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Thread: easy grouse hunting

  1. #11
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    Sneg - Thanks for the 'tip'. I'll give it a try the next time I'm out there.

  2. #12
    sneg's Avatar
    sneg is offline Born 2 hunt forced 2 work
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    Dec 2007

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    Bow Walker u r welcome.
    PGK agree with you that this works best in September October.
    Grouse may be fool's hen,but for sure we see them less than we could.
    I do not know about grouse social organization,but there must be something.
    I never hunted grouse with dog,must be lot of fun.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    thats a funny read ,,seeing as there is no pecking order in grouse. easy grouse hunting...shoot what you see, always works for me, sometimes some fly away most times they sit and watch each other do the chicken on the ground after the head shot with a 22.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    Good post Sneg. I have seen the covies after the shot but never paid much attention to the chatter kind of like on here. I'll be lookin for mamma san from now on.

  5. #15
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    Sep 2008

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by Ddog View Post
    thats a funny read ,,seeing as there is no pecking order in grouse. easy grouse hunting...shoot what you see, always works for me, sometimes some fly away most times they sit and watch each other do the chicken on the ground after the head shot with a 22.
    How do you know this? Explain.

  6. #16
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    Sep 2004

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    Good point,I remember way back when my friend took me ''proper''grouse hunting--several guys and a couple of dogs, he said to watch for a grouse sitting up on a stump-it was the lookout,the rest were hidden nearby feeding.However, most of my grouse hunting is simply opportunistic-out for a midday walk while moose hunting, potting a grouse on the roadside.Maybe I'll take a little longer now instead of just shooting the first one I see ,then moving on...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: easy grouse hunting is a simple google search, males stay alone in the same area and females wander through many males territories. There is no one "look-out" in grouse, there may be an older more mature bird that is simply the mother bird of several young ones, and they follow their mother, obviously if you shoot the mother, the other birds not knowing any better, stay.
    its funny how you may think that one bird because it is sitting somewhere may be a lookout bird and this may be true in other species but not in grouse. when grouse do make it to the roadside it is to pick gravel to help digest the leaves and berries they have eaten. Grouse stay in groups because they are family units.
    i have seen thousands of grouse in big groups small groups and singles, so when you find a single bird in a tree or on a stump your saying its the look-out bird? this is just one persons opinion, ever think of why it hasnt been written before? Grouse are simply not that smart.
    how many of you have thrown rocks at them and hit them or missed and thrown 2 or 3 more to have them sit there and than get hit after several rocks have gone whizzing past them? last year i got my limit in grouse with a stick, oh ya and all of them were sitting on a branch and i left 3 sitting there. do you think one of those were a "look-out" bird? It is implanted in the birds brains that there are predators that will eat them being low on the food chain, and all grouse "look-out" for the predators. Not one in particular.

  8. #18
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    Re: easy grouse hunting

    its certainly true of quail-you see one sitting up on a fence post and the rest are all on the ground

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Re: easy grouse hunting

    it may be true of quail, like i said, other birds, i dont know about that.
    but the post isnt on quail is it ratherbefishin.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: easy grouse hunting

    He's talking about quail. You're obviously talking about spruce grouse. I'm talking about ruffed grouse. I believe the original poster was talking about ruffies. Funny how that works.....

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