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Thread: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2019 Getting Up To Speed (Pic Heavy)

    I got going on dressing out the moose. It's B-Rad's moose and he should learn... but we had to get this moose through a burn. I also like clean meat... Easiest way is to open up the chest and pelvis so you don't have to cut so much by feel. Also good for people like B-Rad that like to hack and saw with a knife.

    I like to open up my critters from nuts to the bottom of the rib cage, less opening to get dirt in, especially if you're dragging it. I got him gutted, heart, caul fat, kidney not left behind. Got him positioned towards the road. It was only a 100 or so yards through the burn to the road, then we could drive up to it. Well we made it maybe 15 yards, B-Rad was gassed. Shit, he's way bigger and stronger than me... but to be fair, I've crushed a mountain or two so far this year.

    I went up the 3rd rib and halfed the moose with my knife... I always thought those pocket sized bone saws were dumb... I wanted one now. Got him halfed and we leap frogged the two halfs back to the road. Just before dark we had the moose in the back of the truck and on the way to town.

    We took it to a friend's house in town to hang. My place off a 4 story balcony wouldn't work... We got him all skinned out. As is tradition, me and B-Rad took a raw chunk and cheersed it. Also... the fat behind the eye does taste like pizza dough, just doesn't have that carbonated fuzzy sensation.
    Last edited by warnniklz; 10-09-2019 at 11:37 AM.

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