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Thread: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

  1. #271
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo


  2. #272
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    B.C. turns its back on science with changes to wildlife management

    The government of British Columbia has abandoned science-based wildlife with its decision to curtail hunting in the Peace-Liard region.

    Caribou hunting will be banned and moose hunting severely curtailed over roughly 22 per cent of the province under new regulations released this week.

    What the government press release omits is that B.C. has also negotiated a deal that will see 195 forestry, oil and gas projects proceed in the traditional territory of the Blueberry River First Nation. Another 20 industrial projects in Blueberry territory are still up for negotiation.

    The new regulation is a direct response to last year’s Yahey v British Columbia decision by the B.C. Supreme Court, which ruled that the Treaty 8 rights of the Blueberry First Nation had been infringed by the cumulative impacts of industrial development.

    ​“The government has allowed Treaty 8 territories to be damaged by industrial development, but rather than address that problem, B.C. has opted to imposed hunting regulations that have no basis in science,” said B.C. Wildlife Federation Executive Director Jesse Zeman.

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  3. #273
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    B.C. makes contentious change to moose, caribou hunt in northeast

    B.C. has made sweeping changes to moose and caribou hunts in the Peace Region, a move that has the support of some local First Nations while hunting groups are firmly opposed.

    On Thursday, the province announced it would close all caribou hunts in the northeast region of the province while making broad changes to the moose hunting season, including the closure of the hunt during August for at least one year.

    However, conservationists and members of the hunting community who have been firmly opposed to the changes since they were proposed months ago said the province's decision is a substantial overstep that could put guide outfitters out of business.

    Jesse Zeman, executive director with the B.C. Wildlife Federation, says the regulations are too broad and don't adequately address issues raised in the supreme court ruling about the "cumulative effects" of industrial development.

    "The province has made these changes across the entire region, including places where there are no cumulative effects," said Zeman, noting that the rules will apply to extremely remote hunting locations only accessible by float plane or horse back.

    "Rather than dealing with issues around cumulative effects — oil and gas, logging, Site C — instead, they said we're just going to get resident hunters out of this area," he added.

    Advocacy group the B.C. Backcountry Hunters and Anglers said the changes are misaligned with B.C.'s own current wildlife data, which "show an abundant moose population in the region and a sustainable harvest rate for both moose and caribou."

    "Science is not playing a role in the outcome of wildlife conservation in B.C.," said Zeman. "The province has nuked significant parts of the landscape in the Peace."

    "Hunting regulations are not going to fix these problems," he added.

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  4. #274
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    Politics not science driving moose hunt changes

    B.C.’s hunting and wildlife community says politics, not science, is driving the province’s changes to caribou and moose hunting regulations in the Peace Region.

    The government announced last week it was scrapping open season on moose hunting in the Peace – traditionally from Aug. 15 to Oct. 31 – and implementing limited entry hunting rules that would include full closures in August and early October. Caribou hunts in the region were closed entirely.

    But wildlife stewardship and habitat conservation aren’t the government’s primary consideration, said Jesse Zeman, executive director of the BC Wildlife Federation.

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  5. #275
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    Sure glad we fired Christie eh? What did the goalposts move again?
    It is well to try and journey ones road and to fight with the air.Man must die! At worst he can die a little sooner." (H Ryder Haggard)

  6. #276
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    Quote Originally Posted by horshur View Post
    Sure glad we fired Christie eh? What did the goalposts move again?
    Exactly. She was nothing compared to the prick in there now

  7. #277
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A desk, truck, stand and blind in BC

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    "The regulations create disproportionate impacts among Treaty 8 Nations and for local residents."

    "Doig River First Nation, Halfway River First Nation, Prophet River First Nation and West Moberly First Nations," the statement went on to say, "all have grave concerns about these regulations."

    “The recent amendments to the hunting regulations do not represent what we had hoped to achieve when we entered into these discussions with the Province," said Doig River chief Trevor Makadahay.

    "Right from the start we presented options to the Province for limiting impacts on local hunters. They were all rejected."

    "We would have rather seen the Province implement an LEH (limited entry hunt) that reduced the hunting pressure in the region but gave priority to local residents and guide outfitters," said West Moberly Chief Roland Wilson.

    "We are very unhappy that the Province disregarded our recommendations and made a unilateral decision."

    "The regulatory changes are a unilateral action of the Minister of Forests," added Prophet River chief Valerie Askoty, "that do not reflect the proposals advanced by Treaty 8 First Nations."

    Smoke and mirrors as the FN already know that the government cannot directly give the locals more opportunity, yet they act like they are the one that are pushing for it. Just ask what Chief Roland Wilson got when this came out.....immediately him and his band (West Moberly) dropped the court challenge against Site C. Prophet River was one for the three bands who pushed for this, along with West Moberly and Saulteaux.

    Us locals get 4 days, split into 2 two day seasons in late October and early November.....nothing like shooting a post rutted up bull moose, and we still have to count tines....

    What an utter mess the government has created



    Quote Originally Posted by 358mag View Post
    "In spite of what some members of this site choose to BELIEVE, None of our opinions are any more important than Dog Shit"!

  8. #278
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    Quote Originally Posted by Sitkaspruce View Post

    "The regulations create disproportionate impacts among Treaty 8 Nations and for local residents."

    "Doig River First Nation, Halfway River First Nation, Prophet River First Nation and West Moberly First Nations," the statement went on to say, "all have grave concerns about these regulations."

    “The recent amendments to the hunting regulations do not represent what we had hoped to achieve when we entered into these discussions with the Province," said Doig River chief Trevor Makadahay.

    "Right from the start we presented options to the Province for limiting impacts on local hunters. They were all rejected."

    "We would have rather seen the Province implement an LEH (limited entry hunt) that reduced the hunting pressure in the region but gave priority to local residents and guide outfitters," said West Moberly Chief Roland Wilson.

    "We are very unhappy that the Province disregarded our recommendations and made a unilateral decision."

    "The regulatory changes are a unilateral action of the Minister of Forests," added Prophet River chief Valerie Askoty, "that do not reflect the proposals advanced by Treaty 8 First Nations."

    Smoke and mirrors as the FN already know that the government cannot directly give the locals more opportunity, yet they act like they are the one that are pushing for it. Just ask what Chief Roland Wilson got when this came out.....immediately him and his band (West Moberly) dropped the court challenge against Site C. Prophet River was one for the three bands who pushed for this, along with West Moberly and Saulteaux.

    Us locals get 4 days, split into 2 two day seasons in late October and early November.....nothing like shooting a post rutted up bull moose, and we still have to count tines....

    What an utter mess the government has created


    It’s a train wreck ….. I wonder how it’ll look a year from now when it’s reviewed and decisions are made going forward.

  9. #279
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    possibly going to turn out to be a token jesture while consulting with the Feds to come up with the larger plan for financial compensation over resource extraction and exploitation
    If this one-year deal is just a half measure and hunters really are the bargaining chip going forward , we are fkd
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  10. #280
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    soon to be Yukon

    Re: Peace Region Moose and Northern Cariboo

    Hey can't we identify as treaty 8 natives. everyone is changing genders think we should try that stance . give them a taste of their own medicine. This government has really started a shit storm coming

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