well the majority can read and comprehend scientific studies and proven causes of good or bad population trends. Onwards and upwards. .....
    Last edited by Salty; 01-11-2018 at 11:28 AM.
    its gonna take a life time to hunt and fish all this

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Nanaimo B.C.

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    How about only the hunters who are in favour of the restriction are not allowed to hunt mule deer for the next 5 years........and better yet they have to kill 3 wolves a year in the meantime or they don't get hunt mule deer for another 5 years....that way everybody is !

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    this is being discussed in another thread.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    I don't see where one can "listen to" it, I did follow the link.
    Closing the season for 5 years, and the "most hunters agree with that"???...really!, where does someone get the right to speak for others on that opinion?
    I don't know what the Bios "findings on Mulie #'s are", but if they are low, then I agree, we need to be more "conservative" with hunting them right now, and going to 1 buck annually is fine by me, as long as "all the regions stay open like R3, and it goes to any buck", that way the meat guys get to harvest their needs, and the guys looking for that mature buck, can go on as they always do, but opening to the same dates, allows thing to be "spread out once again.
    But, I do understand how some have concerns with the change, meaning, if and when things get better, will opportunities be opened up again?? OR, is it going to be a struggle to change the change back again??
    I think something everyone, and I mean. everyone who hunts, better realize that we may have been managing under the "Science" in the past, and from surveys, BUT, we all have to ask ourselves this now?...
    Are we going to see things go to a "Public Opinion/ Emotional Based Management" for the future??
    That's when I see some here being very "worried" about lowering harvest levels right now.
    There is nothing "Protecting Us" from this new approach that seems to be coming our way.
    These same people are worried we may never get it back again, and that's a valid point to consider.
    Hunters, most of us, are "conservationist", meaning, we want levels to be at a "harvestable level" and if restrictions are required, we all are for it.
    But, what type of "Conservation Management is going to be used in the future"????
    That's what I am not so sure about?, and especially if you are of the opinion that "predators,not hunting" has created these low ungulate #'s, and yet we have a government who refuses to "manage accordingly due to public opinion".
    Managing according to Public Opinion should scare us all, as I think that is where we are headed, unless we get something changes in Legislation to protect us from that, and if we don't, we may just see these changes as totally ineffective in the future when it comes to managing wildlife, and thus our own opportunities.
    We want to do the right thing right now as hunters to bring Mulie #'s back up, but, will we be given that same respect when/if they do climb we see higher bag limits then????

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Mule Deer Restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    I don't see where one can "listen to" it, I did follow the link.
    Closing the season for 5 years, and the "most hunters agree with that"???...really!, where does someone get the right to speak for others on that opinion?
    I don't know what the Bios "findings on Mulie #'s are", but if they are low, then I agree, we need to be more "conservative" with hunting them right now, and going to 1 buck annually is fine by me, as long as "all the regions stay open like R3, and it goes to any buck", that way the meat guys get to harvest their needs, and the guys looking for that mature buck, can go on as they always do, but opening to the same dates, allows thing to be "spread out once again.
    But, I do understand how some have concerns with the change, meaning, if and when things get better, will opportunities be opened up again?? OR, is it going to be a struggle to change the change back again??
    I think something everyone, and I mean. everyone who hunts, better realize that we may have been managing under the "Science" in the past, and from surveys, BUT, we all have to ask ourselves this now?...
    Are we going to see things go to a "Public Opinion/ Emotional Based Management" for the future??
    That's when I see some here being very "worried" about lowering harvest levels right now.
    There is nothing "Protecting Us" from this new approach that seems to be coming our way.
    These same people are worried we may never get it back again, and that's a valid point to consider.
    Hunters, most of us, are "conservationist", meaning, we want levels to be at a "harvestable level" and if restrictions are required, we all are for it.
    But, what type of "Conservation Management is going to be used in the future"????
    That's what I am not so sure about?, and especially if you are of the opinion that "predators,not hunting" has created these low ungulate #'s, and yet we have a government who refuses to "manage accordingly due to public opinion".
    Managing according to Public Opinion should scare us all, as I think that is where we are headed, unless we get something changes in Legislation to protect us from that, and if we don't, we may just see these changes as totally ineffective in the future when it comes to managing wildlife, and thus our own opportunities.
    We want to do the right thing right now as hunters to bring Mulie #'s back up, but, will we be given that same respect when/if they do climb we see higher bag limits then????
    Good Post. You have made some good observations and poised some good questions about the future of hunting. In my mind , as a group, we need to embrace this change under the principle of conservation, and further the discussion with both the public and the government. As I stated in another post, going after predator control is going to be a "poison challis" for us. The public is against it. So lets pressure the government to look after and enhance habitat, through more robust legislation aimed at resource extraction and business that abuses the land base or degrades habitat.

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