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Thread: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    This story starts as a Bighorn hunt, Rattler and I decided to backpack in to an area I'd been once before. We get all our gear and prepare for cold weather hunting rams.

    Monday October 12th we set out and drive to the trailhead. We then Don our packs and start the trek in.

    We decide to set up the tent half way up the valley so we can be more central to multiple glassing spots and relatively close to a small water source.

    The first evening resulted in a single yew spotted.
    We then have dinner and go to bed, prepared for the cold, it had been brutally cold the past few days and Rattlers sleeping bag was only good till -1. He wore many clothes to bed and was toasty warm.
    My bag was a -18 bag and I only slept in my long undies.

    Second day We woke up to a beautiful day, we split up to glass for the morning. Rattler spotted 9 yews and a small 1/2 curl ram.
    From my vantage I spotted two 1/2 curl rams.
    Rattler joined me at lunch and we decided to do a water run up the valley and get a better vantage on the area I had been glasssing.

    At the dim remainder of daylight hours I finally spotted what we were looking for, looked like a ram that was worth a closer look. It was a long difficult spot, he was bedded and only parts of him were showing, Although there was no daylight to get closer and size him up we made plans to go up early the next morning and do exactly that.

    The third day we woke up to a snow storm and fog down to the valley bottoms. It was a tent day and we were a little peeved being cramped in a two man tent in October reading books, thank god we brought books incase of this. The weather sort of broke for the evening so we hiked in but never seen the ram.
    We made mountain house dinners again and hoped for good glassing weather the next day.


    That evening at 9:50 pm Rattler turns off his headlight and puts it away with his book and goes to sleep. Louis L'amour had me enthrawled in a tale so I kept reading, about 30 minutes later I hear something.

    The beat of heavy footprints.

    Thu..Thump, Thu...thump, Thu... Thump, Thu.. Thump

    And the Sound of huffing

    Hufffff Huf, Huffff Huf, Hufff Huf, Huffff Huf as the footsteps fell

    Believe me, a sound that makes my hands shake while I write this.

    I SPRANG to the sitting postition and woke Rattler, I grabbed my gun but I had to jack a shell in the chamber cause I didn't want to risk the rifle going off with one in the tube accidentally in a really small tent, or roll over on it in the middle of the night and it go off. I will now sleep with one in the tube.

    The sounds got louder and you could feel them in the ground and pit of your stomach.

    Its gonna come through the tent, only mear seconds have past, it happened sooooo quickly. We both yell HEY HEY HEY GIT OUT OF HERE, in an attemp to let the bear know what we were, it didn't matter it only came in faster. I couldn't get the shell in the gun before the Attack. It hit the tent and flattened both me and Rattler, the bear was more on top of Rattler and now he's fighting.

    Remember we are wrapped up in a tent, Rattler is in the Dark and I can only see a furry of blue tent thrashing, biting and clawing. Rattler is fighting for his life, swinging and kicking and yelling I Grab the bear with my left arm and push it up and off of Rattler at the same time with my Right hand I close the bolt on the rifle and jam the rifle barrel into the bear. The bear didn't like being shoved around and spun and bit me in the left forearm, I could feel its teeth bight down, sink in and I thought to myself, That didn't feel too bad, is that all you got. I had to repostition the rifle because it nocked loose when it spun and bit. I pull the trigger and NOTHING HAPPENS. In the panic I hadn't pulled the bolt back far enough to grab a shell out of the magazine. My heart sank and thought that this was going to be the end of things, I had no idea how bad Rattler was hurt.

    Then it all stopped, I frantically found the door to the tent and tore through it like a madman while chambering a round for certain this time, Having no idea where it went I Scanned the area, it had retreated. I could feel the blood free flowing from my arm. I unzipped Rattler from the tent and we were completely shocked. We surveyed the injuries and there was nothing too bad considering we just got piniata'd by a grizzly bear.

    We calmed down and Rattler stood guard with a loaded rifle while I got a bonfire lit. After about an hour we packed up camp and then we waited for another hour before we hiked back out to the truck.

    That truck was a welcome site. We drove to the hospital, got there at about 3am.

    Luckily Rattler was wearing multiple jackets to bed, so his bites were only punctures and some real good bruizing, his forearm has to be Xray'd because it might be fractured. Mucho Sore. He also got bit or clawed in the thigh.

    My arm is nearly painless, considering the holes she tore in my forearm I am astonished.

    Here is the tent, all flattended. Every pole broke, all tore to shreds. She even managed to bite my alarm clock and break it....bitch.

    Yes thats right, it was a sow and a cub. Not sure if they both partook in the beatin or not.

    Last edited by Brambles; 10-15-2009 at 04:56 PM.
    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    Now for the Squeemish, these are some slightly graphic pictures
    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    My blood smear

    At the hospital. The pictures don't really show how deep it acutually is and how tore up the underlying meat actually is......

    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

  5. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    I consider us two VERY VERY lucky fella's, I'm just happy we can come home to our families.
    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    Amazing!! Glad you guys both made it home safe. I guess beers will be on me at the WSSOBC while you retell the story.


  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    On a side note, how did the pack work for you??

    Once again glad you are safe.


  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Region 4

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    Holy sh*t! Glad to hear you guys made it out ok!

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    ****!!!!! That's the reason I sleep with one in the tube. Man, glad to hear you're ok. Shit man, wow.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    Man glad you were abel to tell us a storie

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: Brambles and Rattler GRIZZLY ATTACK sheep adventure

    Quote Originally Posted by bighornbob View Post
    On a side note, how did the pack work for you??

    Once again glad you are safe.


    Pack has worked out really well, packed out two bull elk this year and a mule deer last year. Handles the weight well, the elk antlers kinda threw the balance off and it was a little painfull with them pulling the pack down and away, but I could have readjusted the rack, just chose not to.
    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

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