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Thread: CWD officially in BC

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    Quote Originally Posted by carnivore View Post
    So I guess, if one harvests a healthy looking animal the head should be submitted for testing and then wait for the results before consuming the meat?
    I submitted my head in late Sept and it still hasn't been processed or at least displayed on the website. If the province is serious about testing and transmission to humans then it needs to increase the turn around time for the results. There's only 209 results and it states "Not all submissions have been processed yet" and we're into Feb now. I guess I'll have to call to follow up.
    Last edited by superdrupal; 02-01-2024 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    I wonder if they finally cull the urban mule deer populations. It has been a controversial issue in Cranbrook and Kimberley. If I am not mistaken most of the CWD transmission in areas like Libby, MT are through these urban deer.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    CWD affects all ungulates so it makes sense that elk that wandered over to the Alberta side and then wandered back could have started the spread. At this point, there is no natural way to stop the spread of prions, so once the ground becomes infected all it takes is a deer or elk to consume grass contaminated with prions and the deadly cycle begins. Fish and Wildlife in BC as well as Alberta should insure that all ungulate carcasses are collected and disposed of in local landfills. But seriously with the lack of manpower this will be impossible to enforce. And not to be negative but it is going to be hard to stop from affecting all ungulate populations in BC, and Alberta. As far as affecting humans, why do you think they are doing the CWD testing in the first place. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but there is no vaccine for this medical condition in ungulates as it is a mutated protein, not a virus. Once the animal gets infected it wastes away to become zombie like till it dies. Believe me when I say if I ever got infected with CWD, shortly after the diagnosis I will be signing up for MAID service.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    This could be the beginning of the end for hunting in BC. I wonder if there will be any new restrictions in the new regulations when they come out? Why hunt for something if your advised not to consume it?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    Quote Originally Posted by carnivore View Post
    This could be the beginning of the end for hunting in BC. I wonder if there will be any new restrictions in the new regulations when they come out? Why hunt for something if your advised not to consume it?
    This will be weaponised against us for sure. Death by 1000 cuts.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    Quote Originally Posted by carnivore View Post
    This could be the beginning of the end for hunting in BC. I wonder if there will be any new restrictions in the new regulations when they come out? Why hunt for something if your advised not to consume it?
    Its concerning for sure. But if it's tested and negative, eat it. If it's tested and positive, probably a good thing that it was killed (one less to spread the disease).

    Not really a good argument to be made for not hunting them. Mandatory submission and testing is probably the best way to monitor it's spread.

    CwD has been in the states, Alberta and Sask for a long time and people still hunt deer in those jurisdictions.

    Agree its a serious issue. Problem is news outlets( like CBC) headlining articles calling them "zombie deer".

    Good way to drumb up fear and divide.
    Last edited by Ron.C; 02-02-2024 at 02:25 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    "CWD affects all ungulates so it makes sense that elk that wandered over to the Alberta side and then wandered back could have started the spread"

    Most likely coming right up the trench since 2019 from the Libby area. Been watching this for a while in MT.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: CWD officially in BC

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron.C View Post
    ... Problem is news outlets( like CBC) headlining articles calling them "zombie deer".
    I've seen both mulies & elk in the final stages of this disease in Southern Alberta.
    While I am no fan of the MSM (and especially CBC) that description is apt.
    It is VERY Disturbing to witness!


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Region 4

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    Quote Originally Posted by superdrupal View Post
    I submitted my head in late Sept and it still hasn't been processed or at least displayed on the website. If the province is serious about testing and transmission to humans then it needs to increase the turn around time for the results. There's only 209 results and it states "Not all submissions have been processed yet" and we're into Feb now. I guess I'll have to call to follow up.
    Im not surprised at all, I can say from experience as a provincial meat inspector that if mad cow disease or any other prion disease was a major issue, the inspection agency would do nothing to prevent it. This is how stupid it was.

    Any cow over 30 months would have its spine cut out and skull saved, also a part between the large and small intestine. Lets say they slaughtered 5 cows you would think they would keep them separate so if any prion disease were to be detected you could identify the animal and trace it back to the farm and figure out how to stop further infection and also notify the owner/consumers of that beef. NOPE! They just throw it all in a huge pile, sender in and within 6 months they test their big pile of scraps to see if someone out there from whatever farm is consuming meat with mad cow disease.

    Im sure the CWD system is the same or even worse, BC seems to have the worst game management in North America and run their management on public emotion from the anti hunters and taking as little positive action as possible
    - A hunter who doesn't bring home the meat is just an outdoor enthusiast

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    East Kootenays

    Re: CWD officially in BC

    CWD was first detected in 1967 in Wyoming and not a SINGLE case of human transmission has ever been found.

    You can't tell me that in that time period that no infected meat was consumed.

    It is another sky is falling agenda with mafe up consequences (no scientific proof of transmission even being possible.

    This is more of a scam than the VID
    "It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase" - Deep Purple

    "Lord knows I'm a Voodoo chile" - SRV (RIP 8-27-90)

    "Know your Land, Know your Prey" Man Tracker

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