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Thread: Any archery success yet?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Any archery success yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by tadpole View Post
    Guessing you are still out there JT?

    Tough hunting conditions in our usual haunts this year.
    2.5 + feet of snow making access more than problematic combined with rather spooky deer.
    Been at it 5 days straight with no real opportunities yet.
    Regrouping today, back at it again tomorrow...

    Cheers - Nog here, not Tad. Simply using his PC at the moment...
    Hey Nog. We're back. Good hunt for us. Among other harvests, two bowhunters took their first deer. All hits and recoveries were stellar <40 yards. We enjoyed cold weather around -25 for a couple of days, then a warm up with snow. Every day was a new experience/adventure. We worked hard. My Dad at 93 was excited with the wildlife we saw every day.

    I know some situations require different tactics, but our success is in using the treestand. Minimize movement and scent in the area frequented by deer, get up in the tree sit down, stay off the phone and minimize movement and sound. Recipe for good venison in the freezer.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Thumbs up Re: Any archery success yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    Hey Nog. We're back. Good hunt for us. Among other harvests, two bowhunters took their first deer. All hits and recoveries were stellar <40 yards. We enjoyed cold weather around -25 for a couple of days, then a warm up with snow. Every day was a new experience/adventure. We worked hard. My Dad at 93 was excited with the wildlife we saw every day.
    Awesome news! Made me smile and once again collect the drive to carry on tomorrow!

    Cheers, Congrats & Thanks!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Any archery success yet?

    I got a big 4 point last Sunday. Bit of a cheat though as I arrowed it in my own small orchard. Nothing illegal about it, but I try to not take animals on my own property, although that IS one of the reasons to live in the country. I hunted my ass off this season, with literally every day from Oct 20th until Nov 30th seeing me in the woods for at least part of the day. Even if it was just the first and last light hours, I was out there. Had a few beautiful big bucks on my cameras, but almost all during the 2-4 am periods.

    Good luck to those of you out there this weekend…

    I am sure there are a many out there that were in or nearing a “meat crisis” like I was. My freezer is now happy again! I haven’t weighed the big cuts yet, but the two bags on the ends (tallest and shortest) are ground, and there is 48lbs of that alone.

    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Cool Re: Any archery success yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    Hey Nog. We're back. Good hunt for us.
    Sometimes the Stars align.
    Two Persistent Old Men tagged out on what was my last day... Today.

    Was tough conditions with 2 - 2.5 feet of snow, but that falling again today - along with the falling temperatures, worked out.

    Rolling west in the am.


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