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Thread: Mulw deer population????

  1. #711
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by Jelvis View Post
    Matter of fact I'm having supper right now lol, how did you know that? .. Any one who is a long time dedicated mule deer hunter has an educated, hands on, local interest in mule deer herds over their lifetime.
    The forest is a vast area with mountains, hills, ridges, dark cover, ponds, lakes, steep slopes, rocky bluffs, ravines, no access in a lot of area for vehicles, thick tangled downed trees, almost inaccessible spots, dips and pockets of mossy moist areas. Places an average human would not even attempt to walk into and out of. This is where Mr. Big is at home day and night 24/7 all year long.
    He lays as still as he can, he looks, he listens, as sharp as he can for ambush predators like the blood thirsty cougar, trackers like the hungry timber wolf. He owns the territory he rules. You will not get close to him in his prime. Only when he is old and his eye sight fails him, his hearing distorted and weak, the ancient ruler might make a slight error in judgement, by then he has lost his incredible crown of antlers, his hide is loose and worn.
    With an un-hunted population of 400 deer you might have 40+ class IVs bucks (probably not), but you certainly don't have that with a hunted population.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  2. #712
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    Toon town

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by aggiehunter View Post
    Jelly, Then he becomes a blithering idiot like a guy in a nightclub at closing time...want good mule deer for everyone...close the GOS on Oct 31st....I don't care what you shoot before that.....just close the GOS on that date....wait a few years....wallla....we're all getting lots of deer.......and some honkers....and this is a scientific factoid...oh wait a minute...I forgot....guys cant' get big bucks before Oct. 31....
    Not supported by science; won't make more deer.

    Pretty basic stuff.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  3. #713
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The mighty peace

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by Islandeer View Post
    Okay,pistels at dawn,50 paces. Loser buys Husky spellcheck, jeff bail money,jell another bottle, GG,some damn thing,FD more nasty attitude,CS,a thesaurous,Dana, a recent monster buck, Dude better sarconic graphics and for the rest of us some more damn popcorn.

    some damn good mature confrontational brow beating,hunting season over, shit right here.

    Oh,and an only 4pt season in the EK WILL only reduce the # of 4pts available to become class pig bucks ... ha ha
    islnadere pratty funy guuy!!?" I would have to agree

  4. #714
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    The mighty peace

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by dana View Post
    He's bang on when it comes to the behavior of mature muley bucks being nocturnal as hell and hard to find. That is the point these wannabe trophy hunters are really missing. They see pictures of big buck killers posted on the internet year in and year out and they think that killing these bucks is easy. If guys like dana can do it, then so can they too right? They giver a go and discover that it ain't easy and they fall flat on their faces. So they come on the internet and claim that all the big bucks are dead. You can argue with these guys till you are blue in the face, it ain't gonna change their true motives. They want easy big bucks and somehow changing the seasons and whinning on the internet is going to get them what they want. Husky wants a big buck and he ain't finding them. All the big bucks are dead because of 2 years of anybuck season where all the deer got hammered and yet all the hunters have been whinning for the last 2 seasons about not seeing any bucks???? See it goes back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He's worse than the ship that just wrecked on the coast of Italy.
    You can put me in whatever catagory you see fit, you would be wrong.
    I was having a hard time turning up big bucks long before the anybuck season.I would have liked to see the positive part of anybuck season. I am against overharvest. I would have done more of different for those zones than shut down the anybuck, even give up my own tag if needed.

    Personally I have looked year round and tried every tactic under the sun. I will have to admit to one thing that may have hindered my success. In my desire to avoid the busy areas, and find a hidey hole of my own, I have pounded country high medium and low, and have spend alot of time in pretty crappy mule deer coundry. Area's over looked and holding only small numbers of deer, but no people. During that time the odd hunter was still scoring in the well know areas, but it has been mostly a foot race for them. Not what I would consider a good time....
    BTW being zipper lipped about a good spot is not news to me. Many hunters do that, including myself. Not posting pics is a little new to me and I see more of it happening in the future considering news spreads like wildfire.

    Anyways again these 1 in a 1000+ bucks where not real issue here. It was more about the general mule deer population and getting the total mule deer population up, and mixxing all the positives together that will still take years.

  5. #715
    Join Date
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    Gods Country

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by Islandeer View Post
    Okay,pistels at dawn,50 paces. Loser buys Husky spellcheck, jeff bail money,jell another bottle, GG,some damn thing,FD more nasty attitude,CS,a thesaurous,Dana, a recent monster buck, Dude better sarconic graphics and for the rest of us some more damn popcorn.

    some damn good mature confrontational brow beating,hunting season over, shit right here.

    Oh,and an only 4pt season in the EK WILL only reduce the # of 4pts available to become class pig bucks ... ha ha
    I've heard this talked about before. Any buck season would put less pressure on big bucks so less big bucks get shot, there should be more big bucks with an any buck season. But mule deer bucks are pretty dumb when they are young, so with an any buck season more young deer get shot, but that's also less bucks available to grow to big bucks. The ones that make it will grow big and smart, but how many will actually make it to that size? Comments?

  6. #716
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Golden BC

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by happyhunter View Post
    I've heard this talked about before. Any buck season would put less pressure on big bucks so less big bucks get shot, there should be more big bucks with an any buck season. But mule deer bucks are pretty dumb when they are young, so with an any buck season more young deer get shot, but that's also less bucks available to grow to big bucks. The ones that make it will grow big and smart, but how many will actually make it to that size? Comments?
    Don't forget lots of 4pt bucks are young and dumb also. The real issue with antler restrictions is that it tends to cull out the best genetics (for antler development) by allowing the young bucks that develop 4pt antlers at an earlier than average age to be shot. But it's really 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other because 4pt restrictions also reduce the overall harvest which obviously increases escapement and increases buck/doe ratios. In the long run the key element to having lots of big bucks is habitat quality more than anything else.

    If the objective happens to be a true trophy management regime, that requires very low harvest rates and usually means a very restrictive LEH.

  7. #717
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky7mm View Post
    You can put me in whatever catagory you see fit, you would be wrong.
    I was having a hard time turning up big bucks long before the anybuck season.I would have liked to see the positive part of anybuck season. I am against overharvest. I would have done more of different for those zones than shut down the anybuck, even give up my own tag if needed.

    Personally I have looked year round and tried every tactic under the sun. I will have to admit to one thing that may have hindered my success. In my desire to avoid the busy areas, and find a hidey hole of my own, I have pounded country high medium and low, and have spend alot of time in pretty crappy mule deer coundry. Area's over looked and holding only small numbers of deer, but no people. During that time the odd hunter was still scoring in the well know areas, but it has been mostly a foot race for them. Not what I would consider a good time....
    BTW being zipper lipped about a good spot is not news to me. Many hunters do that, including myself. Not posting pics is a little new to me and I see more of it happening in the future considering news spreads like wildfire.

    Anyways again these 1 in a 1000+ bucks where not real issue here. It was more about the general mule deer population and getting the total mule deer population up, and mixxing all the positives together that will still take years.

    I will give ya some solid advice on how to kill a big muley buck. You have to hunt where one lives! Not all areas harbour a monster. And that ain't a bad thing. You need to have those areas that are hit hard by the vast majority of hunters, as not every hunter is out there for the same reasons as you. Some like to just get some easy meat. Nothing wrong with that. 2 years of anybuck season has done nothing to hurt the deer pops in your area. I know that and you know that. The fawns are there so that means the does are being successfully bred. Let the average hunter hunt the way they desire. Don't place your wannabe trophy desire onto the backs of the average hunter. The shooting of any buck actually does work in your benefit. You guys have only had 4 point or better seasons for way way to damn long. If you harvested over all age classes like Region 3, you would find more big boys make it through the season.

    For you personally, you have to start focusing on areas that do in fact hold big bucks if you want to kill one. Subpar zones that hold very little deer are subpar for a reason. Sure, sometimes a 1 in a 1000 buck might reside in there, but it is way more a needle in the haystack in those $itty areas than in areas that are actually good. Lots of areas in the Koots produce big bucks. You need to start doing your homework in those areas and give up the fruitless search in areas that are $hitty.

    Trophy mule deer hunting is a serious head game and from the bitchin' I've seen on the internet, most wannabes are loosing that head game. It isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard-work, patience, blood, sweat and tears, boot rubber, countless glassin till your eyeballs hurt, and some good ol' fashioned luck on your side. Far too many hunters nowadays want things the easy way and the constant bitchin' about seasons blah blah blah shows they don't have what it takes to actually get r done. You want a big buck, suck it up princess and get to work.
    Last edited by dana; 01-19-2012 at 11:19 AM.

  8. #718
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Copper Head Road

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher-Dude View Post
    Nice buck, but I'm getting serious wood from the Carl Gustaf he shot it with!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Pat having a bit of a "Cialis" moment ??? Looks like that hunter has your book on road hunting too
    PS that not a Gustaf its a 303 LeeEndfeild mark v with a upgraded stock
    "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." Cicero - 55 BC
    ..... The NDP approach: if the facts don't fit your ideology, just pretend the facts don't exist.......

  9. #719
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    Maybe we can get a discount on two or more Spehlchikkers
    Wobblies and trying to be funny equate to arrgggg, spelling miscues. Damn wobblies.

    4pt muley tenderloins for dinner tonight boys, of course they will be yummy cause he was a young buck.

  10. #720
    Join Date
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    The mighty peace

    Re: Mulw deer population????

    Quote Originally Posted by dana View Post
    I will give ya some solid advice on how to kill a big muley buck. You have to hunt where one lives! Not all areas harbour a monster. And that ain't a bad thing. You need to have those areas that are hit hard by the vast majority of hunters, as not every hunter is out there for the same reasons as you. Some like to just get some easy meat. Nothing wrong with that. 2 years of anybuck season has done nothing to hurt the deer pops in your area. I know that and you know that. The fawns are there so that means the does are being successfully bred. Let the average hunter hunt the way they desire. Don't place your wannabe trophy desire onto the backs of the average hunter. The shooting of any buck actually does work in your benefit. You guys have only had 4 point or better seasons for way way to damn long. If you harvested over all age classes like Region 3, you would find more big boys make it through the season.

    For you personally, you have to start focusing on areas that do in fact hold big bucks if you want to kill one. Subpar zones that hold very little deer are subpar for a reason. Sure, sometimes a 1 in a 1000 buck might reside in there, but it is way more a needle in the haystack in those $itty areas than in areas that are actually good. Lots of areas in the Koots produce big bucks. You need to start doing your homework in those areas and give up the fruitless search in areas that are $hitty.

    Trophy mule deer hunting is a serious head game and from the bitchin' I've seen on the internet, most wannabes are loosing that head game. It isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard-work, patience, blood, sweat and tears, boot rubber, countless glassin till your eyeballs hurt, and some good ol' fashioned luck on your side. Far too many hunters nowadays want things the easy way and the constant bitchin' about seasons blah blah blah shows they don't have what it takes to actually get r done. You want a big buck, suck it up princess and get to work.
    I said my piece enough times and at the risk of another 70pgs I will leave it alone and bite my tongue. Cheers

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