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Thread: be carefull with your dogs,

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    be carefull with your dogs,

    My wife called me the other day in tears, (im away from home on technical training for 10wks)
    Our dog Billy was sick, she took him for a walk and was throwing a ball for him at the park and he must have eaten or drank something,
    one minute he was playing and chasing the ball the next when she threw it for him he fell over and couldnt get back up,
    Luckily our friend is a vet assistant and lived a few blocks away so my wife carried the dog and led the kids to our friends house.
    Our friend made billy throw up and he didnt get better so she took him to the vet where they gave him activated charcoal and an iv of fluid as he was very dehydrated as well.
    they let our friend take him home with another iv to give him later and told my wife to keep Billy comfortable and hope for the best.
    I was sitting in my room here worried all night i could barely sleep,
    i called early the next morning and my wife told me Billy was fine and had woken her up as usual and wanted to play.
    Im going to see my family tomorrow and am looking forward to a good play with Billy.

    I just wanted everyone to keep an eye on their dog at the parks, as billy was ok i couldn't spend the money to have the tests processed to see what had poisoned him, he wont eat anything except dog food, cheese and meat, he is terrible at cleaning up after the kids wont even eat peanut butter sandwiches dropped on the floor or even eat the vegetables in a bowl of stew, just lick the gravy off, so i cant see him eating a mushroom or plant,
    the only thing i can think of is antifreeze, so im going to go check the house next to the park, its a elementary school with a daycare facility so if someone is leaving antifreeze out it could be dangerous to kids as well as dogs.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: be carefull with your dogs,

    That happens more than you know. Where are you located so that the rest of us can be more cautious.
    "Know your Land, Know Your Prey" - Mantracker

    "I still don’t know why I fish or why other men fish, except that we like it and it makes us think and feel."Roderick Haig-Brown

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The Land of Gates

    Re: be carefull with your dogs,

    Somone was poisoning dogs around the Elk Lake park in Victoria a while back.

    Did the vet confirm your wife's fears that your dog had eaten something toxic?

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: be carefull with your dogs,

    Im in port alberni and it was near alberni elementary school,
    we didnt have the blood tests sent in as he recovered quickly, but the vet was sure that it was some kind of poison.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: be carefull with your dogs,

    Chocolate will do that too. Glad the pooch is okay though - what a relief!
    Don't wait up.....

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