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Thread: Ticks in February

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley

    Ticks in February

    I was scratching my dog behind the ear this evening and felt something. I thought it was a mat in her fur at first but after closer observation I then realized it was a tick. It’s hard to believe she picked up a tick this early in the year but it happened. Anyone else have any problems with ticks on pets this time of year? I had both my dogs out for a walk last week down in the Cowichan Bay area near the ducks unlimited marsh. We were there for approximately an hour or so and she must have picked it up then. Now I have to decide my plan of action for taking this freeloading hitchhiker off my dog.
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  3. #2
    bone-collector Guest
    sorry bud we dont have them up here so I have no idea what to do to help

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley
    well I got the little bugger off. Hopefully I got it all. It's still alive and crawling so hopefully I got the important parts off the dog.

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  5. #4
    Join Date
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    St. Joe Island, Ont
    If it's still alive and moving around Mark you got him all, most of the time what happens is that people pull off the tick and leave the head behind not realizing it, and thats what gets infected and causes the problems.

    Sounds like your dog is gonna be o.k. though if the tick is still alive.

    You should give the pooch a good going over though to make sure you didn't miss any, I know last moose season I was sitting on the four wheeler having a beer and I looked down to see about 20 of the little buggers crawling around on my coveralls, had to pick them all off but I don't know where in the bush I picked them up. Could have been anywhere in the last ten miles I just finished walking.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley
    Well I looked in the can were I had put the tick and he had crawled up almost to the top. 8O He took a littlte trip to the toilet were he got the double flush
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  7. #6
    Join Date
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    sunshine coast
    Marc, check with your local Vets. and see if the ticks in your area carry Lyme disease. The ticks in the Pender Harbour area of the Sunshine Coast do. Also if you are walking in the grass in the spring, either wear gaitors or seal your cuffs with duct tape. A buddy of mine got Lyme and it knocked the hell out of him. The most common symptom is a bullsye rash in the bite zone..

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley
    Thanks coaster I'll keep an eye on the bite area to make sure it doesn't look infected.

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  9. #8


    My little JR had a tick just behind her ear the other day, It's not unusual for her to get them , but we have never seen them this early. I know that some years we have seen more than others , do ticks run in cycles like some other insects ?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Ticks in February

    My dog has picked up the odd tick from time to time. Its not big deal but make sure you guys go over yourselves as well .. I always wear gators in long grass ect.. ticks are creepy as hell


  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Ticks in February

    Last year I took my lab rabbit hunting and he picked up six ticks. That was in late feb early march. We found them all ( The ticks ) In the broom brush . I haven't taken him back there and haven't had a problem since. We did go to the vets and got him some antibiotics , because of the amount of bites. The Vet told us that they have had a few cases of lyme disease show up. I really felt bad for him when I got bit last spring chasing bears in northwest bay. Burns like a *******.
    Thats why they call it hunting and not killing.

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