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Thread: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    So I’m currently in the south eastern part of region 8 looking for elk. I’ve found a spot to camp on the edges of where the road hunters will drive (and it has cell service) and I’ve hiked a little over 20k the past two days. I’ve been throwing out location bugles every half hour or so and have yet to get an answer.
    I found a spot up high and got a few cow elk that were about 300 yards away interested in what was bugling from the top of the hill. I didn’t scare them off so I think my locating bugles sound ok?
    I ended up backing out and finding a way into the area the cows were in the afternoon. There was lots of fresh sign from what looked like the cows and the bigger poops looked a bit older. I found a bed with a spot still wet from piss and a big wallow that looked like it hadn’t been used for a bit.
    I did my best to keep the wind in my favour and even got my first whiff of what I assume is elk but I didn’t want to stink the place up so I backed out because I’m not totally sure what to do next to find that 6 point bull having not gotten any replies to my calls.

    It’s my understanding that there is still a little time left in the rut, having found some cows do you think there is a bull in the area?
    If so, How would you go about finding him?
    What kind of calling would you be doing if any?

    I’m out here until Friday but already I’m pretty pumped having found a spot away from the other hunters, seen and smelled elk. Every time I bugle it gets easier and easier and at the very least I know where I’ll be going next year for bow season. This is the closest I’ve been yet to connecting on something bigger than grouse and it’s pretty exciting.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    95% of the cows will be bred by now, you may find the bulls recuperating from the rigors of the rut, feeding in the prime areas at night and leaving well before light to the security of the timber. I think your best bet would be using cow vocalizations, hammer the lost calf and see if you can get something to pipe up.
    "If you ever go into the bush, there are grizzly bears lurking behind just about every bush, waiting to pounce, so you need a powerful gun, with huge bullets" - Gatehouse ~ 2004

  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    There are no 6pt bulls left... the locals got what few there were in the first 3 days.

    If we are lucky, maybe some of the 5's will grow another point by next year...

    or maybe they will be 5's forever

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    There could be a bull with the cows....anything is possible. I agree with the above post, cow/calf calls should be more productive than bugeling. The bull my son got on the 5th had 30+ cows/calves with him and he was still chasing them around.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    Bull down 2 days ago had 9 cows and came in to cow calls ... try no bugles just cow calls and be patient... although he was screaming

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nelson BC

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    Unless your on the heals of a herd bull, not much point in getting too aggressive at this point in the rut. If there are cows around try making no noise except the odd calf call every 30 mins.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    I have never been big on bugles as most times there are lots of cows around and a bit after the rut the bulls will be close as all them cows are looking for danger for him

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    best part of region 8

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    Lol did we run into you yesterday morning you were looking for a spot to camp..big beard SUV from mission?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    In the okanagan the bulls will still be going hard. Wallows will likely not be worth checking out this time of year but you never know. Go back to those cows, I change up how my bugle sounds all the time to entice an answer. I’ve watched lots of bulls in the okanagan into October and been in some awesome bugling matches.
    I'm sure the wolves are not in the area to howl Kumbaya at the moon and eat granola. "Ourea"

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Noob questions for you elk gurus out there

    Quote Originally Posted by .308SLAYER View Post
    Lol did we run into you yesterday morning you were looking for a spot to camp..big beard SUV from mission?
    I don’t think my beard is that big.

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