I believe we all know where we currently stand on the current wildlife allocation policy..We all know that more importantly, RH's and GO's need to bring decreasing wildlife numbers and AAH in many parts of our province back up...So we've finally gotten the provincial government to dedicate all hunting and wildlife $$ that we as hunters spend on tags etc back into wildlife, and that's a huge positive step in the right direction...so now what?? I thought we were going to get an independent group (independent from government) to take control of the funds, and use them toward wildlife and habitat..latest I've heard is that a bunch of other wildlife/habitat groups with different views and interests on wildlife are opposing this, and I can't find anything on the BCWF website or anywhere that says what our next move is...

Can we tell them all to put their $$ where their mouths are, like we do, or shut up and go away?? Can we get this ball rolling sooner than later by a new petition toward the provincial government to stop sitting on their hands and make some decisions with regards to the funding so we can move forward??

I have some ideas with regards to spending that $$...I think we should start killing two birds with one stone, and do aerial surveys and aerial shooting of wolves at the same time (or is the new NDP govt not going to support a wolf cull?) And Maybe we should start using some of that $$ toward spur FSR deactivation - is there any other way to inhibit FN harvest?? And what about FN hunter education? - getting them to realize OUR importance as conservationists, to stop putting up illegal road blocks and start working with us, and in areas from what I've heard like Region 5, stop the harvest of female breeding animals!(I know that it's only certain FN that do this, many are awesome and abide by our hunting seasons, and many do a lot for conservation).

Take for example, I'm excited for the potential wildlife booms we could have in region 8 with all the recent burns, but could you imagine how good the hunting could be if we de-activated a portion of our massive FSR access??

Everybody chime in....what's our next move, and how we going to do it??