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Thread: Princeton Duck Hunting?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Quote Originally Posted by field marshal View Post
    835 get off that PC and go for a walk!!
    I can see I've got my work cut out for me this fall
    Cheers, Field Marshal.

    you just made me laugh..... Thanks!
    its soooo hard though! there is too much good stuf to chat about!

  2. #12
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    I've hunted the potholes up there and just out of Aspen Grove. "Spot and Stalk" is definitely the way to do it up there. During the day that is.

    If there is lots of water the potholes will be alive with ducks - but with this dry spell it is going to be doubtful for this upcoming season.

    See if you can find a larger pond of a small lake to set up on for the night flight. A few decoys will help as well. They will come to the water - in flocks!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Awesome guys, I will definetly give it a shot for sure. I guess I am just a little nervous of not finding anything. You always watch the hunting shows and the ducks come flying pretty "regularly" but in reality how often should you expect them? I think the spot and stock would be pretty successful.

    Is there pros and cons to hunting early compare to later? Like meat quality and quantity of birds?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Dont be nervous man!
    you have to do it. Dont expect any thing! In my comparitively limited experiance, You cant tell how regular they will come in. Just make sure you are set up in a pond before light. Then when it slows down go exploring other ponds and sneak down to a good hidy hole and stay till dusk.

    It takes time, you need to pattern "your birds". They will have their routine. Once you have done it a while you will then have some more good questions to ask here. Eventually you will piece it togeather. The learning is funner then the knowing.

    Pattern your gun, Drive the area and shoot some birds!
    Im thinking if you dont have a dog get a float tube. It would be easy to pack into the spots.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    True. I know what you mean about just getting out there. I am just so "ducking" excited. I cannot wait.

    I have a dingy that I am going to use. Along with a 4x4 quad. I figure that will work. Unfortunately, no dog for now.

    I am heading up there this weekend so I will do some quality scouting and let you know how I make out. Maybe some pics. It will probably be he last time I make it up there before the fall.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Good stuff on the boat.
    You can get alot of cripples when you are learning. Fact of life when you are starting out. Try to keep your shots close and when the bird is in flight or taking off. When you do the spot and stalk unless you are right on top of them they are like little floating tanks! You will be amazed how well they deflect pellets.

    I like #2 shot 3"mag or 3.5 flying at 1550 fps.
    but there is many an opinion on this and every one you get will be correct.
    But thats what i like

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Quote Originally Posted by 835 View Post
    Good stuff on the boat.
    You can get alot of cripples when you are learning. Fact of life when you are starting out. Try to keep your shots close and when the bird is in flight or taking off. When you do the spot and stalk unless you are right on top of them they are like little floating tanks! You will be amazed how well they deflect pellets.

    I like #2 shot 3"mag or 3.5 flying at 1550 fps.
    but there is many an opinion on this and every one you get will be correct.
    But thats what i like
    Are you allowed to shoot sitting ducks/geese here? I've gone through the regs and not seen any reference to the question, but always thought it was not allowed. Just asking.
    But then what do I know? I'm just a lowly woodcutter.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Yes you are.
    There are people who think it unethical, but its still legal.
    I am sure this is because of how hard they are to kill when sitting.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: Princeton Duck Hunting?

    Ya I figured I would grab a box of 1 to 4s and try them all. See what works. Obviously the closer the higher and further the lower.

    As for the shooting in water. Depends On how u want to hunt I guess. If I am worried about getting my limit. Shoot em all. Personally I want to bag them in the air. More exciting. But on my first day I'll probably do whatever I can as long as it is legal.

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