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Thread: Elk..... or, Moose?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Lumby BC

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Although a few photos are a little difficult to call without closer inspection preferably in person. But, definitely not moose. Rubs are way too low. Some rubs are definitely deer and some may be elk. Elk and moose rub much earlier in the fall because they rut much earlier, and deer not until late October/November.

    However, deer, elk and moose will rub the velvet off their antlers usually in August. Sometimes in early September also.

    Track looks like a younger elk. Female is my call. Some trees in photos are Poplar (the nice smooth greenish bark) and some are balsam fir (the blister like bark). A few others are a little difficult to call without closer inspection. Most likely that balsam fir photo was up higher elevation, where balsam fir like to grow.

    Hope that helps..

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Langley & Magna Bay

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Agree with the above post ^^, rubs are too low for a moose so elk and deer are my bet..
    I like drinking beer and whiskey, shooting guns, jetboating, love a nice rack and a tight line, I am simply a sophisticated redneck...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    first couple of trees were alders... definite elk print (more cow like with rounded toes than moose or deer which are more pointy)...looks like a great spot

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Hey thanks for the replies guys! Any information does help, I can not wait to get back up there next week, and to check the cam

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Just remember they may not be there all year long, the key is the right place at the right time...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    Just remember they may not be there all year long, the key is the right place at the right time...
    Yeah these Elk definitely go lower to a wintering grounds I have seen them there in Nov, that is why I am trying to find rubs and rut activity so hopefully they will be there or at that elevation close by come Sept-Oct.

    I will be spending a lot of time scouting until opening, every second weekend for sure and maybe more if i'm able too. Soak up and learn as much as I can and hopefully find where they will be

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
    Yeah these Elk definitely go lower to a wintering grounds I have seen them there in Nov, that is why I am trying to find rubs and rut activity so hopefully they will be there or at that elevation close by come Sept-Oct.

    I will be spending a lot of time scouting until opening, every second weekend for sure and maybe more if i'm able too. Soak up and learn as much as I can and hopefully find where they will be
    I think it's important to understand, for elk, rubs are not always associated with hunting season and the rut. Lots of rubbing occurs by young bulls, who figure out the rut a bit late, IE; November. And Bulls rub in the winter and they definitely rub a lot in the spring as the antlers are coming off. Gotta work hard to get the grunge off the shaggy mane.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Applying Bandaids

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    I would say elk rubs as well, maybe a single bachelor?, herd rubs i have found in my region are completely thrashed no trees untouched in a 20ft or so area.
    Great find and i would say camera time
    i will mention that my spring cams are full of bachelors and underage bulls, come hunting season - crickets
    big animals move a long distance fast, a suggestion for success is ranging this rub with all the other factors Elk need (water/seclusion/food/access to mating areas) somewhere in the middle you will find "the spot"
    Good luck sir, this is a great start
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
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    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    I think it's important to understand, for elk, rubs are not always associated with hunting season and the rut. Lots of rubbing occurs by young bulls, who figure out the rut a bit late, IE; November. And Bulls rub in the winter and they definitely rub a lot in the spring as the antlers are coming off. Gotta work hard to get the grunge off the shaggy mane.
    Okay, I thought there was just the two main times they rubbed, to get rid of the velvet and the rut.

    I may be wrong here but the velvet rubbing is more gentle and tickling like, whereas the rut is when they really impart scent from the forehead gland and beef up the neck muscles and really wreck the trees?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Elk..... or, Moose?

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    Just remember they may not be there all year long, the key is the right place at the right time...
    I have gotten great advice from this site, and especially one good man in particular. I have also bought and read 3 books. One question I have is when they go up as the snow melts and the higher quality feed starts to grow in the spring are they generally at that height in the rut when the season is on?

    I know they will travel lots daily in elevation for food and water and then back up to bedding areas, I was told and read they generally will go down at night and feed etc and go up in the morning to bed higher.

    Also I really appreciate the feedback guys!

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