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Thread: New duck blind

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Maple Ridge, BC

    Re: New duck blind

    Here's a thought... if you go cut some willow whips (on an angle) and stick them in the ground around the blind, most of them will take and start to grow and you'll have some natural camo that you will just need to trim! I had an island blind like that back in Ontario, all you had to do was give it a hedge trimming each fall!

    You might also think about some boards in the bottom and a sump since you know it's going to get wet, might as well go all the way!


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pacific Flyway

    Re: New duck blind

    Yea we did that a bit last in our last blind, theres a couple willow trees right behind the blind so before opener we'd cut a bunch and blend it in the best we could. Dont worry by the time its done, we've back filled the back and sides in so the ground will sloop up to the blind so it'll look like a hill once the grass grows on it.
    1st Im in charge, and if not Matt is. Your job is to sign checks, tell us we're doing good and open your case of scotch after a good day. 2nd my fee. You can keep it, all I want in exchange for my service is the right to hunt all the drakes. A male. Buck only. Why and how are my business. If you don't like it, go alone. Set up right here or in a swamp or in the middle of a noshoot field for all I care. I've been on too many duck hunts with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Ok?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Ladner, B.C.

    Re: New duck blind

    How about one on floats for the brant season.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pacific Flyway

    Re: New duck blind

    Well some more work done today. Cut some 3/4" rubber mats for the floor. We know the water will rise so to keep the mud or muck down these will help. Also put the chicken mesh up, banged on the roof, and planted some willow shoots in the side. Lots more in the way of camo'ing still to be done. Lots of green and brown paint on the 2x4s and lots of foilage around the front, the grass will grown pretty tall in back.

    1st Im in charge, and if not Matt is. Your job is to sign checks, tell us we're doing good and open your case of scotch after a good day. 2nd my fee. You can keep it, all I want in exchange for my service is the right to hunt all the drakes. A male. Buck only. Why and how are my business. If you don't like it, go alone. Set up right here or in a swamp or in the middle of a noshoot field for all I care. I've been on too many duck hunts with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Ok?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: New duck blind

    is that a 2x8 for a seat?
    and what height is it set at?
    what is the height that the roof starts at and how long is it?
    "you know there are a lot of mountain bikers in the area" she looked at me weird when I said back to her " Thats fine, I'm not hunting mountain bikers today" Brambles

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Region 4

    Re: New duck blind

    great looking blind. makes a nice place to be on a rainy day hunting ducks.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NW Washington State

    Re: New duck blind

    It's a shame to see that someone has tracked mud onto those nice mats! Better talk to the housekeeper.
    Why do the ducks come just after I pour my coffee?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pacific Flyway

    Re: New duck blind

    I should of been posting some more pictures but I've been to tired to that last couple weeks driving back and forth from home to Kamloops.

    The islands been 1/2 cleared aswell as about a 1/4 acre around the pond the grounds been disked to dirt.

    There was a hen with a bunch of chicks pretty good sized aready swimming around and hiding in the island this past week, and I noticed a few other moms and hatches at our other ponds. So thats always good to see.
    1st Im in charge, and if not Matt is. Your job is to sign checks, tell us we're doing good and open your case of scotch after a good day. 2nd my fee. You can keep it, all I want in exchange for my service is the right to hunt all the drakes. A male. Buck only. Why and how are my business. If you don't like it, go alone. Set up right here or in a swamp or in the middle of a noshoot field for all I care. I've been on too many duck hunts with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Ok?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pacific Flyway

    Re: New duck blind

    Well if the corns not off before sept 10th I may just have to shoot this one. Its BIG. And using our duck pond as a watering hole. I may have to think about bringing protection next time I work on the blind.

    1st Im in charge, and if not Matt is. Your job is to sign checks, tell us we're doing good and open your case of scotch after a good day. 2nd my fee. You can keep it, all I want in exchange for my service is the right to hunt all the drakes. A male. Buck only. Why and how are my business. If you don't like it, go alone. Set up right here or in a swamp or in the middle of a noshoot field for all I care. I've been on too many duck hunts with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Ok?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: New duck blind

    that's awsome.... good luck

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