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Thread: Spring Black Bear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    ladner bc

    Spring Black Bear

    So my son and I are going to try our luck at a spring bear hunt this year. We have never hunted bear before so we are spending this off season trying to gain as much info as possible as to have a successful hunt this spring. So saying that any pointers or tips or things not to do would be appreciated.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    hit them south facing hills first. find the skunk cabbage, grasses on road edges, find the scat, find the
    stay where its green. i found when i took advice i was always told. stay down low..well low is a big area i found now. doesnt always mean stay right in valley bottoms. just pay attention to the greening up, stay in that

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    I like to go up to snowline then work my way down in elevation.When u find good sign hunt that area and as Bonz mentioned find the food find the bears! They will usually be lower down early on then follow the greens back up as the snow melts.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    N. Okanagan

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    Great reason for an outing. Watching how spring wakes up is always enjoyable. Pick a spot to go, and visit whens its too early, repeat as necessary
    Not many spots in BC without bears, some just adapt to traffic and pressure sooner
    Roadsides are usually the first to clear and green up. Drive slow looking faaarrr down the road, and on corners and hill get out to peek around/over
    Any lone bear is a good bear to whack, having two tags each? make for some options on choice.
    Never say whoa in the middle of a mud hole

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    early on id say take your time to watch before shooting also. most will have cubs with them. not always right next to mom.
    they`ll be pushed off later in the spring when rut begins closer to end of spring season
    and if they run off the road into the tree line. dont just walk away thinking they kept going. more time than not they stop and wait/watch just inside the tree line, espeicialy younger ones with less exp.
    also dont forget to look up, not so much in spring with no leaves yet. but all them white barked tree are bear food. aspen, poplar and so on. sticky leaves for them they like, its also a sign of wet ground or a water source, bears tend to like that

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    Reading this post just got me excited for spring bear... never tried, but definitely toying with the idea, i had bear sausages once and theyw ere pretty good... thanks for starting this Dru!

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    my fav is cheese smokies. could eat that chit everyday

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    as above, gosh they are good. the wifes bear meatloaf close second

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    Great Thread!

    going to give my first shot at bear this year in region 8. Will be following this thread for any tips a guy can get!

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Spring Black Bear

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonz View Post
    hit them south facing hills first. find the skunk cabbage, grasses on road edges, find the scat, find the
    stay where its green. i found when i took advice i was always told. stay down low..well low is a big area i found now. doesnt always mean stay right in valley bottoms. just pay attention to the greening up, stay in that
    What he said, watch for cubs, watch em a while before you shoot em....when they're eating, they don't hear all that great, if you take your time you can stalk up pretty close, if the wind is good..

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