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Thread: snow geese

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    White Rock

    Re: snow geese

    Quote Originally Posted by Angus View Post
    Thanks for the info.

    I'm a man in orthopedic shoes,... I stand corrected!
    No worries - my pleasure - It looks like it is a common mis-conception.

    It actually gave me the opportunity to triple check myself.

    Kinda sorry I corrected it - it was nice having the place to myself.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Now in Onterrible

    Re: snow geese

    Now I know where I got that "no shooting within 100m of a dyke in Delta" from. It's from the 2010/2011 regs and it's related to the Spring hunt for Canada geese in MU 2-4.
    Drinking rum before 10 a.m. does not mean you are an alcoholic, it means you are a pirate.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: snow geese

    I'm usually off the dyke a ways out. I find the geese pick up altitude closer to the dyke. There's usually logs, stumps and blinds to take cover out further anyways.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    White Rock

    Re: snow geese

    Thanks for the heads up on the spring goose hunt regs - I'll re-read and keep a close eye on it.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Maple Ridge

    Re: snow geese

    This is one of the reasons I love this site! So many people assisting others. Awesome info... It almost makes me want to paint my goose deeks white!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: snow geese

    Quote Originally Posted by Piledriver View Post
    It almost makes me want to paint my goose deeks white!
    thats what I did
    "you know there are a lot of mountain bikers in the area" she looked at me weird when I said back to her " Thats fine, I'm not hunting mountain bikers today" Brambles

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Overlooking the Ladner Marsh

    Re: snow geese

    This little tidbit is a left over from a restriction that was on for more of the seasons in years past and now applies only to the spring season for Canadas. We are trying to get rid of it but the wheels of beaurocracy grind slowly. As per usual, if you are hunting near the dyke, please try to be aware of walkers, bike riders etc. Bad interactions with them always cause the big bad hunters lots of bad PR. I belong to Delta's Hunting Regulation Advisory Committee so if you have any other questions about Delta's bylaw send me a PM.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    White Rock

    Re: snow geese

    Thanks for the info - because it seems to be a strongly held notion, I assumed it was a reg at some point.

    Yes - VERY aware of walkers and where stray shot lands.

    Surprisingly, the few people that have walked by were pretty supportive and asked how the hunt was going and were very chatty...... no hunter-haters yet.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: snow geese

    so...with all this said.

    I’m pretty curious on how the hunting is in the boundary bay area? Does it get pretty busy most evenings?

    I was talking with a friend who works for the city of delta and they mentioned to be careful in there because people have gotten stuck out there and some people have actually died (wonder if that’s true?).

    Regardless…is a boat needed in that area? I guess what I’m asking is how do people hunt that area? Do they just walk out and sit in the marsh?

    Set up decoys? I typically hunt the marsh in Ladner which requires a boat, decoys and the whole gambit.

    I’m just looking for some duck hunting after work. I recently moved to Delta and would love to get out there at the end of the day after work.

    If anyone is heading out and would like some company and doesn’t mind helping out a semi-newbie, feel free to shoot me a PM.


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    White Rock

    Re: snow geese

    Hi Bobby Jr,

    The evening I went last week - when I got those two geese - I was the only one out there. I went Wednesday evening and there was one other guy. No luck on Wed - a HUGE flock of geese - 35 or more - was flying way out in the bay, heading towards the Ducks Unlimited Sanctuary by Art Knapps in Surrey. Kept hoping they would turn....

    The Bay there is very shallow - too shallow for a power boat. A canoe would work. I bring waders for retrievals, but I don't stand in the bay and shoot - I am on the shore on the seaside of the dyke.

    I have been warned about sink holes in the bay and I bring a 8' length of 1"x2" and prod the bottom as I walk to be safe.

    I don't use decoys - just do some pass shooting. The ducks didn't come in before 1/2 hr after sunset again - I am thinking first light would be better. That being said I have had some success in the evening - will have even better luck I would think once the geese arrive from up north later?

    I too would always welcome an invite from an experienced hunter who wouldn't mind mentoring an eager and safe newbie......

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