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Thread: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Hello BCWF??? Anyone around???
    Just wondering if you heard the news about the moose closure in the Caribou?
    Can we get a response from you?
    I need to know where you stand on a closure for certain B.C. residents

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Hello.. i believe in conservation and protecting moose populations but to only close it for licenced white peoples is absurd!! It should be closed to everyone especially first nations who take population producing cows.. I think its time to do a protest!!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    I heard one native guy got 24 moose last year and he was selling the meat.. How the moose can survive this way???

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    is everything!

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    BCWF has membership on this site. But I just checked their profile which told me the last time they logged on or had any activity on HBC was July 17, 2017. So it would seem that HBC isn't of high importance to them. A quick look at their signature shows however that they encourage people to use facebook or twitter to contact or promote(?) BCWF. So if anyone has any questions, maybe use those media streams???

    Twitter- @BCWildlife
    caddisguy "I worry about predators wanting to eat me or bucks trying to take my manhood. "How was your hunting trip honey" ... "wahh I don't want to talk about it... sob ""

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Personnally, the BCWF lacks teeth....always have.
    I am not taking away from the members there that take a lot of time to help wildlife in BC...they do a lot....try to.
    But, as for truly representing hunters in BC, with a voice, or as a "lobbyist group" for BC Resident Hunters, they have
    "0" effect.
    Something to do with how this federation is organized/tax reason/funding, they basically have heir hands tied.
    Maybe they need to consider "disbanding", then coming back in a way, under a different name, under a different
    organization, where they can actually make a difference for hunters on the "political front".
    Become something more like the NRA is in the States.???
    But, however it is set up right now, it won't work or benefit us as teeth.
    Couldn't do anything during the GOABC LEH fiasco, and, they will have nothing to add to help against the
    different rules applied for RH and the different rules for FN.
    And right now, the FN are pushing hard and all day long.....they have lawyers, and are pushing the envelope,
    and government that exists right now, is making it easy for them....even helping them.
    I never see them "hitting the media" or even "hitting back in the media".
    If it wasn't for other members here posting some of the changes and ongoings in our province and some of the issues at hand, I would be in the "total dark".
    Too much "faith" in the BCWF by some folks here that they will make a difference...

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Mid vancouver Island

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Oh yes-- the BCWF can just wave a magic wand and everything will be flowers and light!!!!!

    So tell me Bugle M In-- what have you done lately to change things you dont like ???? Have you managed to get our Constitution changed so all of us are on an equal level???? No ?? I didnt think so...............

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Quote Originally Posted by Opinionated Ol Phart View Post
    Oh yes-- the BCWF can just wave a magic wand and everything will be flowers and light!!!!!

    So tell me Bugle M In-- what have you done lately to change things you dont like ???? Have you managed to get our Constitution changed so all of us are on an equal level???? No ?? I didnt think so...............
    Username checks out...

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Personnally, the BCWF lacks teeth....always have.
    I am not taking away from the members there that take a lot of time to help wildlife in BC...they do a lot....try to.
    But, as for truly representing hunters in BC, with a voice, or as a "lobbyist group" for BC Resident Hunters, they have
    "0" effect.
    Something to do with how this federation is organized/tax reason/funding, they basically have heir hands tied.
    Maybe they need to consider "disbanding", then coming back in a way, under a different name, under a different
    organization, where they can actually make a difference for hunters on the "political front".
    Become something more like the NRA is in the States.???
    But, however it is set up right now, it won't work or benefit us as teeth.
    Couldn't do anything during the GOABC LEH fiasco, and, they will have nothing to add to help against the
    different rules applied for RH and the different rules for FN.
    And right now, the FN are pushing hard and all day long.....they have lawyers, and are pushing the envelope,
    and government that exists right now, is making it easy for them....even helping them.
    I never see them "hitting the media" or even "hitting back in the media".
    If it wasn't for other members here posting some of the changes and ongoings in our province and some of the issues at hand, I would be in the "total dark".
    Too much "faith" in the BCWF by some folks here that they will make a difference...

    Agree with a lot of what your say but when it comes to FN BCWF can only talk and cross their fingers. FN issues are not easy to deal with do to their political power do to their rights

    Hate to say it but all the hunters in BC don't have the teeth to deal with FN issues.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    Agree with a lot of what your say but when it comes to FN BCWF can only talk and cross their fingers. FN issues are not easy to deal with do to their political power do to their rights

    Hate to say it but all the hunters in BC don't have the teeth to deal with FN issues.
    No, when only a few (Resident hunters and some Sports fisherman) are concerned about the ongoings of the FN,
    and the political debauchery that is going on federally and provincially, there is no bite in those teeth.
    As most people don't even know what is going on....although, I guess if they, or there relatives in the near future
    travel to a Park, say like Jasper, and start taking pictures of "gutpiles" beside the highway, then maybe, just maybe,
    they will start asking "what the hell is going on".
    I don't blame the BCWF either....really, in easy understandable terms, the BCWF is just here for "wildlife".
    Yes, hunters benefit from them, by them trying to aid and direct government (in the past that is), to where issues lay
    in terms of "this area needs improvement for moose", or "over here needs assistance for salmon".
    And, we as hunters support them thru membership and donations etc.
    Thus the federation/hunter fisherman relationship, but, in the end, they are similar to the WSS, who help sheep.
    Neither of these 2 have any relationship in regards to "preserving resident hunter rights and freedoms".
    They both need hunters to continue to exist in any real manner.....but....seems like resident hunters are on the
    "extinction list".
    In the end, I don't care what happens to WSS or BCWF, if I can't hunt anywhere anymore, or to a degree that it just
    makes it downright ridiculous to even attempt the "gauntlet" in the future.
    Without us, hunters and fisherman, they are nothing.
    And for the most part, being with them, hasn't shown any signs of being beneficial, atleast not in a long time.
    How many members are there?
    How many "licensed hunters and fisherman" exist in BC?
    Must be a great deal of separation in those numbers.
    Now, if there was an Organization/Association, that was "truly" for BC Sportsman (Resident Hunters/Sports Fisherman),
    and the only role was to "further our voice", then maybe that membership would have a much larger number.??
    Just saying.
    As for getting other people who don't care or don't know....
    All I can di is bring up subjects like this a dinner conversations/gatherings.
    You would be surprised how "interested" some of the "misinformed" are....
    IT's starts with talk, to everyone and anyone who will give the time to listen.
    And, maybe one day, we have something in place that give us a voice.
    But it better be sooner then later...IMO

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    North Van

    Re: Moose hunt closure BCWF??

    I think hunters in BC have to give their future a bit of serious thought. There are some hard realities to be recognized and some hard questions to be answered.

    The world doesn't need hunters, but hunters need the world. Think that through. If a bunch of people voting in the right places don't like hunting, hunting will be banned. The world will survive. Hunting won't.

    It doesn't have to happen all at once. Ban a "trophy" hunt for grizzlies. Then ban a meat hunt for them. Then ban black bear hunting. Do it in stages if you like. Get rid of hunting with hounds, then spring hunt, then get rid of the hunt, period. Then get rid of other predator hunts.

    I know, there will be some on this forum who will yell that without hunters Nature won't function. You miss the point. If there are enough voters n urban and VanIsle ridings now who ignore science and support a non-scientific ban it doesn't matter if nature needs resident hunters. Those people don't care about science or what nature needs. They don't like hunting and they have more electoral capital than hunters do. That's just reality. We've seen it begin to unfold already, so by all means tell me I'm wrong, but then explain why we have a G-bear ban.

    Some will scream that hunters fund conservation. That's true in the US, and it's true that just about all shooters in the US fund conservation through Pittman-Robertson. That's the US, not BC. As I understand it, most hunting revenue goes into general revenue, not wildlife management. I stand to be corrected, but I think that's the case.

    Taking that a bit further, if hunters do fund wildlife conservation in BC, we're doing a piss poor job of it and we probably don't want to call too much attention to the fact. Again, I could be wrong, but my understanding is that funding for wildlife has flatlined for decades. Flatlined for decades is not something to be proud of.

    Maybe one day? Will anyone ever do anything? How come someone else isn't doing this for us?

    I hear and read that a lot. Here's another hard question: if not now, when? If not you, who?

    Conservation doesn't need hunters, but hunters need conservation. What are we doing for conservation that we can draw direct lines to? There are some things. Don't get me wrong. I know lots of hunters and anglers who do real, concrete boots on the ground work. We don't do enough and we don't promote it enough. You want to argue that I'm wrong? Show me the groundswell of public support for hunting similar to what is enjoyed by people who want to ban hunting.

    We have a great story to tell. Free range organic meat harvested in a healthy manner, highly regulated and sustainable. We control our food. We are connected with the real world.

    That's great for us. Why should it matter to anyone else? You better come up with or find an answer to that. Why?

    Because we need social license from non-hunters who vote and pay taxes but who are not yet anti-hunters.

    Social license will give us funding and scientific management if we play our cards right.

    How do we get social license? You can try not by creating a lobby group to pursue a narrow interest (protect our minority rights, dammit, or we'll hold our breathes until we turn blue!) or we can start doing the conservation work this province needs, draw a straight line between it and us, and make sure that people in media, politics and the corporate world know about it.

    The Grizzly Foundation was founded by a corporate developer. A rep of theirs was on the radio today educating the public about grizzlies. Lush, a big and profitable company, funded an anti-frizz hunt poll. Insights West, a very high profile polling company, promoted the poll.

    Dio hunters want to beat those guys? We need to clear our heads and get in the fight. And we need to fight it wisely. Demanding our rights isn't wise. Demonstrating our value is wise.

    Social license, funding and science.

    Anyone with a desire to talk to MLAs, do social media work, educate, relate success stories of conservation work done by hunters and anglers, do investigation into other organizations to find out how they succeed and find out how they work, expose conservation shit shows or areas that need attention, any of that - contact me through here or through

    </rant> I'm going moose hunting. If you want to be part of an attempted solution you know where to find me
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

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