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Thread: Etiquette

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018


    R8 Rant. Another hunter bungled my chance with a bull elk this morning. He followed me into the last cut on a road and parked at top. I biked down halfway since he decided we were sharing the cut? Waiting for sunrise, bugle with herd bull! Couldnt get him from cows, with bugle or cow calling. Never shot an elk before, very exciting. (Yesterday I bugled a 5x5 into 25 feet (!!!) in same spot!) Too dark still to make out antlers at 500 yds. Wind was not the best, played it safe and stayed put, had a good back and forth going with bull. In hindisight I feel I should have tried to creep up road despite the wind. Elk moved into timber slowly, no pressure I think. They are moving up wind, i start to walk road with aim to follow into timber. Still good back and forth with bull. Then buddy up above, who had called a litle, and was obviously listening to my chat, decides to drive down (road hunting elk?!? Intentional F.U. for beating him to the area??) in his white f150 and I hear the elk take off in the timber crashing away spooked. buddy drives past my bike, then me with 'what -gives?' hands, another 400 yds to end of road, turns around and drives back up. WTF

    I hiked around the area, came in from a different side. They went silent or went some other way. I had a feeling he was a sixer but I guess I'll never know.

    Maybe I'm too quick to blame another, maybe I should have handled the situation better, done better cow calls, idk. Benefit of the doubt he didn't know the road ended, but then who drives up on screaming elk? We're all entitled to hunt what's public, but I always pick a plan B and C in case someone is in 'my' spot, and I never hunt where I know another guy is hunting. Am I out to lunch here, or was this guy discourteous? What rules do you follow, or expect others to follow? Was hoofing it after the elk into the timber a fools errand when they spook?

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Etiquette

    It's a PUBLIC area out there BUT the Guy definitely phucked you over ! jmo RJ

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Peace Country

    Re: Etiquette

    Gut wrenching.

    Had the same thing happen on my first ever dedicated elk trip. My last day , had a bull going nuts finally , had counted 6 but couldn’t get a good shot, bull wasn’t going anywhere though just needed another couple minutes. This hunter comes up from a road below , cow calling. Spooks the bull , then comes right to me. His first words where “I thought it was for sure a hunter and a elk”.... why bother coming up the hill then.

    if your middle aged , white truck , Honda dirt bike in the back , yellow Reid , thanks for that...

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Etiquette

    It’s going to happen.
    I have had to tank a hunt on a bull once just to make sure the other hunter wouldn’t know I was onto a bull.
    It is public, guys are going to show up at the worst time.
    I used to have guys ride horses pat me daily while I sat on a spot all day.
    They knew I would be there.
    But I also got to learn their routine.
    So I adjusted so I would be in the better position to engage a potential bull and knew when I had to be ready for when they would come on by.
    We have driven into a block and suddenly see a truck there and some hunters.
    We back up, and roll out quietly, and leave them.
    Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you.
    Snd hope it sticks and they pay it forward.
    But always expect to not be given the same courtesy.
    Luck of the draw when it comes to others.
    Some great folks, a few not so good.
    Go out there and try again.
    Success rate on elk by most elk hunters is very low.
    Bull might be around or a click or 2 from last location.
    Good luck!

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Etiquette

    What a jerk! Most of us wouldn’t stomp on another hunter but there are enough guys out there who are clueless!
    Your asking in the wrong place. This is the tinfoil hat capital of the internet

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Etiquette

    This is why if your capable/able I go well off of roads/cutblocks (unless cutblock has nooks/crannies, corners that are way away from the road).

    Haven't bumped into any1 in the actual bush all year scouting or hunting, for me just getting away from any human beings is a huge part of Hunting, for me

    That sucks though man, on the way in to one of my spots one evening also hunting Elk some guy in his truck was bugling in the cutblock in truck, I was so happy I was slipping into the area and not near that! I get it if your injured or have issues if you don't though what a way to educate Elk bugling from a truck

    I actually ended up calling my first Bull in that night

    Edit: actually bumped into 1 guy, since may that was it
    Last edited by TheObserver; 10-15-2022 at 06:04 PM.

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