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Thread: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    Thank you all for your replies! Select replies I'll comment on are:

    "like an Ironman" well guess what - have done those lol, also my son is doing his first this summer

    former collegiate wrestler - mental toughness, check lol

    300 yards - this is for the experience alone. If my son and I and our 3rd partner do nothing more than spend hours in the cab of the truck shooting the breeze on the 23 hour drive there, then that is a WIN! If we manage to get to our proposed base camp then WIN! If we get up to a plateau and actually experience the steep shale nonsense then WIN! If we see sheep then OMG WIN! I am are truly not certain to squeeze the trigger if a legal ram is in range and in a recoverable place. Crazy, right?!

    bugs - loved reading that once out of the alpine they might be not as bad, in the meantime will make sure we all have head nets

    boots - 3 days ago literally dumpstered my Meindls. One of the most disappointing purchases of my life. Don't mind spending good money, but don't like low value. The soles were repaired FOUR times. After a recent 4km walk I had a look and the soles were coming apart AGAIN. I must have (seriously) spent as much having them repaired as paid originally). Contacted the company in Germany 2 years ago and got a royal bum's rush. They were only lightly used (the area of heel strike was just beginning to show wear). Also, they squeaked like nobody's business no matter what I did.

    Plan now is to get a new pair of low/mid hikers and start breaking my feet into them. I am hugely blister prone.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern BC

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    Sounds like you will have a spectacular trip then. You’ll be fine.
    Definitely get on the new boots though if you are blister prone.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Vancouver Island

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    I hear having crocs with you may be indispensable. Yeah they are bulky, but light. They come in handy for crossing creeks and a must around the camp.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    Sheep hunting is self inflicted torture. If your prone to blisters you are in for a world of pain. The amount of side hilling on a sheep hunt tends to be ludicrous. People who just hike in the mountains never put themselves through that, why would they. A high quality spotting scope will save boot leather and possibly your trip, good boots are a must. Everything else doesn't really seem to matter if you can shoot straight to 300m that's good enough. It comes down to motivation and knowledge. Sometimes we couldn't but most of the time we could get within 100 meters and have harvested many fine rams.
    Don't get me wrong sheep hunting is fun but I have seen many grown men give up or cry, it's just the weirdos who keep coming back!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Losing something, somewhere!

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    Try this for no blisters.
    Use a liner sock as a first layer. They used to be called 2nd skin. It’s a thin sock “almost” like a sock you’d wear with a suit, then a quality thicker hiking sock. The 1st layer sticks to your foot, and the 2nd layer can move a bit without the friction being on your foot.
    I’ve done this for decades and no blisters.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    Quote Originally Posted by digger dogger View Post
    Try this for no blisters.
    Use a liner sock as a first layer. They used to be called 2nd skin. It’s a thin sock “almost” like a sock you’d wear with a suit, then a quality thicker hiking sock. The 1st layer sticks to your foot, and the 2nd layer can move a bit without the friction being on your foot.
    I’ve done this for decades and no blisters.
    I echo this.
    Never had a blister on a sheep hunt.

    The sock liners are just polypropylene liners.
    They don’t smell that great after a few days but they have never failed me.


    I Give my Heart to my Family....
    My Mind to my Work.......
    But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    dancing bananas for the sock liners, best thing since front opening bras
    Have always used them, first defense
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    [QUOTE=high horse Hal;244
    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-31-2024 at 05:55 PM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Gear questions for first (and last) sheep hunt.

    Have to admit, the manboobs have changed shape over the years, but not needing support yet
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

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