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Thread: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    24 hour GOS only

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Central Interior of our beautiful british columbia.

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyJack View Post
    Funny LEH~~it's going to be a free for all, the locals are not going to stand for FNs and guided hunters getting their moose while they play a lottery for a tag. Mark my words.
    Well, if folks are gonna do that, they should refrain from posting it on a public forum?!! Just sayin!
    "A good day hunting is mud on your truck or blood on your hands"

    “Some people go to church and think about hunting……………others go hunting and think about God!”

    It's actually called the 375 "ouch and ouch"!!

    "Not asking for any spots or anything like that............................................"

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Cecil Lake, BC

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    Quote Originally Posted by BRvalley View Post
    I know I will have an unpopular opinion for some, but I am a former 7b local, lived in addition to the backroom NDP dealings, I do think the predominant local attitude is partly coming back back to bite everybody....locals hate anybody non local coming to hunt up there, I've seen and heard many many many comments/conversations complaining about allegedly lower moose numbers, which to my understanding of actual biologist data contradicts the estimated numbers

    so now that all residents are getting shafted, locals are crying foul and suddenly claiming numbers are healthy? catch 22, complain long enough, complain hard enough and voila, perhaps you might be part of the problem and providing fuel to the FN/NDP decision making....local opinion is validating what the keepers of the land are saying!!

    from my experiences, the early season GOS any bull clears out easy access road corridors, and that's what everybody complains about, so many many many times I have heard "back in the day you could drive around with a flat of beer and you and two buddies would each have a moose before you ran out of beer"...that is a direct quote from the loudest complainer I worked with, I heard it every august when gos any bull opens LOL...half the mine said the same crap

    but the moose numbers have been the best I've been privileged enough to hunt in BC, patterns change, honey holes shift...but I've never gone hunting without seeing moose, legal points or not is a different question

    with that said, how many CO's per square km range in 7b? good luck catching all the unauthorized harvesting which is about to occur
    Is the moose population as high as the good old days when every outfitter had a 1080-laced bait pile going all winter and glyphosate wasn't sprayed on all the moose food? No

    Is it low enough to warrant what's going on with the season amendments? No.

    I spend a hell of a lot of time in the bush on my trap line all winter when the moose are most conspicuous. From what I can see the numbers are definitely on the upswing again.

    I do agree that there is quite a bit of anti-local sentiment in this area. I've always opposed that sentiment and argued that "hunting trips are a fantastic way to explore this great province". Even though it can get frustrating at times when we are bombarded with hunters up here, I think it's overall a positive thing when everyone is allowed to come try their luck and enjoy time hunting with friends and family. I will say it is going to ramp up the frustration level if it goes to LEH though, as us local people will more often than not have to take a back seat to others coming in to hunt in our back yards. I've talked to lots of friends who are also landowners and the general opinion is that people who currently to give permission to hunt moose will likely not be so generous to non-locals if they are having to deal with long waits to shoot a moose on their own turf. Honestly, I think the idea of going LEH isn't what's angering most people here, it's the arbitrary 50% reduction in harvest that is.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    North of Hope

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    I think the idea of going LEH isn't what's angering most people

    Just wait till they apply for an LEH and most of them don't get a moose tag, for years and years and years.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Cecil Lake, BC

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyJack View Post
    I think the idea of going LEH isn't what's angering most people

    Just wait till they apply for an LEH and most of them don't get a moose tag, for years and years and years.

    Well at least the wait would be cut in half if the LEH was administered properly, not 'harvestable surplus X 0.5'

    I agree it will be upsetting. I live in the bush half an hour northeast of FSJ. Prime moose habitat. I live a very 'live off the land' lifestyle to which hunting and trapping are central. All year there are moose browsing in my yard morning and night but I know that my area is going to be one hell of a longshot to get drawn in. So when I have an empty freezer and someone comes banging on my door and says "Hi, I'm Rick from Victoria, can I shoot the little bull moose in your back yard?" it's going to be tough to be gracious.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    If they are so worried about the moose the biologists should have figured it by now that the rapidly growing grizzly population accounts for a big part of any so called decline. I've hunted the same area for 22 years in 7B and never saw a grizzly until the last 7 years. On last years hunt I saw 7. During that hunt I saw 9 cow moose and only one with a calf. Again a result of government BS laws.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    Just more ministry cluster f**k.
    Nothing has changed.
    And I don’t expect it to do so but only expect it to get worse.
    What of who has changed in government of within the ministry to make anyone
    think it is getting better.

    Gas prices alone have just created a whole new LEH anyways.
    Lots of folks cancelling trips already from whom I talk with

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    We all know that the government isn’t going to make the needed changes. I hate to say this but, nothing is going to get any better, until we start doing what needs to needs to be done. It’s a moral/ethical line that I haven’t crossed yet but it’s getting harder and harder to watch the game populations decline.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Prince George BC

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    Improving habitat costs money

    Reducing Industries effect on wildlife cost money

    Predator reduction programs costs money

    Taking away resident hunters right to hunt, free

    Managing wildlife to zero, again free.

    Which of these will the gov't go with.
    Member of the CCFR, but not a "Violent Extremist"

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Any News if there is going to be a open moose season in &B

    I am no expert on moose but it seams to me that the Tri Palm rule is a very affective way to keep moose populations Stable. Maybe just leave it open for locals the same and make it LEH for the outa region hunters?
    Even if tou go with a group of four and get one moose. You Still had a fun trip and Killed less moose.. Some kind of compromise to maintain sustainability.

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