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Thread: grizz outside your tent

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Giscome BC.

    Re: grizz outside your tent

    Quote Originally Posted by gamehunter6o View Post
    Last year in camp I suggested blowing up balloons, covering them in fat and hanging them around our camp. The idea is, when Mr Grizz comes along, he pops the balloons with claw or teeth and scarpers.Don't laugh, it was a Kiwi that first split the atom.
    How about tie a sheep up outside the tent?? Good for knocking down the weeds around camp and would make one heck of a noise at night if mr grizz came to visit...sort of like an early warning device??

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: grizz outside your tent

    I like the idea of a portable motion detector-at least it gives you the edge and lets you know something is in your perimeter[horses coming into camp at night scared the crap out of me in the Kootneys once,thought for sure it was a sow and cubs]

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: grizz outside your tent

    A good dog, and a rifle in the tent, and I've slept soundly in bear country many times.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2010
    mile 1016

    Re: grizz outside your tent

    Funny how every noise heard at night is sure to be a bear attacking camp.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Port Moody, BC

    Re: grizz outside your tent

    Keep food away from the tent. Keep torch on over night. A rifle/shotgun in the tent.
    Alex Li Custom Recurve 48" 62# @ 28", Osage-Bloodwood/Maple/Bamboo with Bocote Riser
    Alex Li Custom Recurve 48" 53# @ 28", Bocote/Bamboo with Water Buffalo Horn Covered Belly
    Blackwidow Recurve 56" 61# @ 28"

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