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Thread: Odd MD hunt this year

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Odd MD hunt this year

    So, my buddy got me out for the weekend in R3. (Did not think I would get out at all this season)

    So, the early snow I think helped push deer down for once, although it should have kept snowing. (Like it used to)
    I saw more tracks on the mountain then probably the best 5 seasons combined.
    So looked extremely promising!

    But, there sure was a lack of rubs.
    I did encounter a lot of Doe MD in a single day (especially the first day obviously, it drops off each day after because of me pushing them around, most likely to drop off where they can evade and stay more hidden from me, normal).

    What was “Odd”, (maybe only for me or the area I was in?).
    Most of the Doe’s were single when I crossed paths with them, Probably 80% of the time.
    My experience ( goes back 45 years now up there), is that 80% of the time when I encounter the females, they are either and adult and yearling, or groups of adults and yearlings, from 2 to 5 together (minus any bucks).
    I don’t run into single Doe all that much at this time of year.
    But this was the case for me.

    Also, I noticed many of the Doe, appeared to be young, not fully mature and on their own already.
    Not sure if there is concern there or not.
    But I don’t ever encounter that, especially not there.

    The lack of spikes and 2pt was also odd this time.
    And I encountered a lot of areas in that mountain were Doe’s were in heat from the urine.
    There were quite a few Doe scattered all over that mountain in heat all at the same time it appears.

    So yes, the lack of bucks, both in tracks, rubs and physically be present was not what I was expecting with all that sign and the amount of females present.

    But my big concern, or confusion is why so many females were found by themselves, and why so many seemed almost too young to be on their own?
    I am sure they are fine, but just not what I typically encounter up there.

    Is that normal for others to see where they hunt?

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    squirrel river

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    its not good out there just came back from a 2 week hunt 13 small bucks worst ive seen it hiked 125 hours

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    been seeing a lot of dinkers feeding alone. One little guy had a harem of 3 girls. That was a week ago.

    Last weekend it really started to pick up. Should be ideal December 1st lol .

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    I only got 3 days in.
    Usually get 7 days plus a couple of weekend hunts, so I am not so concerned about the lack of bucks, they could have been busy elsewhere for a few days.
    But, like I said, quite a few does in heat, and the # of does seemed about normal.
    Just odd how they weren’t grouped together, quite often single, BUT, what was most unusual was how young many seemed and alone?
    Maybe normal, but not what I am accustomed to seeing?

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    It was a weird year, with the huge early dump of snow followed by 4 cold days the bucks were down and moving around like crazy from the 6th-8th, then once it warmed up and the pressure ramped up and snow packed down they went straight back up while the does stayed down low. Those first 4 days were some of the most epic hunting days I’ve had with multiple legal buck sightings per day, then it slowed right down once it warmed up

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    I moved end of last year so I'm new to this area and don't have near as much field time here but so far it seems that fawn recruitment here is not great (though not terrible) which could be attributed to predation and a harder, longer winter (someone correct me if I'm wrong)... but, one thing I have found this season is a tonne of rubs, but I wasn't getting much buck sightings last month, which I would think was more due to the hot dry weather.. but the sheer volume of buck rubs + sightings this month, and with a higher volume of bucks on T-cam, tell me buck:doe ratios are looking good, so hunting does not seem to be impacting them negatively where I've been..

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    Another hunting partner who just got back, hunting north of me said he saw quite a few small bucks, but very few does.
    Typically I see several spikers and 2pts mixed in or near the Does.
    Again, only there a few days.

    But I believe the comment when the snow hit and was cold that action was great although a bit early.
    When MD crank up, and you hit it right, it’s a lot of fun.

    Hoping it was just an odd year.
    Again, just strange to see Does in singles rather pairs or groups like I am accustomed to.
    Seeing some that weren’t really quite full maturity was the concerning part.
    Or better said, puzzling part?
    Just can’t recall ever seeing that, if to that degree.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    Seeing young deer is a good thing it means there has been recruitment. Mostly when you see a few does together they are related. Most common is three ,a doe and two fawns. Young doe she don't have fawns been hanging with mom year and half.
    Often I have seen a single young deer alone it is because mom is getting some in a private place out of the way.
    Reality is the Mule deer herd took a kicking for several years with predation and winters and a few other factors but sign of predation is way down for a couple or more years now . Deer numbers really were down. Anyway I have been seeing plenty of young bucks since the general closure but no 4 points. The 4 points get alot of pressure from the Nov crowd. What I was seeing in the past was mature doe in late October with no fawns or only a single. Even 3 mature does in group no fawns by spring .
    It is well to try and journey ones road and to fight with the air.Man must die! At worst he can die a little sooner." (H Ryder Haggard)

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    After a big crash it is a 20 year turn around to get back to where it was..
    It is well to try and journey ones road and to fight with the air.Man must die! At worst he can die a little sooner." (H Ryder Haggard)

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Odd MD hunt this year

    Okay, I agree Horshur, the group of Doe usually were related as you say, or 2 families together.
    First time I can say the bucks were busy elsewhere, that hill is loaded with rubs usually.
    Tracks in the snow, and there was lots. Just didn’t have many buck sign.
    Again they could have been busy on the next hill or in some crazy side slope I don’t hit.
    That’s why I like going for a week straight, you just need a few days for bucks to jump back into the zone I hunt.

    I know last season a local who has hunted as long as I have up there was concerned by all the young bucks being taken in any buck season.
    It can be a popular area.

    But yes, 4pt bucks can take a beating for sure in some areas.
    Last couple of seasons I haven’t seen a buck myself or taken by someone that was maybe no older than 3.5.
    But again, it’s a popular area.
    So, not concerned yet on such a short.

    But again, that’s why I am puzzled at all the solo die and many being a bit young, or younger than normally seeing.
    I usually see them in family units.
    And the lack of buck dogn/ activity makes me think mom was not just off on a rendezvous this time.

    If mom was, then it was a bad trip for me as I must have been zigging while buck and did were zagging.
    It was quiet up there.
    The snow, not so much at times but have seen the crunchy conditions way worse also.

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