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Thread: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Losing something, somewhere!

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Ron c, to bad I don’t see it like u do.
    good thing we’re all different.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by tigrr View Post
    1 Take them shooting.
    2 After shooting share a snack of some game animal at a BBQ.

    What are your intentions towards this female? Future girlfriend or something?
    Yes they can be swung away from their belief. Long, slow, process.
    Hahaha no, I wouldn't get involved with a woman like that. Came up as I showed some pictures of a buck I got with a bow last year

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Good feedback! I have seen some of Steven Rinella's episodes never knew he had a documentary/movie will have to check it out

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    I work at an organic farm and a lot of vegans work there. Pretty crazy, my boss and me are like far right conservatives, voting ppc, eating meat and shot like that. Anyway they always want the least pain to any creature, we just tell the vegans, hey if u plow a field u kill millions of worms, beetles, dust mites, etc. Then I explain why u need death for life and life for death, for example dead material and dead animals are the reason that soil is healthy And the reason why u can grow good food. Just use logic, and obviously the argument that natural is cruel works amazing, show a video of a pack of wolves tearing pieces of a moose or something. Good luck…
    i like freedom so i like guns which are better at protecting me than vaccines...

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by E-J Kooij View Post
    I work at an organic farm and a lot of vegans work there. Pretty crazy, my boss and me are like far right conservatives, voting ppc, eating meat and shot like that. Anyway they always want the least pain to any creature, we just tell the vegans, hey if u plow a field u kill millions of worms, beetles, dust mites, etc. Then I explain why u need death for life and life for death, for example dead material and dead animals are the reason that soil is healthy And the reason why u can grow good food. Just use logic, and obviously the argument that natural is cruel works amazing, show a video of a pack of wolves tearing pieces of a moose or something. Good luck…
    Smart vegans are already aware of that. They know small animals are killed in the process of farming.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by twoSevenO View Post
    Smart vegans are already aware of that. They know small animals are killed in the process of farming.
    Yes but are there any smart vegans,I've only met opinionated ones. JK

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Losing something, somewhere!

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Are the smart vegans, the ones that announce they are vegan, before they order at a restaurant?
    why the f*** do they gotta do that?

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    central saanich

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by digger dogger View Post
    Are the smart vegans, the ones that announce they are vegan, before they order at a restaurant?
    why the f*** do they gotta do that?
    probably because they forgot to wear their button that day. ?

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by digger dogger View Post
    Are the smart vegans, the ones that announce they are vegan, before they order at a restaurant?
    why the f*** do they gotta do that?
    Probably for the same reason hunters find it necessary to go to a hunting or gun show wearing their camo. Wtf is up with that? You're at a hunting show. We KNOW you hunt. Why you gotta be a total douche and show up in your full Sitka getup?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
    This one in particular is a very overly emotional young woman who has been severely mislead on both Hunting and nutrition from Animals.

    But I was asking more for in general but how would you take that one on?

    Thinks killing is mean, underlying tone of animal life is worth more than human life, knows about gmo and the dangers of the gmo feed and conditions the animals are kept in and the drugs/hormones/antibiotics but that (my health) takes a back seat.

    Thinks there is nothing wrong with a buddy of mine who is a vegan that has to rely on a cabinet full of expensive pills/powders and supplements because he refuses to eat an animal or anything that came from it.
    Id be willing to bet if you did a "deep dive" into the contents of those pills, powders etc, you would find animal biproducts somewhere

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