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Thread: Deer "Jumping the String"

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron.C View Post
    yep, deer can do some crazy, unpredictable stuff. The best thing you can do is get try to get your shot away without them knowing your there and in my opinion, aim where you want the arrow to go and not hold hi because your last deer jumped. No one can predict what the deer will do when the arrow is released, but in most cases, you make out just fine if they are oblivious to your presence.
    Absolutely !!!!!!
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  2. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    Hey Barky I haven't seen that picture in a while. You might have been able to see him jump the string if you would have had your glasses on. HAHA. Missed you in camp in the late season. Were you up there?

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    Hey Onesock , nice to hear from you . Yup it`s the Bad Eyes Buck
    I spent 17 days in RC when the snow first arrived and just missed you guys . Had lots of does under me but not one buck , hell thats just WT`s being WT`s . I hope you guys made out well as ti appears the weather held out .
    I`ll give you a call
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  4. #114
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Question Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    HUNTWRITER With your so called vast knowledge of animal anatomy you should really know there is no "air space" or "no zone" between the lungs and the spine on a deer or any other animal. This area is called the Thoracic Cavity and it regulates the pressure in the lungs. If you put an arrow through this cavity the deer WILL suffocate. When most bowhunters say they hit the "no zone" their arrow has actually passed harmlessly over top of the spine and through muscle tissue. If you look at a picture of a deers spine you will see it dives down dramatically above the shoulder area and an arrow can pass through a deer 4-5 inches lower than the back and never hit anything vital. i thought you should know this in case someone asks the question at one of your seminars.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    Quote Originally Posted by Onesock View Post
    HUNTWRITER With your so called vast knowledge of animal anatomy you should really know there is no "air space" or "no zone" between the lungs and the spine on a deer or any other animal. This area is called the Thoracic Cavity and it regulates the pressure in the lungs. If you put an arrow through this cavity the deer WILL suffocate. When most bowhunters say they hit the "no zone" their arrow has actually passed harmlessly over top of the spine and through muscle tissue. If you look at a picture of a deers spine you will see it dives down dramatically above the shoulder area and an arrow can pass through a deer 4-5 inches lower than the back and never hit anything vital. i thought you should know this in case someone asks the question at one of your seminars.
    now why on earth would you want to start adding facts and accurate information to the seminar at this stage, it will only confuse the students!
    "You Fat Man, Speak Up"

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    [QUOTE=huntwriter;706809]Deer learn, as most animals do, not from doing or experience, but by being taught. A doe "teaches" her offspring what to look out for and what sounds to pay close attention too. Short example, not every deer. knows what a tree stand is, but in areas where hunters use predominantly tree stands ALL deer look to the tree tops for danger. They learned it from others.

    LMAO, sorry HW but they do not ALL look up tree tops for danger, some are looking up for food. like the old mans beard and such.
    deer learn from experience, short and simple. Agreed that a doe does teach her offspring about dangers and sounds that are familiar that may lead to danger, but the bowstring i have a hard time believing that.
    Last edited by Ddog; 12-12-2010 at 11:07 AM.

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Deer "Jumping the String"

    when shooting at animal with the bow i once read many moons ago that aiming for the opposite side will enhance your odds of harvesting an animal ethically and humanely, quickly and efficiently. What this means is picture to yourself where the arrow will be exiting the animal instead of where it will be entering.
    this has always worked for me, aiming for the heart is not my choice or is it anyone else's that i know of, I will always aim for the lungs, i have over 80 big game animals with my bow and not once have i said to my self when getting ready to shoot "aim for the heart", its always been if i shoot right there it will offer a perfect exiting hole.

    I have had, in the past, deer "jump the string" this was also when the bows werent anything like todays bows.
    jumping the string, like some others have said, the deer actually has to lower its body and put spring in its legs, they cannot just jump up and leave, it is the same as for a person, try it.

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