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Thread: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    mill bay

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Cedar, BC

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Wow.. this escalated quickly since I put my two cents in on page 2!! I thought it was us 20 yr olds that are supposed to get all lippy!? It amazes me how much controversy there can be over a shell length lol. Any shell between a .410 and 10 gauge with sizes of #6 to BBB will kill birds.. just know your limit with what you use!! We all have our own likes on dislikes on loads and guns... otherwise their would only be one brand and one shot size, how boring is that lol. find something that goes BANG and you feel comfortable with.

    On a side note, here is my thoughts on shell length and diatance for you 3.5" dream shooter skybusters. Gun A is a 20 ga with 2-3/4 #2 at 1300 fps. Gun B is a 12 ga with 3.5" #2 at 1300 fps.. the individual pellet energy is the same in both guns at all ranges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only reason a 3.5" can kill a BIT further is PATTERN DENSITY, basically more pellets hit the target at the same range than the smaller gun. And the fact of life is that steel pellets loose there killing ability at 50 yards IMHO, so yes if you have the right choke you can tighten the pattern up enough to consistantly kill at that distance (i dont recommend this, just buy deeks and learn how to use them to shoot under 30 yards, its not rocket science).. but for the love of god leave the ducks alone when they are so far that the pellets arent even cutting through the meat!
    Last edited by longshot; 01-04-2014 at 11:32 PM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    I don't know Kyle.
    That is my question.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Westminster

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Wow so much awesome information.
    So here is what I'm getting out of this conversation.
    1. 2 3/4 is a good choice and will kill ducks. Only buy if it's a killer deal.
    2. 3 inch is the modern length of chamber and will provide versatility of shells (2 3/4 & 3")
    3. 3 1/2 is good for looking manly and a sore shoulder... A bit overkill.

    Now here is another question for all of you folks.

    What guns do you like and or use... Semi or pump? Your reason for using? Keep in mind I'm asking because I don't know squat. Also any suggestions on guns for the budget conscious.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Quote Originally Posted by k-dawg View Post
    Wow so much awesome information.
    So here is what I'm getting out of this conversation.
    1. 2 3/4 is a good choice and will kill ducks. Only buy if it's a killer deal.
    2. 3 inch is the modern length of chamber and will provide versatility of shells (2 3/4 & 3")
    3. 3 1/2 is good for looking manly and a sore shoulder... A bit overkill.

    Now here is another question for all of you folks.

    What guns do you like and or use... Semi or pump? Your reason for using? Keep in mind I'm asking because I don't know squat. Also any suggestions on guns for the budget conscious.
    I think you have skillfully picked through all the rubbish and collected all the good stuff

    I use pump, but semis are better for shooting accurately which you need for anything flying.
    Semis also have much lower recoil and you don't have to pump so your eye is always on the target. You can also get the shots off faster with a semi.
    Typically waterfowlers use semis and zombie hunters use pumps.
    But if semis were not so expensive I bet most people would have them.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Cedar, BC

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Quote Originally Posted by adriaticum View Post
    I think you have skillfully picked through all the rubbish and collected all the good stuff

    I use pump, but semis are better for shooting accurately which you need for anything flying.
    Semis also have much lower recoil and you don't have to pump so your eye is always on the target. You can also get the shots off faster with a semi.
    Typically waterfowlers use semis and zombie hunters use pumps.
    But if semis were not so expensive I bet most people would have them.
    Pumps are for zombie hunters?? Thats funny right there dude. Last time I checked all them mallards at 15 yards didnt give a rats ass that I was holding a 870 or that my sister had a single shot 20 bore.. they all died just as easily haha. The most successful waterfowler i know and hunted with still uses a 60's Model 12 lol

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Quote Originally Posted by adriaticum View Post
    Typically waterfowlers use semis and zombie hunters use pumps.
    Stop the madness!

    I've Always shot a pump or an O/U.
    I never owned an auto loader in my life till last year I got a screaming deal on a 1187 20 gauge. Which I might add ran great for a few months and now jams non stop. Cleaned everything, took it apart, ordered new rings. still jams. Its now in the shop. Back east, where it gets cold I mean really cold. very few waterfowlers own auto's that I hang around with. Far to often they become single shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Brawler View Post
    Just lob a couple loaded mouse traps at em like you're playing horse shoes. More humane than bouncing darts off them.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Peace River/West Kootenays

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Quote Originally Posted by field marshal View Post
    Whattsa matter 835?? Slow day at BSBC or don't they believe your BS anymore either???---Cheers---Field Marshal.
    Jeebus, grouchy old man much?? Why such a hard on for 835? and BSBC? There are as many opinions as assholes on this site, you can take em or leave em. Why take offense to someone who is trying to be helpful and share his opinion?

    I have no recent water fowling experience, other than tagging along and training the dogs. However, I shoot grouse with a 2 3/4 lead Ithaca 20g is a fun little gun. I shoot the 2 3/4 cause my Grampa used to do a lot of reloads for me at no cost...I still have some left. It kills grouse just fine.

    Don't like my opinion? Oh well...
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  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    "Life is too important to be taken seriously." Oscar Wilde

    "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Thomas Jefferson

    “I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.”―Oscar Wilde

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: 2 3/4 still a decent choice for a gun

    Quote Originally Posted by lorneparker1 View Post
    Stop the madness!

    I've Always shot a pump or an O/U.
    I never owned an auto loader in my life till last year I got a screaming deal on a 1187 20 gauge. Which I might add ran great for a few months and now jams non stop. Cleaned everything, took it apart, ordered new rings. still jams. Its now in the shop. Back east, where it gets cold I mean really cold. very few waterfowlers own auto's that I hang around with. Far to often they become single shots.

    Lol, "typically" being the key word. Nobody is going give you 10 lashes if you use a pump for water fowling.
    O/U and S/S were not in the running so I didn't mention them as they are in their own class.

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