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Thread: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Question Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    For Kootenay Lake’s kokanee salmon population to rebound, the kokanee first need a break from being devoured by the over-abundant rainbow and bull trout, say Ministry of Forests officials. So, in the coming year, the ministry will be ramping up measures to reduce the number of predatory trout in the lake.

    “Get out fishing!” was the main message to the public at meetings held at Lardeau Valley Community Hall in Meadow Creek on February 22 and in Balfour February 21.

    The meetings were held to provide an update on the Kootenay Lake kokanee collapse and efforts to address it. The population collapsed in the early 2010s after rainbow and bull trout suddenly began eating most of the kokanee in the lake.

    Measures to reduce predators include proposals to further loosen fishing regulations for rainbow and bull trout, and continued prize draws for anglers who catch and remove them. The ministry is also partnering with local Indigenous nations to remove trout with nets and fencing, and is continuing to stock spawning channels with kokanee fry.

    Ministry officials said they are making headway but more needs to be done to capitalize on the progress.

    There is much more to this article. I found their approach interesting in attempting to employ angling as a chief method of predator reduction alongside FN netting.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    Quote Originally Posted by IronNoggin View Post
    Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    For Kootenay Lake’s kokanee salmon population to rebound, the kokanee first need a break from being devoured by the over-abundant rainbow and bull trout, say Ministry of Forests officials. So, in the coming year, the ministry will be ramping up measures to reduce the number of predatory trout in the lake.

    “Get out fishing!” was the main message to the public at meetings held at Lardeau Valley Community Hall in Meadow Creek on February 22 and in Balfour February 21.

    The meetings were held to provide an update on the Kootenay Lake kokanee collapse and efforts to address it. The population collapsed in the early 2010s after rainbow and bull trout suddenly began eating most of the kokanee in the lake.

    Measures to reduce predators include proposals to further loosen fishing regulations for rainbow and bull trout, and continued prize draws for anglers who catch and remove them. The ministry is also partnering with local Indigenous nations to remove trout with nets and fencing, and is continuing to stock spawning channels with kokanee fry.

    Ministry officials said they are making headway but more needs to be done to capitalize on the progress.

    There is much more to this article. I found their approach interesting in attempting to employ angling as a chief method of predator reduction alongside FN netting.

    FWIW, as much as I like catching trout, I prefer eating Kokanee. I would assume that on such a big lake they could grow to the size of Sockeyes.
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  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    I know nothing about the lake or trout-Kokanee interactions, so I’m just here to muse, speculate, and hear what folks who know more have to say…

    On the one hand, it’s seems like the government would’ve played a key role in the origin of trout in the lake, so they should ultimately be responsible for the fix. But, to an extent at least, we are the government, so it falls to us…
    It seems unlikely that anyone would be able to completely extirpate bull/rainbows from the lake through netting and hook/line angling, but I’d look to more learned individuals to confirm that.

    Maybe there’s room for a guide venture targeting the introduced species to start operating (like we see down south with hog control)?

    I’m not altogether opposed to handing the FN the license to create a commercial fishery around the bull and rainbow trout population control. If it creates jobs and keeps some of them from crime, it’s a positive in my mind.
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  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    If they really want to increase trout harvest then why not allow white man to net alongside brown man?
    "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority." - Benjamin Franklin

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  6. #5
    Join Date
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    Kamloops BC

    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    It's a good start. Limits of fish are raised and lowered all the time as the bios see fit. In the Cariboo they raise and lower Laker retention depending on fish numbers. They increase rainbow retention if a lake is full of too many rainbows. There are only so many groceries to go around.

    They need to target pike minnow as well I would think in several areas, not sure about the Koots but I imagine they vacuum up the koks.

    The South Thompson would benefit from a bounty on pikeminnow. They are absolutely everywhere in the South T and suck up the salmon fry like crazy. I believe they had a bounty on pikeminnow in the past, before my time in BC. It is a big deal on the Columbia in the US and one guy made almost $120,000 US on the PM bounty.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    Honestly, can’t say.
    I guess you could try unlimited keep.
    But I don’t think it’s going to work.
    Poisoning the lake is all I see to deal with it but that ain’t going to happen.
    So, what other option is there.

  8. #7
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    Quote Originally Posted by Harvest the Land View Post
    If they really want to increase trout harvest then why not allow white man to net alongside brown man?
    FFS ! Don’t be Ridiculous ! Whitey Don’t know SHIT about netting Fish ! RJ

  9. #8
    Join Date
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    N. Okanagan

    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    that rainbow derby has handed out some pretty sweet prizes

    funny how times change interests, Koot Lake used to be world renowned for the Rainbow fishery, now they are scum intruding on Kokes
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  10. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Re: Efforts to free Kokanee salmon from 'predator pit' continue

    My family have lived in the Kootenays for 130 of the 150+ years we have lived in BC. I am as "native" as anyone and strongly disagree with ANY netting, fencing or other non-sporting means of catching fish of any species.

    This problem started with the accursed Columbia Treaty dams on the river and can be dealt with by scientific means not by NDP RACIST programs that favour one social group over another.

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