Quote Originally Posted by dana View Post
That is the one that makes me laugh the most. We are told hunters have little to no effect on wildlife pops. If so, why would any say we need to deactivate roads to limit hunters? Oh, yea, it is because wolves use the roads. If you think wolves are limited by deactivation practices, you need to follow thise dog tracks someday. Oh yea, lets blame logging as a hole. It is the evil logging companies and their greed that has put us here. Hahaha. Did you know that forestry in this province opporates on science based practices? Yup, Science. There is that word that many kick around way way to much. The funny thing is, the very scientific practices that govern forestry were brought about years ago under the direction of the NDP. Hahaha. Other than cutting some very restrictive red tape, the Liberals kept the exact same science based forestry practices for all their years of running the province. But, yup, lets blame forestry for our delima instead of looking to the one thing that has been staring us in the face, the lack of Predator Management
So you believe leaving every single access road open is ok?