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Thread: hunting kelowna...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    hunting kelowna...

    what was the hunting area around kelowna like last year after the fires???does it look like it will be a good year this year???
    Originally Posted by Kechika Proof of sex means your buddy has to take pictures of you pleasuring your deer

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hard to tell. I went for a drive around the fire area last weekend. In some areas grass and shoots are going nuts. Others nothing. I think in the really bad areas it may take another year (maybe more). Alot will depend on the summer we have this year. We need rain and lots of it.

    load'em up

  4. #3
    bone-collector Guest
    its been so long since I was in the okanagan, is there much for willow groth there Jacky? , I know on a cutblock that has been burnned off over winter usually 4 years to get good food supplies in it before alot of game starts moving back into it here .

    for the folks down there anyone that wants to put in for leh draws up north here for moose I would be glad to pass along some good areas and maps (if I have or can get through the office) , hat eto see folks lose out on hunting due to a tragedy like the fires in the okanagan

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    thanx for the lil bit of info and the gf were thinkin about puttin an leh for whitetail around there for her as she falls under the new hunter catagory and gets some great odds for the whitetail there....kinda wanna know if its giong to be worth it or not....
    Originally Posted by Kechika Proof of sex means your buddy has to take pictures of you pleasuring your deer

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC
    BC, send me your info about moose draws!

    I put in for everythign else, but rarely for moose....I've not put in for moose for several years becasue it's alot of meat and I have no intention of shooting a small 'meat moose' unless there are a number in the group..
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  7. #6
    bone-collector Guest

    moose LEH

    pm sent

  8. #7
    bone-collector Guest
    well I just arrived home with the ultimate hunting wagon , have room to take 6 out to camp now seeing I have a F350 4 door 4x4 with a custom built 400HP carborated small block in her and 4:10s all way round now for some 35s and a winch and were styling (maybe a paint job haha

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    It would be worth it to put in a leh for whitetail either here or south of here. Your gf would have a high chance of success.

    load'em up

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i have a few area's in mind just not 100% decided were yet...thinkin around kelowna rock creek and i think 8-14 is the other one i have in mind...
    Originally Posted by Kechika Proof of sex means your buddy has to take pictures of you pleasuring your deer

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Try for 8-12 or 8-14. I got a white tail doe draw through the new hunter thing a couple of years ago. What a gas that was! If you get one of those draws let me know as I have family in that area. I always put in for does in those two areas because if I get the draw I know that I will be able to do a day trip and get my deer. Tons of deer.
    Bones- Can you pm me the region(s) where you are at? My buddy and I are going to try the shared hunt for moose this year but don't really know where to put in for it.

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