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Thread: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    prince george

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    its crazy how much sweet stuff and helpful tips there are
    Gold Bond Application Artist

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    new here, been hunting in BC since I was 8, so about 15 years with a break here and there to live in other inferior provinces. Looks like an excellent resource, I'll be by pretty often.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Middle to upper, lower fraser valley mountain

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    Welcome to HBC...

    Theirs lots of info and many people willing to share.
    "The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."

    I'm a vegetarian. I eat things that eat vegetables..........

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    new guy and family here ,finally the youts are very young adults and we can get back to fishing and hunting.Great site here look forward to all the info and knowledge .

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Coastal Cariboo

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    Hi Guys, new guy to the site and I have found it to be awsome. Great tips and stories.
    I myself am an archery addict. Nice to find some others with the same passion. Although I like to hear the bark from my rifles from time to time.
    Thanks to my buddy Elkhound for getting me to sign up.
    I'll have to get back on the initiation joke, got a few just no time.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Coastal Cariboo

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    Okay here's a couple of jokes, hope they are new to some.

    A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says to him "Hey, why the long face?"

    What do divorce in the south and hurricanes have in common? Eventually someone is losing a trailer.

    What is the worst thing someone can do during sex? Phone their spouse.

    Thanks for letting me share....

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    in a house

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    I have been visiting this site for some time and thought I should say hello.
    Hello! Here is the required joke:
    Three guys are out hunting and sitting around the evening campfire exchanging their worst experiences.
    The first guy says the worst thing that ever happened to him was, he was up on a scaffold 7 stories high washing windows when the scaffold collapsed and he fell, breaking every bone in his body and he was hospitalized for six months.
    The second guy says the worst thing that ever happened to him was, he was hitch-hiking and a Greyhound bus ran over him, breaking his back and he wound up in the hospital for nearly a year. The 3rd guy was not saying anything, so one of the others asked him about his worst experience. He said, "Well, I'll tell you about the second worst thing that ever happened to me, I was out hunting one time and I had to take a shit, so I stepped behind a tree, dropped my trousers, and crouched down into *the* position."
    "Yeah? what happened next?" asks his friend. "I got a little too close to the ground and -- WHAM -- a bear trap snapped shut on my testicles." One of the other guys said, "God! If that was the second worst, what in the world was the worst?" He calmly replied, "Oh, that would be when I reached the end of the chain . . .

    " We must strive to touch the land gently and care for it as true stewards, that those who follow us and assess our record may see that our mark on the land was one of respect and love, not cruelty and disdain."

    Robert B. Oetting

    Proud BC Resident Hunter

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    Has anyone tried the T3 270wsm shooting Barnes ttsx 130g, if so what kind of loads and groups are U getting

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Langley BC

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    Big Dog.......try starting a new thread in the appropriate forum. Like this one.

    You will get way more of a response to your question if the right guys see it.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Welcome to Hunting British Columbia

    Hi everyone I am a new member just wanted to say hi and this is a great site and i hope to be able to give more imput on things going on in my neck of the woods.

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