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Thread: Bow only season, why?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    "The more seasons the better."

    I'm still trying to convince my wife to move to Texada Island for the extended bow season there....will probably happen faster than crossbow only season
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    East Kootenay

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    I hunt all season long with bow, but I originally tried it because there was an early bow season, and I got hooked. All we really have left for pure bow season is the late whitetail here in EK but it is nice to get out before the masses, even though a few juniors are stirring up the game. As stated, it is about opening opportunity that would not be sustainable otherwise.

    As for crossbows, I'm ok with the weapon being allowed in bow season, I just wish that more of them would show up at the 3-D shoots to get some good practise in. The only real advantage they have is that you don't have to move when the game is close to you. You still need to practise, albeit not quite as much as a compound or traditional.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In my traditional territory

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    Quote Originally Posted by HIGHRPM View Post
    I support the seperate seasons due largely to the fact that I have seen rifle hunters empty their clips and then say they saw something!
    Yeah, right. What about the jackass bow hunter who flings a quiver full into the bushes because they thought they saw something?
    Quote Originally Posted by chevy
    Sorry!!!! but in all honesty, i could care less,, what todbartell! actually thinks
    Quote Originally Posted by Will View Post
    but man how much pepporoni can your arshole take anyways !

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    I can unload and reload my 30-06 alot faster than I can shoot and recover my quiver full of arrows. But then again, when I'm shooting arrows I usually do it with my eyes closed because anything outside of the 50 yard kill zone isn't as easily identified. Same goes for the 30 ought too, but I can reach a mile or so with that....
    Meat and eat first, track and rack second.
    Try to read your CORE book at least once a year.
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    Don't ASS U ME.

  5. #25
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    Originally Posted by HIGHRPM
    I support the seperate seasons due largely to the fact that I have seen rifle hunters empty their clips and then say they saw something!
    Yeah, right. What about the jackass bow hunter who flings a quiver full into the bushes because they thought they saw something?
    When and where have you seen or heard of a bow hunter doing that?!? Is this the infamous "Chinese" that you so readily bash? Post up something that is at least semi-intelligent.

    Bow hunters' identify their game before they shoot. It's just something that comes naturally.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    WOW, Hrpm refers to "Rifle hunters" and Fisher-Dude refers to "Jackass Bowhunters. F-D that must be one son-of-bitch of a Burr under your saddle .

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  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    I heard next year there's gonna be a Longbow only season for 3 months, but you have to hunt from Horseback, while moving, wearing a Bootsy Collins Disco suit, and you have to have 8 shots of Cuervo before you start. That should bring the success rate right down from almost bugger all to sweet bugger all.
    Quote Originally Posted by bugler View Post
    As for crossbows, I'm ok with the weapon being allowed in bow season, I just wish that more of them would show up at the 3-D shoots to get some good practise in.
    Point and shoot 3D? Now that's an interesting concept......... LMAO
    Last edited by Old Crow; 12-25-2010 at 07:58 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by rocksteady View Post
    I wish trees would scream as a they fell over...

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher-Dude View Post
    Yeah, right. What about the jackass bow hunter who flings a quiver full into the bushes because they thought they saw something?
    Interesting I never heard of "Flinging a Quiver Full of Arrows" How does the quiver fit on the string ?
    Does the quiver peel off in flight releasing a deadly shower of arrows ?
    Answer when you remove your foot .......
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  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    I read somewhere FD was the voice of the BCWF. I believe it now!!!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Bow only season, why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fisher-Dude View Post
    Yeah, right. What about the jackass bow hunter who flings a quiver full into the bushes because they thought they saw something?
    Since my max Bowhunting range is 25yds and i can`t see what is in a bush I must be Blind . Come to think of it I`m due for eye surgury in two weeks ..... F-D your right on this .
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