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Thread: duck hunting with no dog

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Kasomor View Post
    What do you say to duck hunters who hunt with no dog?

    Field hunting in a corn patch; great they can walk it down. But on a slough, beside a river or bush the number of ducks just left because they can't find then disgusts me.

    I have hunted ducks with and without dogs and have been in camps where they had dogs and others that dind't had dogs. The loss of birds is about the same.
    "Wouldn’t it be wise for us to be more tolerant of each other and pick our battles with the ones that really threaten our way of life?"

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Maple Ridge

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Kasomor View Post
    What's your phone number? I'll give it to them so you can tell them how to retrieve ducks with out a dog. Mind you, I don't think you can wade across the Vedder River at the moment and I don't know how a canoe would do on it either.

    My friends fluffy got 8 ducks after they left.

    You're right an untrained, out of control dog is a pain in the a**.

    That's why I hunt with a TRAINED gets all the ducks and I stay in the blind.
    Quote Originally Posted by huntwriter View Post
    I have hunted ducks with and without dogs and have been in camps where they had dogs and others that dind't had dogs. The loss of birds is about the same.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Coldstream BC

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    Boy this is a bit of a confession...but we've been hunting without a dog. We set up at our spot over the most open water and definately pick our shots so they fall in the water...that means passing on quite a few shots...we look long and hard for our birds and sometimes... its long and hard..and sometimes we still can't find some of them...its just a fact that a small brown bird falling in neck high cattails can be very very hard to find...crawling around in the mud trying to follow a feather trail or hoping and working a grid is no way to spend any given sunday. we have a boat and we do all we can but its still probably a quarter that we can't find when youre getting the odd sailer and the odd cripple into the deep grass. Well I eventually got a dog! She's seven months old now and she'll be old enough and trained by next fall. All that being said getting a dog isn't like getting new waders..its a chunk of change, its a big commitment and its a lifestyle option not everyone has open to them. I won't even tell you what a time i had convincing my wife! Dogs are the best way and a dog is a real treat to have aside from your waterfowling..... but if you can't get a dog do your level best to look for your birds and at least you know I feel your pain!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Comox Valley

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    A dog is not in the mix for me right now, I tend to keep to field and sheet hunting. As oppose to being in the chuck, but I try to keep to high percentage shots. I also try to avoid nocking and moving to the next bird until I'm sure I folded the first(more for when I'm by myself) But I don't like spending my time looking for birds, which is two fold.
    1. Seems like everytime I move or am out of my blind 200 birds decide they like my spread
    2. I go Waterfowling, not hunting for ducks. I do not enjoy searching for a bird that went into the tall grass or fluttered to the slough

    just my 303 cents
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy_Farmer View Post
    Yeah but your opinions wrong, so everyone here had to let you know that. Have a nice day.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    East of You!

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    I used a belly boat at Brunswick point ONE time... NEVER AGAIN!

    Mind you it was in a slow moving side cannal but it was a stupid amount of work, and I thought I was going to drift out to sea... Then we used a canoe on the same spot!

    it was a good work out!


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    The point been that if you cant retrieve what you have shot you shouldn't have shot it.
    Having a dog increases you chances of retrieving downed birds land or water fowl.
    Im not the police but if I see a guy shooting birds & not retrieving them, I will speak to him or her to see what the problem is!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    I found that if I let my old toller Cajun out of the blind, he would often go out and find and retrieve a duck that thad been shot and lost by some one else and that we never even knew was around. I used to think that there should be an additional bird added to the limit for each dog in the hunting party to account for these unexpected pick ups.
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    Last edited by porcupine; 01-29-2011 at 10:48 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    `As I have been hunting with a dog most of my life except when I lost my old Retreiver (on my avatar ) for a few months and I have seen both sides. My record at the Marsh was 16 cripples picked up after opening day. Did the guys have dogs I'm sure that some did.I have also on my way out of a certain place been called over by some fellows who had a dog but it wasn't able to find most of the birds that they had shot, we did.I have had some great dogs and some average ones( now working on #4) but the dog expereince for me goes hand and hand with the hunting one.You will always lose birds dog or not and the guys that hunt without one have to be a little more sure of their shots but must be able to enjoy the sport as well.I sometimes wonder after the puppy stage and the wifes roses have been chewed down to stalks if it is all worth it, then comes that spectacular across the river retrieve and yes it makes the bad images fade away.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Kasomor View Post
    What do you say to duck hunters who hunt with no dog?

    Field hunting in a corn patch; great they can walk it down. But on a slough, beside a river or bush the number of ducks just left because they can't find then disgusts me.


    i dont know but that is a pretty wide brush if you ask me.
    maby you should have said what do you say to duck killers who dont retrieve their birds because they shoot them in places that make recovery impossible.
    pretty harsh post kasmor i like to think your better than that.
    what you say is " are you going to get all thoes cripples"

    i hunt with a guy who shot a goose in a field, it jumped into a river and went. Larry (i kid you not) stripped down naked and swam after it in the first two weeks of october. Because he didnt have a dog and the bird didnt do as planned

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    MU F-U

    Re: duck hunting with no dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Kasomor View Post
    What do you say to duck hunters who hunt with no dog?

    Field hunting in a corn patch; great they can walk it down. But on a slough, beside a river or bush the number of ducks just left because they can't find then disgusts me.

    That is an assumption. You have a very bold opinion and it is apparent in the comments you make. However, just because somebody can't have a dog or doesn't have a dog doesn't mean there are "sickening" amounts of ducks left behind. Do you have credible evidence to support that hunters without dogs lose more ducks than hunters with dogs? Probably not, I rest my case. What about fat slobs and road hunters? How much game do they wound and not recover. Lets jump to all sorts of irrational conclusions. Screw your head on straight.
    The Rocky Mountains is the Marrow of the World
    "Ain't this somethin'? I told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. "Make your life go here, son. Here's where the people is. Them mountains is for Indians and wild men." "Mother Gue", I says "the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world," and by God, I was right. Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline."

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