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Thread: No moose hunting in Area 5

  1. #821
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Where the pavement turns to sand....

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambush View Post
    Horn honking was a traditional method of intimidating their enemies before a big battle. Sometimes just a few Braves, with exceptionaly large honkers, could scare off a large war party. Some of the mens horns were very long and on extended raiding trips, away from the women, the saying "blow your own horn" came into being.

    I read that also, in my UNcyclopedia, lol.

  2. #822
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    While the horns on "traditional" hunting vehicles like the 1979 Mercury Cougar are something to be feared and avoided, the ground clearance on said vehicles is lacking. Just cross one road deactivation, and you'll be good to go. Or just get out and walk.
    Twist and pull.

  3. #823
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    port alberni

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    well good luck i donated my leh to the food bank lol i not going to waste my time and money in that area anymore

  4. #824
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    Quote Originally Posted by hunter1959 View Post
    well good luck i donated my leh to the food bank lol i not going to waste my time and money in that area anymore
    I may do the same. May just hit up the PG area with my buddy for immys. I don't need a big moose all to myself anyways.

  5. #825
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Victoria BC

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    As I am sure everyone has heard the gov't has come to an agreement with the FN.

    My question is: How much money is going to change hands??? I was given the name of a guy by the name of Mike Ramsey in the Chilcoten that may be able to answer those type of questions. I called the LEH people and they told me they did not know anymore than what the press release stated. Mike Ramsey - 250-398-4546. I am unsure of his title but maybe a few phone calls will open p just what was negotiated.

  6. #826
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern BC

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    I read that press release, but didn't see anything that indicated that any money would change hands...... Unless you have additional information?

  7. #827
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    Ah yes, protect the traditional hunting methods of jacklighting, 4wd, high powered weapons, killing all year... when the moose are gone they can blame themselves for greed, lack of hunting ethics, whining

  8. #828
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    Quote Originally Posted by cariboocooper View Post
    Ah yes, protect the traditional hunting methods of jacklighting, 4wd, high powered weapons, killing all year... when the moose are gone they can blame themselves for greed, lack of hunting ethics, whining
    Cariboocooper you scared the crop out of me with this 2 year old post! I'm leaving in a week to fill 2 moose tags in 5-2!
    And log in to read the thread title that all moose hunting is close din region 5. Thanks for the heart attack

  9. #829
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    49.2 kms from 10U 687884E 5617178N

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    8 years have passed. The TL‘ETINQOX-T’IN are a sovereign nation. So why are they still in our pockets?
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

  10. #830
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: No moose hunting in Area 5

    Damn man. You got my dander up, until I saw the thread date. Then I read your comment and you’ve got my blood pressure rising too. Why are they still there??? Because we open our pockets to them. Not their fault. It’s ours. Or more correctly the people we elect. Don’t even get me started...I’ve lost 20k in the last month to FN travel bans that my clients are afraid to break. Kudos to the Nations for having balls. Too bad we don’t.

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