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Thread: Game X-border info. needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    100 Mile House BC

    Game X-border info. needed

    Looking for some info. on bringing back game meat from USA hunts.
    Have sent several emails to Can.Brdr.Ser.
    Still waiting 3 weeks for reply.
    Seems the ability to answer routine inquiries isn't a pre-requisite to be a CBS drone.
    According to the website there is a Hunter Permit (????) required. Asked in email for details.
    Anyone gone through the process of importing your kill from the US?

    Look twice; shoot once

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    Brought back an antelope back in 2002 and the conservation went like this.

    CBS- What were you doing in the states?

    Me- Hunting.

    CBS- Get anything?

    Me- Yes a Pronghorn.

    CBS- How many?

    Me- Just one.

    CBS- Is it in the back (meaning truck)?


    CBS- Do you have a firearm?

    Me- Yes.

    CBS- Do you have all the permits for the gun?

    Me- yes

    CBS- Have a good night.

    Before I left I talked to buddy about bringing meat back, like do I have to have a peice of hide on everything or eveidence of sex. Is answer was in todays age (after 911) they dont really care about meat. if you have a tag for something and a carcass of something that was good enough.

    Like any border crossing I think it all depends on the person you get asking the questions then the actual law. Get someone that hunts and you may only have to show the horns as they want to see them. Get a bunny hugger and you may get stripped down as only a hardend criminal would kill an animal.


  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Abbotsford, BC

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    I tried to bring a whole deer in from WA a few years ago (10+) at Nighthawk and they said no chance. Had to go to Peace Arch or Osoyoos
    and schedule an apt. with an Agricultural Inspector.
    Couldn't be bothered so took it to a B'ham butcher and brought it in a few roasts/sausage at a time with no problemo.
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  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    100 Mile House BC

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    Quote Originally Posted by kenkell1 View Post
    Depends what kind of game your talking about? Hope you were more specific in your questions to CBSA.
    Elk/Deer must be in possession of the game lic/tag or bill of sale from the farm the animal (Mainly Elk) it came from.There is no limit on the amount of meat you can import like there is on beef.
    Not to burst your hollier then thou bubble but a question regarding the importation of game crossing the border isn't exactly a routine question for the so called drones to answer.
    My email asked if this is applicable to all game including birds.
    I finally got a response from CSB that it may take up to 40 days to respond (I wonder if this includes the 22 days waiting so far?) as this is not a routine inquiry and the volume of email is "unusually large".
    Look twice; shoot once

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    100 Mile House BC

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    Given the responses so far it seems that that the right foot doesn't know what the left hand is doing when it comes to consistency in the importation of game meat.
    Tend to agree with bighornbob on this issue, but will wait for official reply from CSB and compare what they say with what happens in the real world.
    Look twice; shoot once

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    100 Mile House BC

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    Quote Originally Posted by David Heitsman View Post
    I tried to bring a whole deer in from WA a few years ago (10+) at Nighthawk and they said no chance. Had to go to Peace Arch or Osoyoos
    and schedule an apt. with an Agricultural Inspector.
    Couldn't be bothered so took it to a B'ham butcher and brought it in a few roasts/sausage at a time with no problemo.
    Sounds like a distinct case of buck passing: no pun intended
    Drones at CSB. Unable and/or unwilling to take the initiative or responsibility.
    Look twice; shoot once

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    Did you try calling 1-800-461-9999?
    You might get lucky and speak to drone directly!

    CFIA also has an automated reference system on their website.
    Statement of honour bestowed upon me by Camp Cook:
    LOL that has to be one of the stup*dest mind numbing off in laa laa land comments I have ever read.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    Quote Originally Posted by kenkell1 View Post
    Depends what kind of game your talking about? Hope you were more specific in your questions to CBSA.
    Elk/Deer must be in possession of the game lic/tag or bill of sale from the farm the animal (Mainly Elk) it came from.There is no limit on the amount of meat you can import like there is on beef.
    Not to burst your hollier then thou bubble but a question regarding the importation of game crossing the border isn't exactly a routine question for the so called drones to answer.

    Drove up to the border with a deer. Asked if I had a License/Tag when I said yes I was good to go. It was simple. So far 2 deer and 3 antelope.
    doesnt matter what kind of bullet it is, as long as it weighs 180 grains its DEADLY, even on ass shots....Todbartell-2009

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Dawson Creek

    Re: Game X-border info. needed

    My sister is a border officer at the Peace Arch crossing ill ask her tonight.

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