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Thread: Please People

  1. #1
    boyd050 Guest

    Please People

    I'm not one to rant but I've got to. for a number of years, there is a group of penticton bow hunters that come down to cranbrook, no problem with that. I have to say they are a disgrace to us hunters with what they left behind... again. look people, we are responsible for keeping hunting ethical and respectful, the mess consisted of garbage, an awning off a trailer that must have gotten ripped off and generally a mess they also were driving on the fields cause they didn't like the dust, the farmers had a chat with them about it to no avail, again giving us all a bad name. I plan to go out tonight and clean up their mess, and haul it away. cuts into my hunting time but I can't in all conscience leave it there. I spend alot of time picking up other peoples garbage. next year here is a promise... I am going to go their camp, record the licence numbers of every vehicle there and take pictures if there is a mess again, and see they are charged. what does it take??? I'm ashamed. the CO's are being notified and next year, they will get a reminder call to check these "hunters" out. count on it. anyways to all of you who clean up, thank you to those who don't ... why don't you stay home.keep your garbage to yourselves. I think this should also go into the bowhunting thread, mods can you copy this to there? so it will be in both forums?

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Campbell River

    Re: Please People

    As much as it sucks cleaning up after bush slobs, I commend you for taking the action needed to keep our bush a little cleaner for everyone.
    A Pine needle falls. An Eagle sees it. A Deer hears it. A Bear smells it

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Please People

    I couldn't believe the pile of crap a bunch of guys left behind at a site in region 7-11 one time I was there.

    They'd gone to the trouble of building an awesome hanging pole on stout logs they'd cut, but when they left they heaped all their left over food on the firepit and left. It was a pile a metre high! Poatoes, egg cartons with broken eggs, cooked food, fruit and topped off with six packages of last year's formerly frozen mooseburger.

    Did they think they were the only people going to use that site for the rest of the year? It was mid October. Not only was it unsightly and a bitch to clean, it was a perfect bear attractant too.

    Not pleasant.
    Last edited by MichelD; 09-17-2008 at 01:48 PM.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Please People

    If that is what it takes, so be it. What you recomend is a fine solution.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Please People

    If you are cleaning up, especially on private land, make sure you let the owners know you are a hunter and the other guys are a disgrace...get some good P.R. for a change!

    And good for you to do this!!

    As to copying to the bowhunting forum, sorry, we don't do that. No need to have 2 threads discussing the same stuff. I'm sure you will get lots of attention here, though.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Squamish BC

    Re: Please People

    Quote Originally Posted by Gatehouse View Post
    If you are cleaning up, especially on private land, make sure you let the owners know you are a hunter and the other guys are a disgrace...get some good P.R. for a change!

    And good for you to do this!!

    As to copying to the bowhunting forum, sorry, we don't do that. No need to have 2 threads discussing the same stuff. I'm sure you will get lots of attention here, though.

    Excellent point
    "didn't want the cabin lookin' like it was built by a boyscout with a dull hatchet."

    - Dick Proenneke

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Please People

    We always carry an extra case of heavy black garbage bags as inevitably most years we end up cleaning up after someone..
    Last year my son collected 3 dozen empties from the roads and trails while out hunting and travelling to a few fishing spots between morning and afternoon hunts. ( He bought coffee at Tim's in Quesnel on the way home with the money)
    Hard to understand what goes through a person's mind when they leave all that crap behind with no attempt to clean up..

  9. #8
    boyd050 Guest

    Re: Please People

    Nope , public land adjacent to our "shit fields" just in the trees off the powerline.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    outside Kamloops

    Re: Please People

    contact the princeton archery club (if have one) and tell them the story and ask them to post your story at their range... at the very least it might serve as a warning. I'm sure if you asked around someone there would know who these tards are.
    Good job on taking up the cause.

  11. #10
    guest Guest

    Re: Please People

    Just hard to believe the user's of the resource are some times the worst thing for it.
    I admire your diligence and would love to hear that these guys and any like them get the book thrown at them.
    Thanks for doing the right thing and cleaning the mess up !! Thats class.

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