Quote Originally Posted by Fisher-Dude View Post
Personally, I'd rather go home and BS the boys about the nice buck that I didn't shoot at because it was too far and running like the wind, than go home and lay awake at night and wonder how that poor animal is that I blew the hind leg off of. For $150, I'd rather see no wounded animal than worry about the money.

But hey, that's just me. I've always considered my tag cost as part of the cost to go on the hunt, like gas and food, rather than consider it wasted money if it isn't punched.
I've gone to Sask and came home with an empty tag. Not a big deal. I'd do it again if the right shot didn't come along. Would I take an off hand shot at that distance? No. I don't shoot offhand ever if I can avoid it, I prefer to take some kind of a rest. Would I take one at that distance and further shooting prone in the right circumstances? you bet!