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Thread: public hunting areas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    public hunting areas

    Anyone know of any areas to go in around the lowermainland that their willing to share. I only got one area to go to and it aint much good, Im trying to get permission for a few local corn fields but havent had much luck yet. Any help for new area's to hunt geese/ducks would be very appreciated. If anyone's willling to take me and a friend out, we got decoys, dog, and boats, and do everything legit.
    Is their any local hunting clubs around that I could join and maybe get access to some good area's? Thankyou for any help...

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada

    Re: public hunting areas

    I hunt in Pitt Marsh. You need to get the special area regulations and do your homework as it's split up by no hunting areas and some of the surrounding dykes are no shooting as well. It's only open saturday, sunday and wednesday. Not open on holidays either! I talked to the C.O. saturday (yeah, I was surprised to hear we had one too, first one I've encountered in years), I asked him why we didn't have holidays included in the days out there and suggested the marsh be open every day as the whole lower mainland is getting shut down and it may make for less issues closer to the city if the marsh was open all the time. He said it sounded like a good idea and to write the CWS (I will).

    There's an Island on the Pitt river a few miles up from the Pitt bridge we call Goose Island. It's in a good area for geese (hense the name) and ducks ( I used to hunt there all the time). The Pitt river is open up from the Pitt bridge, I used to hunt up from Harris road, go upstream to the right at the dyke. I have a buddy who hunts out in Ladner Marsh and does very well out there.
    If you don't know the areas at all I suggest you head out and waste a day scouting (not really a waste I guess). Head out a few hours after first light and see where the birds are, where other hunters are (give them lots of room), and get to know the area.
    The Pitt Marsh is hard to get into as most of the channels in have a beaver dam or two to cross over, logs that you may have to pull a boat over (or sunk enough to thump your prop). Lots of weeds too and you have to tilt your engine to clear off weeds often. Like I said earlier, not a place to head into for the first time under darkness. You don't have to go far into the marsh though, there are good spots near the road and birds all over.
    Hope this helps,
    Buddi doing what she does best!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: public hunting areas


    I ususally hunt around the mission area. If you have Monday- Thursday off I wouold take you out. My puppy should be introduced to a trained dog also.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada

    Re: public hunting areas

    I was thinking that your best access to the Pitt Marsh may be by taking the tunoff towards Golden Eagle golf course and turning left just before you get there. At the end of the road there's a dyke you park by, the area to the right is open, the dyke heading to the left is closed and the one that heads straight is also closed but the water bordering it on the right is open (check your special area regs).

    Like I mentioned earlier, scout it out at mid morning and stay for a night flight. Lots of islands in this area and it's south of where I shoot, we see birds circling there all the time and get lots that come from that direction. I would go that way but my hunting partner is turning 70 this year and you have to carry or drag your boat over the dyke. The cranberry fields on the way in are private and there's a sign stating that (but the road in is public, I think they are trying to intimidate guys from going through).
    It's a good area and will keep birds moving around (not too many hunt this side and we see them landing in there all the time). Well worth checking out.
    Buddi doing what she does best!

  6. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: public hunting areas

    Thanks for the info Dano Ill try and get out this weekend to check the area out and I'll stay out anyones way thats hunting the area.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: public hunting areas

    MY uncle owns lots of acreage in the matsqui flats on his dairy farm with lots of corn fields wich has a lot of geese on it. a nice slue going through the property wich holds a lot of ducks good for pass shooting.And No other Hunters. I'll talk to him and let you know

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