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Thread: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay home

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    All respects to customs and believes of our indigenous native peoples, however I to have claims as well. I am an indigenous Canadian. Conceived and born on this land, lived as my forfathers before me. With the grace of those before us who did the bloody fighting of WWII, we all enjoy the gifts of this lands free of tyranny. AGAIN, bred, born and raised here- I am an indigenous Canadian and this is my land to!! These lands being given from the crown to the Indigenous Natives is as we are clearly seeing being then set aside from Canadian lands by those given the said lands. Now considered a different Nations lands and property, separate from Canada. The lawsuits bear this out, as do the continued arrivals of blockades and access closures. This latest example is not new. That group has been closing that area since the very time the court gave the lands to them with every opportunity taken to close out Canadians from having access. This tactic is now commonplace action by BC indigenous native. Great conflicts are brewing here. Is there not room for all? And can one ever own mother earth?? We will all pass and the rocks and dirt will still be here......... Just my 2cents as a Concerned Indigenous Canadian.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    The Ville, B.C.

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    The worst thing you can do to a person is turn them into a victim.
    When you turn a whole race into victims, you not only minimize them as humans, you also remove any incentive to better themselves and take responsibility for their actions.

    For an example in recent history, look at the Chinese and Japanese in the 20th century. They were treated horribly... (railway construction and internment camps)... but look at them now?

    The difference is, their hardships refined them, the natives hardships have defined them. If you want a better future, you gotta quit hoping for a better past....
    The Chinese figured that out, the natives...not so much.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    Thats what I was thinking !
    Arctic Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by landphil View Post
    Maybe we should all go the the Chilcotin this fall.
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  4. #24
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    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    Quote Originally Posted by msawyer View Post
    I'm asking the tsilhqotin nation to go **** themselves.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    Collectivism is Slavery

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    Jan 13th

  5. #25
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    Jul 2009

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    If memory serves me right the moose population moved South in B.C due to logging vast swaths of forest . Thus resulting in the new growth of browsing material for them .
    Arctic Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    There is no indigenous word for moose this side of the Rockies and if anyone says there is, then it is recently concocted. The first moose recorded in BC was around 1910 in the Nass river area. The next recorded moose shot was in the Meldrum creek east of the Chicotin. Yes, it was shot by a pair of native hunters who had no idea what they were killing aside that it was wild. That was 1917. It can be concluded that moose followed the non-native explorers over the great divide.
    And if J/A has members subsisting on $10G yearly, then maybe J/A is not fairly sharing the funds the band is receiving from the CANADIAN TAXPAYERS of the federal and provincial governments. And let us remember that the CANADIAN TAXPAYERS solely funded the diversion around the rock slide on the Fraser above Lillooet so Joe and his band could catch some fish. That’s native gratitude for you.
    I could go on.
    Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
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  6. #26
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    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc View Post
    Keep it civil guys, it's easy enough to say maybe they should work more or look for a job if they are only making $10,000 per year. Most of us on here are privileged, not by choice but because of the color of our skin. They are trying to survive doing what they've been doing for thousands of years. It's a right for them to hunt the land and a privilege for us remember that. The government can shut down seasons for us to ensure the first nations and the echo system has enough to survive before any of the colonizers get a chance. What if they are right and everyone goes up there anyways and decimates the herd? then it get shut down longer for the privileged until such time the population sustainable again.

    Most of us on here who can afford the gas to get up there to hunt, you're not starving or you'd be using the money for food instead of gambling it on gas so that you "may" get something.

    Yes it is a right to hunt in BC for non - first nations, but not until such time it has been determined that there are enough numbers out there to sustain the first nations needs first as designated in the treaties. We are talking about a whole population of people up there that are constantly in the woods seeing what's going on. Has the biologist gone up in the air to get animal count? How many wolves and bears are in the area? So many factures affecting this.

    If anything more pressure needs to be placed on the government to spend more of our hunting license money on management and studies to ensure we are not putting a population at risk just to raise more money for the government setting up LEH's where they know the population is unsustainable or don't know because they haven't put the money and time into the area to study and get a proper count in.
    It was identified years ago that properly managing huntable wildlife in BC is a guess and ponder exercise. The vast majority of First Immigrant bands refuse to participate meaningfully or at least to the extent that they publicly produce the numbers of animals "they" kill. It's also 2022. This idea that we freeze in time, the ability of a First Immigrants to hunt unfettered should be over. These people are not far from a Safeway or SaveOn Foods. They drive vehicles with subsidized gas. No one is going to starve here. And it shouldn't be made out to be that. I think if we were allowed to compare the number of moose killed by this band to the LEH's authorized, there would be a revolt by resident hunters. But we will never know the numbers killed by Indians. Never give in to this unless there is an unbiased review of the numbers. Government is supposed to be providing that and they issued tags. Look what's happening up in the Peace. Do you want that? First Immigrants don't cooperate with us in wildlife conservation by being open and transparent about what they are doing. Their contribution is to tell us to stop hunting.
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    Collectivism is Slavery

    Support a Woman's right to arm herself.

    Jan 13th

  7. #27
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    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    Quote Originally Posted by 180grainer View Post
    I'm asking the tsilhqotin nation to go **** themselves.

    Did you mean to say phuc? I can say that for you
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    Quote Originally Posted by Arctic Lake View Post
    If memory serves me right the moose population moved South in B.C due to logging vast swaths of forest . Thus resulting in the new growth of browsing material for them .
    Arctic Lake
    From what I've been told and read they moved south slowly after an enormous wildfire burned across BC south to north into the Yukon?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    I think that may also be the case . I’m going to refer back to my books . Maybe another thread on this is in order as I think this current thread is a serious topic !
    Arctic Lake
    Quote Originally Posted by TeeVee View Post
    From what I've been told and read they moved south slowly after an enormous wildfire burned across BC south to north into the Yukon?
    Last edited by Arctic Lake; 09-04-2022 at 10:31 AM.
    Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
    Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: tsilhqotin nation asking hunters with moose tags issued by bc government to stay

    Quote Originally Posted by TeeVee View Post
    From what I've been told and read they moved south slowly after an enormous wildfire burned across BC south to north into the Yukon?
    Most likely this is what moved the moose south.
    They came in pre-logging….after the elk in Tsilhqot’in territory died off.
    There is no Tsilhqot’in word in their language for moose.
    That kind of blows a hole in the traditional, historical, cultural reasoning being put forth.
    We all started eating Chilcotin moose meat at the same time.

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