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Thread: bc 3d championship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    salmon arm

    bc 3d championship

    I sure had a good time for 3 rounds i shot better than normal the 4th one was not pretty. Being that was the first one i have attended i was a little disappionted in the numbers that were there.

    bow walker your secret weapen bernie came through and won the i guess you would call it the main event. i shot with him and ron boggy on sat. two great guys.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: bc 3d championship

    Yeah, at roughly 80 competitve shooters and some guests the turnout was definately poor. It is a week-end I would prefer to forget as I had a terrible round saturday...just couldn't get it going and shot 351/400 . I battled back Sunday with a 375/400 almost making it all the way back onto the podium but came up just short. Bernie and another fellow from down Merv's way put on a show that won't be soon forgotten in the pinshooters category. It was a back and forth battle that came down to the 79th target before Bernie went ahead by 1 for the win...they both shot unbelieveable scores of 772 and 773 Congrats to them both and good luck at Nationals! Also congrats to Sealevel for picking up some hardware of his own! Good shooting Merv!
    As for the rest of my clan my wife (sammy99) did not shoot particularly well by her standards but it was good enough to make the provincial team! Congrats to her as well! My little guy took the 9 and under group shooting an incredible 784/800 including a perfect 200 on his second round Saturday .....hard to believe he will be shooting this category for another 3 years. I believe Oldtimer and My mom were pretty happy with the way they shot but he can comment on that himself.....they both brought home some hardware as well. we also took along a phenomenal young 14 year old recurve shooter from here....he not only took gold but posted the 2nd highest traditional score of the whole tournament, 2nd to only Mark Washtock (mens national champ)...this kid has a bright future in the sport.

    Well thats all I can think of for now
    "Do not go where the path may lead,
    go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Abbotsford, bc

    Re: bc 3d championship

    Glad to see that you archers had a great time. I was part of the organizing team. Pre ranged the course and helped in the designing and registration. Wish I could of shot but had a shoulder sergey that not to long ago. I think the good weather and being a long weekend kept the crouds away. There was around 50-70 people that shot n/c. So total turn out was just under 200. There were 100 BCAA members that shot. better luck next year! How did you guys like the course layout?

    Mark Porter
    Abbotsford fish & Game
    Xtreme Archery

  5. #4
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: bc 3d championship neglected to toot your own horn! What did you come away with?

    Yeah, that Bernie can shoot some, can't he? Who's this other fellow that gave Bernie a run for his money? First one that I have heard of that got really close to Bernie. Good on him. It gives some of the rest of us hope

    Too bad that the attendance was done. Could it have been due to the long weekend? Lots of people away camping, holidays and such.

    Chris - if I shot 351 out of 400 (that's 87.75% !!) I would not be too mad or P O'd. Coming back with a 375 (93.75% !!) is a great recovery. Some people have a hard time concentrating on the next target or the next round when they shoot a "bad" round, or even a few bad targets.

    Sound like shooting well runs in the family. Congratulations to the "brood". U better watch your back - seems as if there is quite a challenge on the way. 784 out of 800? That's 98%.......I'd be over the moon! I hope that he was "recognized" for his perfect round? First one that I have come across - ever.

    Congratulations, again, to both sealevel and willyqbc and their families for participating and for doing so well.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: bc 3d championship

    BowWalker, it was a fellow by the name of Kevin Reimer....he's a great shooter. The reason I was PO'd after Saturday is that I am usually right in there with those two and my poor round coupled with their good rounds put me 30 points back and out of the hunt....noone is gonna make up 30 points on those two boys! Oh well, I'll work a little harder and take it to them at nationals. I believe merv walked away with bronze in the masters 50+ category....quite a tough category i might add.
    As to the question above about course layout... i thought it was great for the most part...very deceptive set-ups on a lot of targets and you really had to be on your toes. The only issue I had wasthe last few targets coming out of the feild left you shooting straight at the roadway where other archers were standing. While shooting the warthog there were archers directly in my line. given the number of shooters these days who draw the bow well above the target line i found this to be quite unsafe. other than that corner I thought the rest of the course was very well done.

    "Do not go where the path may lead,
    go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    salmon arm

    Re: bc 3d championship

    Kevin Riemer shot a 390 on sunday but he had spotted bernie 5 pionts on sat. It would have been something to see on the 3d from the last bernie shot an 8 giving kevin a one piont lead on the 2d to last shot kevin shot a 8 giving the one point lead back to bernie the last shot bernie had to shoot a ten to win. I liked the courses A course was a axact opposite to the B course.

  8. #7
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: bc 3d championship

    Sounds like a great time. Too bad I was working. I would've love to watch the shootout between Bernie and Kevin - or was there spectators allowed ??

    What club is Kevin Reimer associated with - or does he shoot solo?

    Tough category indeed - Masters 50+ has plenty of better than average shooters in it.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    salmon arm

    Re: bc 3d championship

    kevin is a member of the enderby club i never heard of them having a name.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quesnel B.C.

    Re: bc 3d championship

    It was a good shoot !! I would question anybody saying there was 200 shooters. I shot in the Masters ( 60+ category ) and had a great time against Wayne Lougheed who shot awesome and will represent us old guys very well in lethbridge. I shot my best and was happy with second place.
    On another note I think the BCAA has to look at the Hunter class. I don't understand how people who have been shooting for a lot of years are allowed to still shoot this class. It was my understanding that this class was for new shooters so why are guys who are long term shooters and even on the executive of BCAA still shooting in this class ?? Just doesn't seem ethical to me. MIKE
    PS there is a carp in the Sumas canal that has to be huge as it scared the beejeezus out of a lot of shooters.
    "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try" Beverly Sills

  11. #10
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: bc 3d championship

    Congrats Mike - 2nd ain't too shabby old feller! Have a "pop" on me.

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