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Thread: What is the hardest/difficult animal to hunt with a bow?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: What is the hardest/difficult animal to hunt with a bow?

    The last count had over 220 Super Slams via any legal method. As of last winter that includes 45 bowhunters that have taken an Archery Super Slam that is registered with Grand Slam. I finished mine in the fall of 2021 and was #40 Archery and #199 via any method. 50 years of bowhunting for me at that time.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: What is the hardest/difficult animal to hunt with a bow?

    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-30-2024 at 10:09 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: What is the hardest/difficult animal to hunt with a bow?

    Quote Originally Posted by stoneramhunter View Post
    I have had 2 sheep hunting buddies who have taken sheep with a bow. one needed 20 days to get his stone and in the end he staked out a mineral lick and stayed there for 3 days and it worked for him. the other took 14 days and harvested it on the last day i helped him get the ram. distances matter -with a rifle you can kiss out past 500 yards but with a bow your limited to a very short distance. He took the ram at 40 feet. WE had seen several legal rams but a few were not possible to get within bow distance and a few when he stalked got busted well before he was within range. Got to take my hat off to sheep hunter who do it with a bow.
    Wow, 2 very impressive feats with a bow, congrats to you and your partner.. I shoot recurve so my personal limit I've set for myself is 20 yards... haven't harvested anything yet with it but been close.. lots of fun with the challenge of getting that close.. I believe the feat will most easily be accomplished on a black bear - when they're foraging and the wind is right, they're very easy to sneak up close to..

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: What is the hardest/difficult animal to hunt with a bow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blockcaver View Post
    My experience as a dedicated and successful bowhunter:

    —-sheep were tough…took eight backpack trips over a 6 year period with over 60 hunting days to arrow a Stone. Similar amount of days over 5 seasons for a Bighorn. Got lucky on the NR NV tag and got one the 8th day. Guided Dalls in the the NWT were the easiest….arrowed one on day 7.

    —-mountain caribou took me 60 some days and 8 hunts to arrow one. Not many legal bulls seen in BC over those hunts.

    —-Grizzly took a similar amount of time, over 60 hunting days but sure was a rush to arrow one at 13 yards and have him bound past at 2 yards!

    —-the remainder of the Archery Super Slam came a bit easier, and 20 of the 29 were on hunts without guides.

    —-I’ve yet to arrow a wolf, but have missed 3. None were chip shots. Wolves are smart and elusive. Coyotes..arrowed a half a dozen.
    Wow, very impressive, congrats!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: What is the hardest/difficult animal to hunt with a bow?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blockcaver View Post
    The last count had over 220 Super Slams via any legal method. As of last winter that includes 45 bowhunters that have taken an Archery Super Slam that is registered with Grand Slam. I finished mine in the fall of 2021 and was #40 Archery and #199 via any method. 50 years of bowhunting for me at that time.
    Wow! Another impressive feat..

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