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Thread: racoon fed kid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    racoon fed kid

    I live in westbank.
    is it legal to feed my child racoon .
    he csaid its from today.
    are they in season
    is this ok

    im a deer moose sheep hunter and want ideas and expert opinion
    to clarify my exs feeding it to him. this sounds wrong. opinions?
    Last edited by 71_camaro; 02-19-2020 at 07:56 PM.
    Sheep are not that tough. Grizzlies are. Grizzlies eat what sheep eat, plus they eat sheep

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cedar B.C.

    Re: racoon fed kid

    Google Racoon recipes lots out there. I have eaten coon a number of times and I'm still alive. Not my choice as a delacicey but not bad.
    Foxton's Cuervo Gold "KEELA" Oct. 2004-June 2017. Always in my blind and my heart.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: racoon fed kid

    Post up what you come up with on the “wild game dinners” thread haha

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: racoon fed kid

    "My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife sells all my hunting gear for what I told her I paid for it"

    "Take your boy hunting, and you won't have to hunt for your boy".

    "Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching- even when doing the wrong thing is legal.”

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: racoon fed kid

    nooooo don't eat Rocket

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    North Van

    Re: racoon fed kid

    So did the kid eat the racoon? How was it?
    "Don't believe everything you read on the internet just because you agree with it"
    -Abraham Lincoln

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: racoon fed kid

    Sounds like you have internal problems. And are looking for a fight with your ex... remove the emotion and get envolved if the internal temp hets 350c your safe if your worried get envolved with a positive safe attitude.. i would hazard a guess another man put the coon on the table and you have a emotional disconnect tbat he is there. real advice would be try and find a mutaul respect with him...

    And ps i would vet a racoon taste more shitty than the bobcat my son and i cooked.

    And your ex is your ex dont look for a fight look for a quality of life for your children..

    You might think i am being a dick bit just reading the seen.. i havent been in your spot i have been with the same woman my entire adult saying remove emotion is easyier said then to be in your spot.. you decided to be a dad most important job you will ever do.. focus your energy on being super dad rather than picking fights and your kids will win.. fight and the only real looser will be the shit sandwich you put your kids in period.

    Thanks and kind regards.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: racoon fed kid

    Your ex actually sounds like a fun gal cooking up a trash panda (assuming you're a dude).

    Growing up we never got to eat anything interesting other than moose.
    When in doubt, just pin it.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: racoon fed kid

    Quote Originally Posted by 71_camaro View Post
    I live in westbank.
    is it legal to feed my child racoon .
    he csaid its from today.
    are they in season
    is this ok

    im a deer moose sheep hunter and want ideas and expert opinion
    to clarify my exs feeding it to him. this sounds wrong. opinions?
    Ps i know one man thats been divorced 40 years his kids are long moved out from his ex he does not talk to her but he still drops her 150lbs deboned game a year. And if she cooks coon i am giessing your resl problem is who is eating her beaver.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: racoon fed kid

    You would think Kyle Klassen was back, looking at the date of this thread
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

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