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Thread: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Edmonton, AB

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Here's my entry:

    My regular partner is busy with life these days so it's been me and the dog searching for bears.

    We started our day by driving around some early season spots for south island bears. Mainly concentrating on roads with alot of fresh grass and slashes that had greened up. After seeing alot of country and many piles of scat, no bears were seen as of early afternoon.

    We decided to turn the truck off and walk some deactivated roads and see if we could surprise a bear. Again, saw alot of scat on roads that were covered in green grass, but no bears seen.

    At around 5pm we decided to stick to lower elevations. I figured it was a good idea because I'd been seeing alot of bears near the highway, which is near sea level around Renfrew.

    We found a nice 4km long road that paralleled slashes that were facing south east. Almost as soon as we started glassing I spotted movement about 40yards ahead. It was a black bears ass end and he was taking off. Me and the dog jump out of the truck and climb into the slash to get some elevation and a good vantage on the running bear. I spot him about 70 yards away heading up a rock bluff, up goes the rifle and the sight picture tells me it a young bear (big ears, lanky) with a nice coat. Too young I say, this one gets to walk.

    I corral my riled up dog and we head back to the truck to move on. We go for about 20 mins and run into a dead end. Turn the truck around and head back. Just as I was about to call it for the day I see a little spur road that I didn't notice on the way in.... what the heck I say.... one more road.

    We head up and instantly I see another bear heading straight up the block, sauntering to the tree line. Dog and me bail out and I get a rest, rifle up... sight picture tells me its another young bear. I keep the scope on him until he disappears behind a stump.... wait a few minutes.... he still hasn't emerged. I figure, no big deal.... he was another young fella.

    Go to get up and head back to the truck and out of the corner of my eye I see something big and black about 100 yards to the right of the bear that just disappeared. Binocs go up this time and sure enough... BEAR. The body looks a little lanky but the head looks nice and large, ears are small and on the side of the head.

    I decide to get a rest and watch for a while through the scope. Had a hard time judging body size, but I figure the head looks mature and after three chances I better not get much pickier. If the bear gives me a shot, I'm taking it.

    Eventually the bear stands quartering to on a fallen tree. Adjust the scope, chamber a round, squeeze one off, watch the bear go down. I look back at my dog and he's sitting right behind me and he's ready to go check it out!

    Found the bear stuck under a deadfall (they always do that) and was pleasantly surprised at the size. He was about 200 yards from the road and the terrain was bad enough that I couldn't roll him out by myself.

    Because I was by myself, this was going to be a quarter and hike out situation. I unloaded my pack frame to make room in the main bag for the meat. First strip I took two of the quarters.... way to friggen heavy and awkward.... the remaining trips had one quarter in the bag and one in my arms... much better. After taking the qaurters, straps and head and collecting all of my gear back up again, it was about 4 trips back and forth.

    Scale back home indicated that the quarters were about 45 lbs each.... and the head was a decent size. The hide on the other hand was rubbish.... he had been rubbing bad already.... oh well I'll do a skull mount!!

    This was the first animal taken with my new remington with my first handloads of 30-06 springfield: 168 grain nosler ballistic tips.


    Skull cleaned and dried - average of about a dozen measurements is 18 5/16"

    Last edited by greenhorn; 06-27-2011 at 12:10 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Edmonton, AB

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Do skull measurements have to be done by an official scorer?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    This was my first bear of 2011.
    I hunted hard looking for a mature, big and nice looking bear so I could get a rug made. I have hunted this area for 2 years now and have seen some monster bears and very early in the season. I glassed for hours over the days I spent looking for my bear and nothing I had hoped for was showing up. I had missed a chance at a monster the day before I shot this bear and was a little upset but knew I would eventually run into another big bear later on. On my way home from an evening hunt just before dark I spotted this bear way up a mountain feeding. I immediately got out of my truck and glassed it from about 1000 yards away and knew it was a bruiser... The next day I went up to my spot and began glassing, there wasn't too much moving around so I figured with an hour and a half of light left I would go look for the monster I saw the day before. To my suprise there it was! I ended up being able to drive up a fsr to within 400+ yards of the bear. After ranging it and watching it for 45 minutes getting a steady rest with my new T3 I let the 154 gr Hornady fly right through the front shoulder. With a loud smack I knew I had hit it and sure enough it began to tumble into the alders where I then found it the next morning. Overall I had turned down a number of fine bears and worked my but off hiking and waited patiently for the bear I ended up harvesting and it was worth it!
    Last edited by deeks1989; 05-11-2011 at 03:54 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by greenhorn View Post
    Do skull measurements have to be done by an official scorer?
    Not unless there is a dispute.

    A photo with a tape measure by the skull is nice, though.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Early season bear down!

    Not mine,but my nephew's Bear.Spotted last week by "Tripalm"(his Dad)Took Johnny "popcan"(the one on the left) out and put a nice one down.
    Story from Tripalm:
    "found him last thursday ,boys and I went back this morning, he fed out below us in a swamp jd missed first shot ,2nd shot was good ,too good!.. right in the head ,he would have scored well ,he is 6'2'' long and really fat."

    entering my nephew's bear,....cause he ain't no computer whiz!

    Count your age by friends...not years. Count your life by smiles...and not tears.
    Count your age by friends...not years. Count your life by smiles...and not tears.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    In your nightmares

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Nice Boar Down
    Went for an evening drive tonight with my gf and came across this guy.
    Found him eating on a patch of clover about 40 yards away. As the wind was in our favor, we watched him for about 2-3 minutes before I decided he was alone and big enough for what I wanted.
    One shot from the 225G TTSX took out the heart and broke the opposite shoulder.
    It is my first kill with my gf next to me. Super proud of her, she was right next to me as the shot dropped him. She was right in there up to her elbows helping gut . I think she had a bigger smile than I did.- She's now wanting to get her CORE
    Took him to the taxidermist tonight and he was measured out at 6'3 with a big fat melon. Going to get him rugged, as the fur was thick with no rubs.

    ...No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution...

    If you want the prime bush, follow the Dawg...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    prince george

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Well wednesday night me and my buddies went out for a short notice evening bear hunt just north of pg. Brought out my bow i had just gotten set up the day before, and did about an hour of practice shooting that day at my buddies place(thetackdriver) . So it was about 7 at night when we came up to km 5 of the road and there stood the elusive ursus americanus. Me and my buddies decided it was big enough so we put the stalk on this nice sized boar. We got to within approximately 17 yards within this bear. I was shaking like dog shitting razor blades when i brought the bow back to full draw and let the arrow fly. The boar was struck by my beman arrow and the rage broad head thumped the bear with about as much force as thetackdriver punching you in the face. The bear went down about 20 yards from where it was struck by the arrow from my bow. It was an extremely amazing experience something that I have never felt in my life. I am now hooked on bow hunting.
    Gold Bond Application Artist

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Prince George

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Typical BC bear hunt.
    Saw this grizzly from the road and determined it was a boar, when it pee'd.
    Took only a few minutes to get within bow range and put the first arrow through both lungs at twenty two yards. The bear was now growling, turning in circles and biting at his sides. The second arrow, by pure chance, went through his spine just behind the shoulder, giving us each two legs to run on. From first arrow to last breath was likely less than two minutes. But a lot of excitement packed into a ten minute hunt!

    Fortunately I didn't need the TBR TSX's, because they were somewhere behind the seat.

    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Haney,BC and anywhere you can hunt in BC out of the rain !

    Re: HBC Spring Bear Contest 2011

    Wyoming Saw 3 donated by WF

    Last edited by Weatherby Fan; 05-19-2011 at 07:29 AM.
    7-6.5 PRCW the best cartridge since the 280 Ackley 👍

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