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Thread: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    East of You!

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    From what I have heard he has a Lifetime hunting Ban. I have also heard that he has been labeled as one of the worst poachers in Canadian History.

    I talked to a few people last year that said he was running the Muskwa drainage's.

    Moda is a guy that should have his a$$ in a jail cell with a cell mate named Big Bubba.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    The question is, is it really that hard to catch the guy?

    And who would hire him.....?

    Would make for an interesting book is the sad part IMO

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Old Mill Road

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    Quote Originally Posted by dutchie View Post
    From what I have heard he has a Lifetime hunting Ban.
    Interesting read... 30 year hunting ban, effective 1992 or so...

    Interesting reading here too....Mr Loring took a run at Mr Mota's title.

    Apparently Mr Mota is quite well known in the Yukon, and was known to "indiscriminately gun down eagles, sheep and goats within the course of a few hours".

    I can't find the actual case from Alberta yet, but he was convicted there too...
    "In R. v. Mota (1991), 117 A.R. 42, 2 W.A.C. 42 (concerning a repeat
    market and trophy poacher fined $10,000 or six months imprisonment), the Alberta
    Court of Appeal commented that the Act's new penalties are "moderate", Mr.
    Mota's sentence was "fit and appropriate" (and suggested civil actions to enjoin
    him from future use or possession of firearms), and "wildlife must be accorded the
    priority of a treasured national heritage - which it is". The Court at page 44 also
    urged Parliament to consider "increasing the penalties, both maximum and
    minimum, for repeat offences of this kind that occur in our National Parks"."
    Last edited by Kody94; 02-22-2011 at 04:00 PM.
    "If you want to hunt beasts you don't see every day,
    You have to go places quite out-of-the-way.
    You have to go places no others can get to,
    You have to get cold and you have to get wet, too."
    - Dr. Seuss

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    next to a nice fishing hole on the Horsefly

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    wondering if it was the grizzled older gentlemen I ran into on the upper muskwa this year. spoke with a very heavy accent to the point you could barely understand him. he was leading a string of 6-7 horses out of kulchesi lake he said heading down the muskwa and out to prophit river. definetly wasnt overly friendly

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Pitt Meadows

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    Any pictures of this guy?

    “I prefer the saddle to the streetcar and star sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown, to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bred by cities…it is enough that I am surrounded by beauty.”
    - Everett Ruess

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    okanagan valley

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    What training does a CO have against a higly trained, former soldier with years of combat experiences, using his skills for poaching in Western Canada ?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    Alex is a gem..A different breed for sure.But one hell of a interesting character..He may have poor human skills but he knows the bush,horses and game.They will write stories about this guy when he's gone.Good or bad he is a peice of the norths fabric
    Last edited by Old Crow; 02-22-2011 at 04:57 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by rocksteady View Post
    I wish trees would scream as a they fell over...

  8. #18
    Devilbear Guest

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    I was told that Mota was a veteran of the Vietnam War, which would make him about my age and, frankly, I seriously doubt that his "bush skills" are anything special. While he may be some hot shit as far as shooting unarmed denizens of a "Third World" nation is concerned, I doubt that he will WANT to tangle with a group of trained BC COs.

    Dale Copeland, a former outfitter and one of Thompkin's "head guides" had a confrontation with Mota on a packtrail some years ago and Mota backed down from Copeland. Dale is not a large man and he is, without question, among the best bushmen I have seen in almost sixty years of activities in the BC bush, I doubt that Mota could carry Copeland's jock strap as a real mountain man or best many guys I know in "guerrila" combat.

    I supervised several Vietnam combat vets, including a couple of "Green Beanies" in wildfire suppression and I was not overly impressed by their bush abilities; I was VERY impressed by Dale Copeland's skills and I am not exactly a novice. Dale's wife told me of this encounter and of Thompkin's flying Mota's kid out....says a lot for Barry, IMHO.

    I rather doubt the comment about the gun store booking for Mota; one of the owners is a friend of his and they have defended him in conversation with me back in the '90s; however, I do not think that they would risk their business by such behaviour and I have known them and dealt with them for almost 30 years.

    I might be wrong, but, I suspect that Mota's clientele comes by "word of mouth" just like that other immigrant poacher from the '80s, "Martin" who operated in the same region. He WAS finally forced out of "business", however, I encountered him while in the camp of another packer in that area in 1991; none of these guys impress me very much and the situation needed and still needs regulation.

    Mota, seems to be able to "skate" on various charges and decent hunters should pressure Victoria to get this guy deported as immigrants like him do not belong in Canada.
    Last edited by Devilbear; 02-22-2011 at 05:10 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    fort nelson

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    My dad and i flew into the kluachesi strip three years ago with villers air out of fort nelson, the second day we were there Mota came in to meet a float plane on kluachesi lake with hunters on it. I talked to one of the guys that got off the plane and he said they got ahold of him through a sporting goods store in the lower mainland also. They loaded there gear on his horses and headed toward the gathto, we could see his camp just down river a couple miles from barry's main camp when we were up high.

  10. #20
    Devilbear Guest

    Re: Alex Mota (sp?)---Kluchesi---

    Very interesting, I shall have to look into this as I would not knowingly deal with anyone who would support Mota.

    Were you client's of Barry's as I understood that he has an exclusive charter arrangement with Villers?

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